
To Whatever End by Lindsey Frydman

sarahensor123's review

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Quinn has the ability to see people's future when she touches them, she calls it a curse that's been passed down in her family. One day she touches a boy and sees his death and the story takes off from there

I ended up not liking this book. I wish there was more with the powers. I didnt connected with the characters, they seemed juvenile even though they were supposed to be seniors in high school.

I thought the concept was there I just think it needed something more.

-thank you netgalley for an advanced e-arc-

nz_elle's review

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I was totally sucked in by the blurb on this one.  The first time Quinn touches a new person, she sees a vision of the last time she'll see them.  I was intrigued.  As it turned out, sometimes she foresaw the end of a brief encounter with a client, with them just walking out the door, sometimes she foresaw a huge argument.  This time, she foresaw a death.  Specifically, Griffin's death.  In her vision, he dies in her arms, telling her that he loves her.  And this is all seen by her in the first moments they meet.  Wow, that's tough.  Imagine meeting a total stranger and knowing that not only were you and he going to fall in love (or at least, he with you) but also that he was going to die.  And from the appearance of him in your vision, that death wasn't far off.  Freaky.

Unfortunately, I didn't much like Quinn.  She had this whole saviour complex and it turned her into someone that, frankly, I wouldn't have fallen for and I couldn't understand why Griffin did.  In her quest for clues as to who the murderer might be, she was nosy and insensitive, and frequently sent mixed messages.  I am totally bewildered as to why Griffin put up with it.

I found the murderer relatively easy to predict, along with his motives.  I would have liked just a little more suspense.  I did not, however, figure out how there could be a happy ending for Quinn and Griffin.  In the end, I was a little bit disappointed in how the author played that out.  

I did like the backstory into her mother's version of the curse and found that quite interesting.

On the whole, I thought the premise was great, Griffin was nice, and the overall execution of the story was a little lacking.

cala_p's review

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DNF @15%

I had trouble getting into this book. Wasn't a fan of the flow or the writing. Just wasn't for me.

im211's review

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Thank you Entangled teen and the author Lindsey Frydman for the e-arc and review opportunity

Promising start, it was the writing that drew me in first before the story seized my interest.
I liked the overall idea about our MC having powers that tend to disrupt normal way of life and affects her relationship.
I liked Griffen his hot and cold demeanor was refreshing in the sense that he seemed more humane and fleshed out compared to our MC.
Our MCs struggles were portrayed realistically as she was torn between letting things go on as they were or stop it before it even began.

Unfortunately, it fell short.
From the middle of the book a lot of the plot was rushed, when we encounter the unassuming villain and when she suddenly decided to take matter into her own hands. Her motive made sense but what lacked was the background, weve a ton of background info told to us on the Love interest from the beginning of the book but that scraps of details on our MC.

This made it so hard for me to sympathize with the MC, why she decided to come to that decision... Just because someone she knew did It? Although later on in the book we're Again told not shown about her family and why the antagonist was behind her.
All summarised in one page.
Even the reasoning behind how our villain came to be was flimsy and was just stated shortly and forgotten... I believe it's a difficult and a serious situation.
Why mention troubled children so lightly and almost condoning abandonment?
That's the impression I got from the ending.

lyrasilvertonguee46ad's review

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it was fine. really predictable, I thought the main couple was cute but it would have been nice if they got more page time. Just a cute cliché story nothing really all that special about it. I don't really have anything bad to say except maybe that I didn't like the ending but that's just personal preference. Overall a nice quick read 2.5 stars

queens_flame's review

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I’ve landed myself in a huge reading slump this year, but as soon as I began reading this novel I was completely hooked. This hasn’t happened in a while, so this was a sign that I was going to enjoy this book. And I absolutely did!

This novel follows Quinn who is cursed – when she touches people, she envisions the last time she will see that person. You can imagine then, it’s been difficult for her and friendships/relationships. When she meets the handsome and mysterious Griffin one day and accidentally touches him, she sees him dying. As he is telling her he loves her. Quinn is then determined to beat the curse and try to stop this from happening.

The novel was fairly fast paced I’d say, but not in a bad way. The plot keeps you moving and interested. I loved watching the romance between Griffin and Quinn grow – it felt like a more gradual, realistic romance than I see in other YA novels. I was rooting so hard for them. Yes, everything was cheesy, even to their falling out at the end due to their climax, but I ate it up.

Despite this being a paranormal romance, it had a thriller aspect to it as the main character was trying to figure out how to keep Griffin from getting murdered. In a way, it was very predictable, but only because the author dropped a lot of obvious hints. I can’t the predictability of the book was a bad thing, but I saw everything coming.

I do wish Quinn’s curse/ability was explored more, as it was something that ran in her family. I think having more information on that lore would have added a little bit more background to the novel to really sell that paranormal part.

But overall, I really enjoyed this book. It reminded me of what I used to read as a teenager, and I think many others will enjoy it too.

leapearlreads's review

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I'm not crying! Okay, maybe I am...
Wow! What a journey!

I'd like to point out that I'd consider this book a YA Contemporary Romance with some mysterious twists thrown in as the plot is pretty focused on Quinn's relationship with a certain boy she meets. Yes, she does have visions, but I don't think that's enough to push this book into 'Fantasy' territory. Now, that being said, the plot is solid! It does get a tad predictable at times and the ending was what I was rooting for the whole book, BUT I loved the story so much and became so invested in Quinn and her choices, I didn't care about the predictability.

If you love sweet YA romance, Mysteries/Thrillers, or just a crazy rollercoaster ride...I'd definitely recommend checking this one out! It's a fantastic book and I wholly enjoyed it.

Big thanks to Entangled Teen via NetGalley for providing an e-arc for me to read and honestly review!

naylasbooks's review against another edition

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the_sassy_bookworm's review

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3.5 Stars

This is one of those books I enjoyed quite a lot. It is a relatively quick read (@4 hours). It kept me interested and turning the pages. The writing flowed well. The characters were likable (if maybe a little one dimensional). The plot was entertaining (although very predictable <-- I am chalking this up to the fact that there is a tiny cast of characters that made figuring the "mystery" out very easy. The romance was sweet. I am giving it a solid thumbs up as a pleasant way to spend an afternoon..

**ARC Via NetGalley**

bookladysreviews's review

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I received an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!

It's been a while since I've read a YA Fantasy novel, I thought I'd revisit the genre through a book whose synopsis intrigued me from the beginning! The storyline is quite authentic and different from what I usually go for, since the main character, Quinn, can tell how her relationship with every person she touches will end. When she accidentally touches someone and witnesses his death, she decides to figure out what will eventually lead to it! Then, the rest is history. Quinn and Griffin are drawn to each other and discover, after meeting at an art gallery, that they live in the same apartment complex! But things become complicated when Quinn's vision comes back to her and she's afraid that she'll be the cause of Griffin's death, unless she manages to prevent it before it's too late!

Quinn's gift or curse, created the premise for the novel and it would've been nice to see the author exploring it a bit more throughout it. I couldn't really grasp the facts surrounding it, since there weren't that many to explore, but the plot itself was truly enjoyable and easy to read! It had a really nice flow to it and fortunately, it didn't feel forced when it came to how the story progressed and the characters grew through it! It was also quite fast-paced and kept me on the edge, even though it came really close to being predictable some times. The mystery itself overshadowed the romance though, which is neither a good nor a bad thing. I feel like it's another one of those things the author could've invested a bit more on, which is why I insist on the book being shorter than it should've been, based on how much could've been explored through Quinn and Griffin!

I really enjoyed the relationship between the characters though and how they took care of each other! It wasn't difficult to like them, even though they weren't as relatable as they would've been if To Whatever End wasn't a Fantasy novel, for obvious reasons. No magic here, unfortunately! They've both been through a lot, but refuse to allow any difficulties in life to hold them back from living it! There weren't any filler scenes or characters, which can be a good or a bad thing in books that revolve around mysteries and I feel like it was one of those risks the author chose not to take.

There were definitely some things the author could've elaborated on, which is why this is more of a rounded up 4-star rating, neither a 3 nor a 4. Overall, it was a really fun and quick read, perfect for mystery lovers looking for a bit of magic thrown into the mix, as well as a very heartfelt romance and some determined characters!