trauty's reviews
72 reviews

Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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Rating; 3 - 3.25

- Overall continuation of the story
- Writing/Audio Style easy to get through
- Humour at times
- Cam

- Not a fan of Nona, just don't find her interesting to follow. Shes cute thats all and i don't vibe with those characters as the MAIN pov just boring af.
- Nona pov only but you know all the other characters know more interesting stuff and are doing stuff more relevant to the bigger picture. Instead your stuck with Nona in school for half the book
- Going from HTN to NTN felt like whiplash with so much change (6th house is with blood of eden?? We're with humans all of a sudden or who i assume are humans because Nona can't tell you anything) and matched with Nona's personality I just didn't like it.