
The Demon's Possession by Kiersten Fay

ninnavl's review against another edition

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bookwifereviews's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I had a hard time rating this book. I wanted to give it 5 stars but that would have been just a little bit of a lie. It was so freaking long. The first half was kind of slow and it was really just about a girl learning about how to move on from a horrible life And then theres a little bit of her and her demon falling in love and then in the last 25% of the book we find out who she is. I just think that the there is soo much information pushed into the last quarter. I wish it was sprinkled in throughout instead of all at the end.
I loved the book though. I loved the world and the characters and I am excited to see where the series goes!

kindleandcrochet's review against another edition

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I recieved a free digital copy of the book from the publishers via Netgallg in exhchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed ar eny own and given freely.

I really enjoyed this book. Despite the fact i thought it was going to be another space smut fest... I was an actual story with a plot and character development and everything.

Whilst the writing seemed to lack a certain something, and some spelling/word mistakes ot was fun and engaging and I'd really like to read the jext oje to see where the overall plot goes from here... Obviously its going to be Mariks mate next - iean the whole reason for any of it happening.

Having never experienced anything like any of the characters it made it hard to sympathise with them but i could definitely empathise with them.

However the fact that Analia has been basically completely isolated for a couple of centuries i find it hard to believe she would take so well to being aeound such large groups of people immediately... And there's no self confidence issues - exept for with Sebastian - considering she's been a slave amd isolated... Neither of these make sense for the main character.

The book seemed huge whilst also being really quick... And slow... It's taken me a few days to read it - but honestly I'm glad that there was actually a big picture storyline and a smaller personal one. However there were mindane times that seemed to last for pages and pages and yet the action is generally over in just a couple... Which i find disappointing

I will definitely look out for book 2 in the series in the future

grovi1510's review against another edition

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Can we talk about how the synopsis of this book does the actual story little justice? I kept pushing this book back in my priority list because the synopsis was not grabbing my attention. But I wanted to read something while on vacation that was a similar to The Cat Star Chronicles by Cheryl Brooks and I thought this might be the ticket.

And boy was a surprised! I absolutely loved the story and Anya and Sebastian were exactly the kind of characters I wanted to read! Although not as explicit as the Cat Star Chronicles, this story still packs quite a punch in the romance department. I am super excited to read the rest of the rest of the series! Especially Sonya’s story! She was my fave!

blondeebeth's review against another edition

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ARC received from the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review, thank you.

Sebastian and Analia were really great main characters and they were really nicely fleshed out with their motivations making sense. There were a few clichés but I honestly did not mind them and considering this book was written almost ten years ago, they probably weren't at the time. The side characters were interesting and I would like to continue this series to see how their stories pan out.
The love scenes in this book were fairly steamy and filled with passion. I like how some of the plot threads introduced were wrapped up and some of them were left hanging for the sequels.
The only real negative I had was after the main couple had got together I felt like there was a slight lull in the story before the ending. I look forward to reading more from this author. Thanks.

librariankaryn's review against another edition

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Picked this out on a whim looking for a new scifi/fantasy romance with steamy bits and I was NOT disappointed. In fact, I went ahead and bought the 3 other books in the series before I had even finished this. Love the story, the sexy bits are hot, and the romance is tingly.

jiba's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable read. I am so loving the sci romance and that there is actually a story, not just sex and the sex it does have is appropriate to the story. So I would not class this as erotica but an adult romance with twists and turns and intrigue.... Just my cup of tea.

onebookmore's review against another edition

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The Demon’s Possession is the first book in the Shadow Quest series. This spicy sci-fi romance focuses on the relationship between Analia and Sebastian. Analia, captured when she was a young child, lived in captivity and was abused, used, and tortured. It wasn’t until she escaped onto Sebastian’s ship that she felt free. Unfortunately, her captor is relentless in his pursuit of Analia.

As Sebastian falls for the kind-hearted and trusting stowaway, he realizes he will not rest until Analia is safe. This includes protecting her as well as teaching her to protect herself. I love this! He is more concerned about her ability to protect herself than he is his own alpha-male tendencies.
Underneath his gruff, bad-ass exterior, Sebastian is strong, caring, gentle, and selfless. Analia uses her time on the ship, with Sebastian’s encouragement and guidance, learning how to defend and provide for herself. They both still see the good in others, and they both value friendship and love even as they fear it.

The other characters in the book are also well developed and dynamic. My favorites are Sebastian’s effervescent and sometimes snarky sister and his cook/best friend. Sonya is a tremendous support to her brothers and to Anya, and her selfless yet no-nonsense attitude is a delightfully amusing combination. Other crew members, the antagonists, and even the minor characters have defined and realistic personalities, despite the fact that they are from a variety of different planets.

Let’s talk about my favorite part – the romance! The chemistry between Sebastian and Analia is palpable. Initially, both characters seem reluctant to give themselves wholly to another. Their past experiences have wounded them deeply as Sebastian and his siblings were betrayed by their mother, and Analia is a victim of abuse. What I like is that they help each other heal. Their connection is much deeper than just simple attraction and has the potential to be a great and long-lasting love. Plus, their romance is steamy! It’s a sweet and spicy build-up of explosively sexy and sensual fantastic-ness!

In addition to the likable characters and sexy romance, the plot-line is intriguing. Sebastian is transporting a mysterious package to a ruthless pirate. His entire ship is protected, but no one can leave until the package is delivered. When the ship is under attack, Analia fears she must reveal a secret that could change everything. This aspect of the story, as well as Analia’s search to find the truth about her past is fascinating.

This is an engaging read with interesting characters and a well-paced plot. Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.