watermelonprose's reviews
316 reviews

Witch: A Magikal Journey- A Hip Guide to Modern Witchcraft by Fiona Horne

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I think this is a good reference to the "wiccan" world. It easy to understand, answers a lot of questions and is interesting along the way
I Thirst for You by Susan Sizemore

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I actually didn't read the first book in this series before I read this one. So the change of characters was a good thing because it felt like I was reading a book that stood on it's own. I loved the whole concept of the storyline, it seemed orginal, well to me it did. I also loved the kind of childish bickering that occured between the main two character.
I thought this book was well written, entertaining and contained everything the paranormal romance genre could ask for
Billy Connolly by Pamela Stephenson

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Well when I put "read" I mean barely read. I love Billy but this book just didn't do it for me, you learnt new facts about him, but the author (his wife) was a very boring writer.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

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I LOVED this book. The world building was amazing and really dragged me into the story. The main character, Bilbo Baggins was funny and relatable and was the perfect choice! The reading itself was not as difficult as some say and I found it an enjoyable read the whole way through.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice certainly stands the test of time and is an amazing novel which I struggled to put down. I read the book after watching the film adaptation (the one with Kiera Knightely) because I loved the movie so much. Mr. Darcy is the type of man I want to meet; charming, attractive with some mystery to his character. Lizzie is loveable and relatable, even though she is from a completely different time period to you or I. The romance always kept me wondering what was going to happen next and the writing was beautiful yet easy to understand even though the language was a little different to what I am used to.
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

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First off, I must say that this book was so hard to read out loud. Obviously it was written quite a while ago so there is grammar and words used that are just not used anymore in modern books. The story was very different from the adaptations I have seen on the screens and that was a pleasant suprise. I think a child would find this book hard to understand, because there were a lot of sentences I was struggling to piece together. Another thing I noticed is that this book is very rascist, saying things about other races that is just not acceptable anymore. All in all though there is a reason why Treasure Island is a classic and although it's age shows, the magic of the story has not been lost.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

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I had high expectations of "The Lightning Thief", expectations that were most certainly delivered. All the characters were relatable and fun, people who you want to root for. Recommend to any who loves good childrens literature!!