
At Blade's Edge by Lauren Dane

nelljustice's review against another edition

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I enjoy this series. Sure it’s got some very hot spots, but mostly I enjoy watching Rowan grow. She is not that old (again with the 23 year old chick and 500 year old vampire), but she has the education to back her up. She was raised by the “First” vampire ever. He’s off his rocker, but for some reason Rowan is the one that he chose to call daughter after he killed her parents. It’s weird but it works. Some of my favorite scenes are with Theo and Rowan. He has a hair trigger and is on the precipice of madness, but no other vampires must know or the Vampire nation will collapse.

Rowan is hunting ‘The Blood Front’ – a faction that thinks that humans should be designated ‘cattle’ as they rightfully are and vampires should be the master race. She is also hunting the vampires that threatened her foster father’s, Theo, throne. All that and there are sorcerers, witches and conspiracies galore.

There are so many scenes in this book that I loved, but the trial had to be one of the best. The ones that needed a comeuppance, got it. I will warn you though, the end was a cliffhanger of sorts. It sent Rowan on the hunt again and this time it will be more than personal.

cnapierkowski's review against another edition

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Not my favorite installment but I love Rowan and Clive and will read anything Lauren Dane writes. :)

msmathy's review against another edition

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I'm so conflicted about this book! I laughed! It was romantic! I loved the bad guys getting theirs. But I'm frustrated. Seriously. Yet again, we end in an almost cliffhanger and it is getting old. If you want to know what happens, just wait until the next book! Even more frustrating is that this book seemed way shorter than the other ones. I feel cheated. (update: According to Amazon, this book has 212 pages, which is only one page fewer than the first book and more than books 2 and 3. I'm not sure it that is totally accurate. The book was done at 94% of my ebook, so I stand by this was shorter.)

After all the action in the previous books, this one seemed much more low key. In many ways, it was welcome, but I felt like this was really a filler book and not really anything of substance. There were conversations I had to reread because I got lost and had not idea what they were talking about.

That said, there are parts that are so incredibly delicious between Clive and Rowan! I would reread those just to giggle and sigh over their awesomeness.

rclz's review against another edition

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I feel like knocking a star off because of the cliffy at the end but it was so good even with that I'll let it go at 5. This last one came out in 2015. I sure hope the next one isn't too far out.

Clive and Rowan are so good together and that part when she met his mother was so funny.

Good book but I want more.

tita_noir's review against another edition

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The second book [b:Blade to the Keep|18329397|Blade to the Keep (Goddess With A Blade, #2)|Lauren Dane||25873114] remains my favorite of the series so far, but this one is a great rebound after what I felt was a weaker third book.

In this one, we are in the aftermath of Rowan having killed the evil Vampire Witch Goddess Enyo who left Rowan for dead at the end on the second book. But in hunting down and eradicating Enyo, Rowan has discovered a rot deep in the Hunter Corp, the company that has been like a family to her and that has held her loyalty for years. The corruption has bummed her to the point where she is seriously thinking about leaving the company.

Now she is married to Hot ( but stuffily British) Vampire Clive, is settled in London to meet his parents, and also gearing up to formally solemnify their union with her father as is required by the Vampire Nation. So she is at a bit of a crossroads. She wants to root out the corruption in the Hunter Corp, kill the traitors and make a decision on her future.

This was fun and a little less frenetic than the previous book. I liked Rowan in this one. She is just realizing what it means to be married and is starting to adjust a bit into her new role as wife, while still remaining laser focused on her mission to expose and kill the conspirators in the Corp. But Rowan is still Rowan -- mouthy, snarky and ready to cut someone's throat in a quick minute just cuz she's cranky like that.

Clive, even though he is suave and awesome, is also shown to be trying to fit into his role as Rowan's husband and what that really means on a day-to-day basis now that it is a reality. Being who they are and what they represent is bigger than just a being in love with each other. Their union brings huge political baggage (and rewards) that affect Hunter, Humans and the Vampire Nation. On a shallow note, he reminds me of a supernatural, upperclass British, more reserved version of Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series.

We meet his parents and his mother is .... interesting. I won't say more because part of the enjoyment of the book is discovering his mother.

A new character is introduced who feels like she is going to take up permanent (or long term) residency in the series. I rather liked her.

David and Alice, Rowan and Clive's super-efficient assistants remain their normal bad ass selves.

The book deepens the overall story arc of some shadowy group trying to destabilize the treaty that has kept the peace between Hunters & Vamps that we first get a hint of with The BloodFront group and Enyo earlier. But whoever is involved is even more in the shadows and has raised the stakes for Rowan personally. The book ends on a very shocking , abrupt and rather brutal note.

Very much looking forward to seeing what comes next.

prgchrqltma's review against another edition

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Good middle of the series book. This one is mostly political machinations with some sleuthing and not much in the way of action sequences. Nice relationship development. There is an important plot point at the end which shocked me a little.