worm_food's reviews
123 reviews

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

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I expected this book to be good but its actual contents weren't what I thought they'd be! It was a very fluid read, easier than what you'd expect from a classic but it definitely trusts its audience - which given the context of the book and its publication is even more impressive. Who this book was intended for when it first was written and printed sticks with you subconsciously throughout the story I think. The themes! The imagery!!! I loved the imagery. Really really good. 
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 3%.
I didn't know it was based on Jane Eyre so I'm gonna read that first and get back to this 
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

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Tore through this in a day, it was a book that i put off reading for months because I wasn't ready for how good it was gonna be. It didn't disappoint! Such good writing and SUCH a good example of having a top tier premise and not failing to live up to it. Very very good wow words fail such an immersive experience, writing this review doesn't feel real.
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

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While I appreciate this book's pop culture impact I cannot stress to you enough how it's just. Bad. It handles everything, from plot twists to emotional situations with the emotional subtlety of a clown car. Everyone has 3 personality traits unless you're a woman or gay in which case that also counts as a personality trait so you only have 2 now. Some parts of the worldbuilding are straight up not explained "there was no reason the government was doing this" and it'  very very obvious it's because the author is completely uninterested in that aspect of the book and wants to write action sequences - which would be FINE if they were well written but alas, they're not. The bad writing ruined immersion so much it was hard to enjoy the contents of the book, which were not fantastic in the first place. Anyway! We live and we learn 
Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong

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What if you could do too much and too little at the same time? What if the mirrors in your bedroom facing each other created a tunnel that you'd have to step through if you wanted to meet your father? Running away to somwhere you can finally run away from, and yet every day was lived and felt and there's a brief amount of time before sunrise when you can look at your hands and see the clay you were made out of dude! A fantastic collection, made me sob a bunch which always makes me feel good about understanding what poetry is about (i don't)
The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor

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Incredibly written in a way that surpasses Real Life by a country fucking mile!!! The prose dude the metaphor the absolutely shameless poetic pomp of it all!! I'm struggling to put the way this book left me feeling into words, so this half baked storygraph review will have to do. For now. 
Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden

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Unsure what to rate this, the line between meditative and violently dissociative was a fun one to tread with this one. Wonderful performance too, listened to a big chunk during a night flight and I think the effect that had was very much how the author meant for the book to be consumed.