Milan Kundera

42 books

nonfiction essays challenging reflective slow-paced

176 pages | first published 1986

fiction literary philosophy reflective medium-paced

320 pages | first published 1979

nonfiction essays reflective slow-paced

176 pages | first published 2005

nonfiction essays challenging reflective slow-paced

192 pages | first published 2009

fiction classics contemporary reflective fast-paced

288 pages | first published 1972

fiction philosophy challenging reflective slow-paced

115 pages | first published 2013

Granta 11: Greetings from Prague

Bill Buford with Redmond O'Hanlon (Contributor), Ariel Dorfman (Contributor), Salman Rushdie (Contributor), Don DeLillo (Contributor), Jay McInerney (Contributor), Leonard Michaels (Contributor), Milan Kundera (Contributor), Sławomir Mrożek (Contributor), Ian McEwan (Contributor), Mario Vargas Llosa (Contributor), Martha Gellhorn (Contributor), Raymond Tallis (Contributor), Gabriel García Márquez (Contributor)

essays literary short stories emotional reflective medium-paced

252 pages | first published 1984

Granta 17: While Waiting for a War

Bill Buford with Graham Greene (Contributor), Teresa Toranska (Contributor), Patrick Marnham (Contributor), Milan Kundera (Contributor), Joseph Lelyveld (Contributor), Nadine Gordimer (Contributor), David Goldblatt (Contributor), Hanif Kureishi (Contributor), Heinrich Böll (Contributor), Kazuo Ishiguro (Contributor), Alice Munro (Contributor), Marianne Wiggins (Contributor), Doris Lessing (Contributor), John Updike (Contributor), Amos Oz (Contributor)

art essays literary short stories emotional reflective medium-paced

252 pages | first published 1985

Granta 6: A Literature for Politics

Bill Buford with Claus Sybill (Contributor), Milan Kundera (Contributor), Peter Weiss (Contributor), Andrew Graham-Yooll (Contributor), Boaz Evron (Contributor), Jurek Becker (Contributor), António Lobo Antunes (Contributor), Ariel Dorfman (Contributor), Gregor von Rezzori (Contributor), Trevor Blackwell (Contributor), Daniel Kon (Contributor), Nadine Gordimer (Contributor), Jeremy Seabrook (Contributor), Jochen von Lang (Contributor), Uwe Johnson (Contributor)

essays literary short stories challenging emotional reflective medium-paced

256 pages | first published 1982

fiction contemporary reflective slow-paced

168 pages | first published 1997