zhakoreading's reviews
52 reviews

Electra by Sophocles

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But you who hate, you tell me, hate in word only but in fact live with our father's murderers. 
I’ll tell you: never, not though they brought me your gifts in which you now feel pride, would I yield to them. 
Have your rich table and your abundant life. 
All the food I need is the quiet of my conscience.

Despite being written in Ancient Greece, the story is very much relatable at certain parts, and surprisingly, has very much feminist ideologies (to some level).

Absolutely adored David Grene’s translation- it’s full of very real, raw expressions, and helps to understand Electra’s character better.

P.S now I totally get why Electra’s complex was named after her. Girl was obsessed.
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim

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Did not finish book.
I read just a tiny bit, but quickly realized that this is not my cup of tea.

The whole world building feels fake and very much “exotic”, clearly written for western audiences to read and go “ughh, how interesting”, “now I wanna try tasting this” which feel inauthentic.

It is also very much YA, but almost in a tale-like sense. I did not like that.
I Hate Men by Pauline Harmange

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
You just have to make a few generalisations, say ‘men’ instead of ‘some men’ – even when in plenty of cases it seems perfectly justified to generalise – and congratulations, you’re a misandrist!

Misandry and misogyny cannot be compared, quite simply because the former exists only in reaction to the latter.

The topic grazes very basic ideas of feminism, while still centralizing men instead of women.

It’s a good start on your feminist journey, I would say- a solid introduction, however, living in a russian-speaking country taught me all of this back when I was seventeen.

It was a nice refresher, but I soon realized that I do not need one, so I decided to DNF it. Nothing personal.
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

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…raucous section of town, the one that wakes once the rest of the city sleeps.

He’s awfully handsome when he’s angry.

This book was loads of fun!

I’m not a fan of YA books- especially of this particular subgenre, however, this story managed to entertain me for a good few hours and elicit a good laugh which is far more than I expected from it.

The characters were likable enough- enough for me to chuckle at their banters and care for them at certain points of plot; the world building was very simple, but understandable enough for me not to question the existence of pirates or sirens or anything else the plot introduced, and Alosa’s main goal and plan, and her actions were believable and understandable.

Though, I did hate certain usage of tropes, such as using beauty as a way of seduction (I know she’s a siren, but that was annoying, still), the almost rape scenes and overly “protective” male interest (him telling her what she can or can’t wear was icky), however, I did think that some of the thoughts the main character had were rather progressive, and her interest Rigan was not a typical bad boy, which was also refreshing to see.

The logic of the characters, however, was SEVERELY LACKING. It was almost as if they had ZERO sense of understanding how pirating works! Like what do you mean you’re leaving the ship with an extremely important prisoner without any guarding at night? What do you mean you’re letting the very dangerous and skilled prisoner to have all of her clothes and stuff IN THE CELL?! What do you mean you’re letting her sleep in her cell without ANY GUARDING? 

A lot of ridiculous stuff like that happened, unfortunately.

My least favorite part of the book, however, was the whole siren power thing. It doesn’t add to the plot as much- it seems unnecessary, and makes the book a very sloppy fantasy story, instead of a cool pirating adventure. AND leaves more room for plot holes.

The siren thing also made the plot unnecessarily heavy with the torture scenes of Alosa. The grand escape and all was just tiresome to read. Too much stuff happened in too little time, and it was too stimulating to read about, in a way.

Author’s writing style was dumbing everything down for the readers which was freaking annoying at times, since I was reading NOT a middle grader book. It stopped doing so closer to the end, though.

I do, however, think, that structurally, despite the story being fairly predictable and simple, it’s written well. All Chekhov’s guns actually fire by the end, and leave you more or less satisfied.

It was a fun read, but objectively not a good book.
I still would recommend it to people in a reading slump, or fans of romantasy!
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske

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…but something in Edwin that had loosened itself with the laughter remained loose.

… well-dressed people in sparkling rooms and made pretty speeches about charity was the adult version of the same game, only half of which played to the victim’s face. The other half was the whispers; the casual venom. 

BEAUTIFUL writing- I mean it, especially for a debut novel!

I did, however, dislike the world building- or to be precise, the way it was described.
Why would I care about Gatling’s disappearance, why would I care about the way magic works in this world if there is no easing us into it from author’s point.

I did not enjoy the pacing either- we would cut from entertaining scenes to the most dull and boring, factual heavy scenes with no emotional aspect really quickly.
I would just start getting into what’s going on and the characters- and then boom, we are talking about freaking unbushelling again.

I was also confused as to what Freya was trying to achieve with this book- was she writing a romantasy with detective aspects, or was she trying to make it a more plot heavy book sprinkled with magical romance elements?
I feel like we got 50/50 from both sides which doesn’t work- since we can’t get into the plot, nor the romance, since there isn’t enough emphasis on what’s going on.

The sex scenes, I have to say, were written wonderfully. Passionate, passionate and once again, passionate.
After those spicy scenes I actually started to care about the romance in the book. 

Overall- would recommend to PATIENT readers, or readers who just really want to read an unapologetically gay story about (very tame) magical world.
Medea by Euripides

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Там славы жар вам в жилы влит,
Там нега в воздухе разлита,
Там девять чистых Пиэрид
Златой Гармонией повиты.

О дети! Уж ночь вас одела.
Кровавой стопою отмщенья
Ужасное близится дело:
Повязка в руках заблестела.
Минута – Аидом обвит[22],
И узел волос заблестит…

Ей ложе Аида готово,
И муки снедающим жаром
Охватит несчастную сеть[23],
Гореть она будет, гореть…

Кровавая история мести Медеи мужу за измену.
Будучи незнакома с историей Медеи и Ясона, по началу я болела за героиню и радовалась наличию поистине умной женщины в произведении самого Эврипида, пока дело не дошло до ее коварного плана…

Стоит прочитать, как я считаю, всем- как минимум из-за исторической ценности и интересных выражений тех времен!
The Odyssey by Gareth Hinds

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As a huge fan of Greek mythology: I loved this interpretation of the Odyssey and very much enjoyed the art style, despite it being over-realistic and a bit rough around the edges. 

The story is immersive, and so is the dialogue, and the art style- I personally loved the color palette and the way it divided the countries and the worlds so it was easy to follow!

I would say if you are a huge fan of Greek mythology or the Odyssey in particular- get the graphic novel, it’s a must! 
Палата № 6 by Anton Chekhov, Anton Chekhov

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– Обыкновенный человек ждет хорошего или дурного извне, то есть от коляски и кабинета, а мыслящий – от самого себя.
– Идите проповедуйте эту философию в Греции, где тепло и пахнет померанцем, а здесь она не по климату. 
Горе от ума by Betsy Hulick, Александр Сергеевич Грибоедов, Alexander Griboyedov

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Безумным вы меня прославили всем хором.
Вы правы: из огня тот выйдет невредим,
Кто с вами день пробыть успеет,
Подышит воздухом одним,
И в нём рассудок уцелеет.

Княжна Зизи! Мими!
(Громкие лобызания, потом усаживаются и осматривают одна другую с головы до ног.)

Он камер-юнкер?
Наталья Дмитриевна
Наталья Дмитриевна
О! нет!
(громко, что есть мочи)
Князь, князь! Назад

А знаешь ли, кто мне припас?
Антон Антоныч Загорецкий.
(Загорецкий выставляется вперёд.)
Лгунишка он, картёжник, вор.
(Загорецкий исчезает.)

Супер легкая на подъем комедия, полюбившаяся мне с первых строк.

Определенно вошла в топ моей любимой русской классики!
Цветы для Элджернона by Дэниел Киз, Daniel Keyes

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Почему все твердят мне, что я становлюсь человеком? Я был человеком всегда, даже до того, как меня коснулся нож хирурга.

Противоречивые эмоции. 

Рыдала ли я в конце?- определённо.

Сопереживала ли герою благодаря мастерскому слогу автора?- непременно.

Понравились мне идеи и мысли вложенные автором, пропагандирующие эмпатию и understanding of intellectual disability?- абсолютно да.

При этом, читая книгу глазами человека из 21-го века, определенные выражения и excerpts вырывали меня из истории, мешая проникнуться происходящим полностью.