Lizette Woodworth Reese

6 books

nonfiction history

104 pages

252 pages | first published 1920

The Second St. Nicholas Anthology

Henry Steele Commager with Miriam A. de Forde, Lucretia P. Hale, Cornelia Meigs, M.J. Gallagher, Sophie Miriam Swett, G.B. Fox, Ellis Parker Butler, F.W. Read, John C. Seitz, I.W. Taber, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Charles E. Carryl, E.B. Bensell, J.G. Francis, Geoffrey Household, John Bennett, Louisa May Alcott, Frank R. Stockton, Louise Seymour Hasbrouck, Alice Calhoun Haines, Oliver Herford, Ernest Ingersoll, Richard Harding Davis, W.H. Drake, Rupert Hughes, William A. Mac Kay, William Gerard Chapman, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Reginald Birch, Albert Bigelow Paine, Palmer Cox, Ariadne Gilbert, O.F. Schmidt, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Christina Rossetti, A.S. Stephens, Leo Hartley Grindon, Laura Caxton, Joel Chandler Harris, E.W. Kemble, Frances Hodgson Burnett, John Alden Loring, Arthur Rackham, Foster Rhea Dulles, Sargent Flint, Mark Twain, Elsie Leslie Lyde, Noah Brooks, Harold Hammond, George Varian, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Thomas A. Janvier, Helen Ward Banks, J. Frank Dobie, Nathan Haskell Dole, Frederick B. Oper, Mary Austin, A.R. Wheelan, Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen, Ralph Henry Barbour, Lizbeth Hall, Franklin M. Reck, Douglas Ryan, William B. MacHarg, A.D. Blashfield, Tudor Jenks, Daniel Carter Beard, Merritt P. Allen, Lucy Larkon, Enoch J. Mills, Grace MacGowen Cooke, Culmer Barnes, John Kendrick Bangs, Abbie Farwell Brown, William Cullen Bryant, H. Irving Hancock, Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice, Katharine Pyle, C.H. Claudy, Samuel Scoville Jr., Lizette Woodworth Reese, Alfred Elden, H.S. Canfield, Bret Harte, Virginia Woodward Cloud, C. Relyea, Emily Dickinson, Harry Perry Robinson, Odel Shepard, Walter Arch Frost, Richard S. Powell, M.S. Watson, Charles N. Lurie, M.L. Van Vorst, Albert Payson Terhune, Robert Emmet Ward, Rachel Field, John Townsend Trowbridge, W.A. Rogers

586 pages | first published 1950

187 pages | first published 1926

nonfiction history

60 pages

68 pages
