
Hearsay by Taylor V. Donovan

clarian's review against another edition

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Dios santo de verdad, como leo tanta mierda? Aunque al final ha habido detallito que me ha sorprendid y gustado. No cai en que la Dani, esposa de Alan de la que llevaban hablando todo ese tiempo era la Dani con la que se encontro Derrick en el parque y que tenia problemas para manterner la custodia de sus hijos y, mucho menos, en que ademas era la queen Danielle Contreras PR manager and lawyer. Badass.
Aun asi, Derrick y Roman personajes problematicos af y, por lo tanto, tambien su relacion. But me ha gustado leer sobre el HVI y espero que Darrick pueda superar sus miedos respecto a todo lo que ello implica. Si se informan, buscan councelling y son reponsables tendran HEA. Pero no pienso leer ninguno los demas libros en la trilogia para averiguarlo thanks.

marlobo's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

I'm very sad for this rating because Taylor V. Donovan is one of my fav and an auto-buy author for me.

Derrick isn't very likeable, he's silly and childish and have an almost egomaniacal vision of the world. Roman is more bearable, but during a significant portion of the story he seemed somewhat timorous to me and without the temperance that would have been expected from a similar character; I admit that he has his reasons, but even so... Neither thoughts not even the conduct of both of them measures up with regard to what you would expect from adult men, seasoned and prestigious lawyers.

Regarding other characters, I don't like Tashana very much, her exaggerated inclination by gossiping and her general showy attitude it ends up being a caricature that I don't find funny. However, I liked the little that I could glimpse about Alan, Sergio, Dani, Noah and Jonathan.

The ups and downs between the MCs until finally they get together are basically due to miscommunication; I'm not saying that the crux of the matter is not important; on the contrary it's a big issue, difficult to broach, but that it take to them close to 70% of the book to lay their cards on the table and talk openly about it was too much. The two court sub-plots look promising but they are just starting.

Now, where were the beta readers? No beta readers? If there was some, unfortunately they didn't do a good job; If there was none it was a big error IMO, good beta readers constitute a very important resource that no author should disdain.

Until chapter fifteen inclusive my rating was 2 stars. But in the last three chapters —particularly chapters 16 & 17— the book improved quite a bit and that added up half a star more to my rating, Overnight Derrick matured, the proactive and decided attitude that one would expect from a character as Roman began to show up, delineating him more neatly, also there was a better rhythm, interesting facts, and excellent quotes.

Do I plan to keep on reading the series? Yes, three reasons:
* I continue having faith in what Taylor can produce, I haven't drawn her from my top five MM Authors neither from my list of auto-buy authors.
* Those last three chapters, they make me think that what comes next will be better
* Curiosity. I know, I know. In the long run the things will work out well, but I want to know how, and if there will be somewhat which satisfy my vengeful feelings against the villains of the story.

P.S. I adore the name of Derrick's sister —Malena—, I have a niece that is so called. :)

Jun 1, 2014
It's here! :D
but with some bugs. I needed seven!! attempts to downloaded it correctly from my library on ARe

May 31, 2014
 photo tamborileo_zpsef7f3a43.gif

Feb 28, 2014

ezichinny's review against another edition

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★★½ maybe ★★★.
I had a very hard time getting into the flow of this story and I can't say I enjoyed it.
I didn't connect with Derrick Swain nor Roman Bradford, both attorneys working at Acosta, Bradford & Chadwick, LLP.

In this story, Derrick and Roman had some lunch dates and really connected with each other. Then boom, Roman cut everything off with Derrick with no explanation. The rumor mill at work went wild with stories of why, but either way Derrick had not direct answer from Roman.

When Derrick's best friend (and former homey lover friend) got accused of child molestation, Derrick asks his firm to take Tyler's case pro bono. When Roman takes lead on the case, he began exhibiting jealousy at Derrick and Tyler's closeness. But it's been a year since Roman cut him off, so why the glares? Derrick confronts Roman as to why he acts like he still wants him but won't explain why he ended things?

During the course of the case, Roman finally decides that he wants Derrick back, but will Derrick give him one once he learns what's going on with Roman?

One of the major issues was that it was clear what was going on with Roman, so I had to give Derrick the side eye. considering Derrick and his friends are constantly watching Roman, how could they not know? I also find the writing a tad boring. It just didn't flow and it wasn't emotional enough for my enjoyment.

the_novel_approach's review

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3.5 Stars

Rumors…gossip…office chatter…HEARSAY. This is the title, and the basis of Taylor V. Donovan’s newest offering. Hearsay, the first of Donovan’s Bylaws Series – which will ultimately be a trilogy – tackles the tough job of introducing all the players, and setting up the story for the rest of the books.

The story revolves around the hustle and bustle of the caseload of Acosta, Bradford, & Chadwick, LLC, and the lives of its employees. We first meet our MCs, senior partner Roman Bradford and senior associate Derrick Swain, in the prologue, while in the beginning stages of possible courtship; and then catch up to them a year later, after things have obviously hit a good-sized bump in the road for the pair.

Things were a bit rocky in the first half of the book – not just for our couple, but with the story itself. There were definitely some things that weren’t working for me early on. The gossip angle – while I know it was put in play to showcase how rumors start and grow, and how it relates to hearsay in a courtroom setting – was just too over the top for me in the beginning. Also, the foundation for Roman and Derrick’s feelings for each other didn’t seem well enough established at first. We were meant to care about these guys, and understand their pining and mooning…but it didn’t happen for me until much later in the book. Finally, I have to say I had a hard time with the idea that Roman would allow what really amounted to a statement made in passing by Derrick in conversation to so deeply affect the next year of both of their lives. I know that guys are not always great at talking and getting their feelings out…but Roman is a mature, intelligent, 44 year-old man. How did it take him a year to simply talk to Derrick and ask a question? One of my favorite scenes in the book actually had to do with this ‘stubbornness’ on Roman’s part. His partners, Alan Chadwick and Sergio Acosta, both give him a ration of shit for not just talking to Derrick, and we really get to see how much they care about each other, and get to know them a little bit.

While things may have been a bit slow to grab me in the first half, the second half definitely turned things around and started gaining momentum. Roman and Derrick had MUCH better chemistry in the latter half of the book, and I really started rooting for them after they finally talk and decide to act on their feelings. Also, the case regarding child molestation charges brought against Derrick and his friend Tyler starts to gain some weight in the story, and we get to see the beginnings of what will hopefully be an intense part of the story for the next book. There is also a fantastic new character introduced toward the end, and we finally get to put to rest most of the items circulating in that pesky rumor mill!

I’ve noticed that the author has taken some heat since the release, both for the character traits of her MCs in this book, and for what some are calling a ‘cliffie’ or ‘abrupt ending’. I disagree on both counts. I think that she did a fine job of wrapping up the story arc of this first part of the trilogy. And, I have no problem with these characters not being the ‘alpha male’ types that are in her extremely popular By Degrees series. Derrick is a starry-eyed, Disney loving dreamer, and unapologetically so. I like that she stepped out and decided to bring us something different here, and I’m looking forward to the next part of Derrick and Roman’s journey.


steiner's review against another edition

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Touch subject but handled reasonably sensitively. My big issue was that I didn't realise this wasn't a self-contained book. It took foreeeeever for the romance to get off the ground