This covers a huge scope — both in geography and time, and at times it suffers for it. It does give an ambitiously balanced view (as much as top-down history can be) and often counters the narrative European figureheads and leaders used in their accounts. However this book dragged. It was stronger when detailing Europe based battles, but it feels like an 800 page book. Three stars out of professional respect as a historian for not writing pro monarchy and using a variety of primary sources
Gentle, compassionate and patient reminders of what it is to care for yourself and your space without judgement. Audio is phenomenal and built with intention of being mindful of those who are neurodivergent and may not have the capacity to listen attentively throughout.
A quick read, especially in audiobook format (under 3 hours). I went into this book expecting a lighthearted fluffy book, but INHERITANCE gives more of Gossip Girl vibes. Like Gossip Girl, not all of the characters in INHERITANCE are likeable, and the characters often play each other for their own material / social advantage. There are some instances of infidelity, and an accident that is the result of toxic friendship. For a prequel, there isn't a lot of setting development, so at times it feels surface level, but I'm hoping things are more fleshed out in the rest of the series.