
Ends Here, by M. Robinson

books4dayswithrobyn's review

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M Robinson me and you are gonna fall out one of these days.
My kindle and heart can't keep going through this.
Soon i won't even have a heart, just a throbbing hole in my chest were it's literally fell out on to the ground and stomped on.
And more poor kindle.
I don't know how how it bloody survived without being chucked against the wall.
Angst. Angst. Angst.
Funny thing is i don't really like angst because i like my heart exactly where it is. Not in my stomach and not in my throat but in my chest where it's suppose to be.

So it basically picks up straight from book one and your literally free falling.
Spiralling down, down, down till you hit the ground with a good hard smack.

Not that i can say much so i don't give the story away but damn you do know how to keep us on our toes.
I honest to god didn't know what was gonna happen like 80% of this book.
I was cussing, i was tearing up, i was swooning.
Pretty much felt it all, like a big pile of feelings and emotions.

Safe to say though Creed can do no wrong in my eyes. He is everything.
Mia annoyed the hell out of me and i wanted to shake her most of the time.
And Noah. Well he wasn't Creed.

I would like to say i can sleep easier now i know what happens but i don't think my heart has recovered.

I shall wait for your next release on tender hooks.

sbauer16's review

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I had to take a couple of days to process this book before I wrote my review.

I thought the first book was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and a SOB FEST, but Monica outdid herself with this one!! I was on the edge of my seat through most of it. I didn't think it'd be physically possible to cry harder, but I was wrong. Sometimes I wonder if she feeds off of her reader's tears. Lol!

Throughout the whole book my heart played tug-a-war between Creed and Noah. I was on Team Noah in Road to Nowhere, but I fell more in love with both of them in Ends Here. I didn't know who Mia was going to choose. I liked how everything played out in the end though.

It's going to take me awhile to get over this book. I'm definitely in a book funk right now.

lovehollyxx's review

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I’m not really sure on my thoughts on this one. I think there was too much romance with the wrong couple for me. And I felt like the whole thing with Creed’s dad was just so random. Like there were no clues to what he was doing, and anytime it was spoken about, it was never actually mentioned what it was, again, not even a hint of it, like the author herself had no idea what he was supposed to have done until close to the end where it was too late and just thrown in there and over so quick.

Having said that, I did read the whole book in less than a day after finishing book 1 this afternoon because I wanted to see where it was all heading, and hoping that things would go well for Creed and Mia. I loved the epilogue and I’m hoping there’s more MC books out there involving Creed? I’m off to check out M Robinson’s backlist!

bookswithdy's review

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I never really liked Noah, not in book 1 and not in this one either.
Do I think he loved Mia ? Yes I do but his action and words made me feel he loved pissing of Creed more and showing he had Mia instead of creed more.
And what happend after shit hit the fan and Mia's condition he took advantage of the situation and of her and it always came back to being one step above Creed.

Where Creed's actions right, how he treated Mia sometimes ? Hell no, but he was made that way and the demons and guilt that was put on his shoulders I understand his actions more than I did Noah's

I do like the ending and how everything was resolved and how Creed decided to live his life..

angelastl's review

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How can so much emotion be crammed into one book and it’s still not enough. I am so in love.

mamabookwyrm's review

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Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. She did it to me again. She wrecked me, tore me to shreds and made me ugly cry. I knew something big was coming. But I just wasn’t expecting this. Ugh. I’m practically speechless here. My heart broke for Mia, Noah, and Creed. Just broke, shattered into pieces and it seemed like it took forever for M to put it back together again. I stayed up all night just to finish this book and just lay in bed and sobbed afterward. I was a complete mess.

Ends Here picks up right where Road to Nowhere leaves off. It's action packed, fast paced and full of emotional turmoil. This is not an easy read by any means. From the first page to the last, I was stuck on an emotional roller coaster that had me going from the highest highs to the lowest lows and everywhere in between. This is definitely a book to have tissues or a hanky handy. I was captivated and enthralled, kept on the edge of my seat. It was definitely a wild ride. I can’t wait to see where she takes us next.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received for an honest review

M. Robinson, the Queen of Angst, has done it again. She has ripped my heart out and put it back together again, all in the space of one amazing book.

It seems like forever since we read Road To Nowhere - I know it hasn't been that long, but I have been needing to know what happened with Creed, Noah and Mia since the first book ended (you will need to read Road To Nowhere first)

Needless to say, Ms Robinson has not disappointed with the conclusion to their story. And things definitely were not as I was expecting.

"It. Ended. Here. What started with her. Ended with her."

Over and over I called out "oh no no no no no she can't do this to us!". But what else would we expect from M?

She kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering with the turn of each page what was going to happen, who Mia was going to end up with, I know who I wanted her to end up with, but who would you choose?

I don't want to say too much about the story, as it is something you need to completely completely immerse yourself in, and going in (kind of) blind is the best way to do it.

M. Robinson blows me away with each and every story she tells us. She takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, making you feel like you want to get off the ride, but needing to know how the ride ends at the same time.

Now I can't wait for the ride to start all over again with El Santo.

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bookaddict_fanatic's review

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Holy hell!!!!! Wow.... this book was absolutely worth every roller-coaster ride of emotions that I went through reading this book! You will without a doubt need tissues, alcohol, chocolate or whatever will help get you through the emotional turmoil you will definitely have with each word you read, page you turn or chapter you compete. Monica is not called "The Queen of Angst" for nothing, she gives us one of the most amazing reads of 2017! You definitely need to read this book only after Road to Nowhere!

giovanna20's review

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kadijah_reviews's review

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I just received this ARC this morning and just finished it it was a really good book