Merril D. Smith

10 books

nonfiction history sociology informative medium-paced

242 pages

nonfiction history psychology science informative lighthearted medium-paced

1800 pages

nonfiction food and drink history informative medium-paced

188 pages

nonfiction education sociology challenging informative medium-paced

360 pages

We Will Not Be Silenced: The Lived Experience of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Told Powerfully Through Poetry, Prose, Essay, and Art

R. Suresh Babu, Rachael Ikins, Kathryn Buonantony, Mary Hansen, April Yvette, S.L. Heaton, Nandini Sen Mehra, Julie A. Malsbury, Betty Albright, Lesléa Newman, AmyKCM, Petru J. Viljoen, Marilyn Rea Beyer, Katharine Love, Nicholas Gagnier, Tanya Shukla, Ann Stolinsky, Marcia J. Weber, Suzette Bishop, Kindra M. Austin, Georgia Park, Dawn D., Melissa Fadul, Jessie Michelle, Grace Alexander, Aubrey Dunn, Dena M. Daigle, Jamie Lynn Martin, Beth Couch, Michelle Schaper, Sabrina Escorcio, Christie L. Starkweather, Amanda X. Coleman, Laurie D. Wise, Elizabeth Beaver, Merril D. Smith, Nikita Goel, N.R. Hart, LM, Tiffany Elliott, Carla Schwartz, Eric Syrdal, Sarah Doughty, C. O’Mahony, Deirdre Fagan, Meg Baines, Holly Rene Hunter, Mary Rogers, Carrie Weis, Angie Waters, Ali Grimshaw, Susan Conway, Robin Anna Smith, V.J. Knutson, Michèle Duquet, Jack Neece, Samantha Lucero, F.I. Goldhaber, Melita White, Lola White, Sally Zakariya, Rachel Finch, Lisa Low, Jesica Nodarse, Madame K Poetess, Rachel Westwood, Rachel Kobin, Claire of CK words and thoughts, HLR, Wilda Morris, Amanda J. Forrester, Michelle Bradway, R.S. Williams, Megha Sood, Joey Gould, Linda M. Crate, Ashley Jane, Stephanie Bennett Henry, Rebecca Cairns, Kristiana Reed, Christine E. Ray, Crystal Kinistino, Jane Basil, Irma Do, Raney Simmon, Emily James, Candice Louisa Daquin, Jay Long, Tara Caribou, Rachel Woolf, kkc, Hanlie Robbertse, Cynthia Bryant, Matthew D. Eayre

nonfiction feminism poetry challenging emotional slow-paced

428 pages | first published 2018

nonfiction reference dark informative medium-paced

336 pages | first published 2004

emotional reflective medium-paced

185 pages | first published 2019

14 pages

nonfiction history challenging informative reflective slow-paced

308 pages | first published 2002

nonfiction gender history

182 pages
