tobeeornottobee's reviews
35 reviews

Rebel Rebel by BasicBathsheba

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Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon

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"--and for one moment in time,
two lonely astronauts floating in space
finally find each other." 
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher

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“i looked back down, at a lake full of stars.” 

this was such a genuinely enjoyable and satisfying read. i’m fully convinced no ending will ever satisfy me, as that is almost always my problem with a book, but the line roderick delivers to easton hit me right in the gut. 

read it.
So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens

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the tone of the book and voice of the main character was somewhat reminiscent of a less-enjoyable magnus chase. it was an easy but underwhelming read, one of the few saving graces being matt. i'm not...upset that i read it, even if i didn't enjoy it nearly as much as i had hoped. i'm not sure i'd ever pick it up again or think to recommend it, however. 
Alive at the End of the World by Saeed Jones

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dog-eared: alive at the end of the world, that's not snow, it's ash, if you had an off button, i'd name you "off", alive at the end of the world, alive at the end of the world, date night, alive at the end of the world, everything is dying, nothing is dead, grief #1
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong

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dog-eared: telemachus, immigrant haibun, headfirst, thanksgiving 2006, homewrecker, because it's summer, into the breach, anaphora as coping mechanism, seventh circle of earth, on earth we're briefly gorgeous, prayer for the newly damned, to my father / to my future son, deto(nation), notebook fragments, someday I'll love ocean vuong, devotion 
War of the Foxes by Richard Siken

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dog-eared: birds hover the trampled field, still life with skulls and bacon, landscape with several small fires, war of the foxes, portrait of fryderyk in shifting light, the museum, self-portrait against red wallpaper, glue, turpentine, the worm king's lullaby
Blue Horses by Mary Oliver

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dog-eared: i don't want to be demure or respectable, no matter what, good morning, little crazy love song, to be human is to sing your own song
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske

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it dragged a tad at the end, but otherwise, it had me hooked and hungry.