Trisha Parker

2 books

nonfiction self help

208 pages

A Little More: Celebrating a Life of Letters

Margaret Scott with David Owen (Contributor), Christopher Koch (Contributor), John Tranter (Contributor), Barry Jones (Contributor), Sybil Smith (Contributor), Stephen Orgel (Contributor), Richard Flanagan (Contributor), Sarah Day (Contributor), Ruth Blair (Contributor), Tim Thorne (Contributor), Phillip Adams (Contributor), Stephen Edgar (Contributor), Bob Ellis (Contributor), Peter Rigozzo (Contributor), Andrew Sant (Contributor), Peter Adams (Contributor), Lyn Tranter (Contributor), John Bryson (Contributor), Pete Hay (Contributor), Helen Gee (Contributor), Mikey Robins (Contributor), Julie McCrossin (Contributor), Trisha Parker (Contributor)

nonfiction essays poetry

missing page info | first published 2005
