
Unwrapping Her Perfect Match by Kat Latham

mrsbsbooks's review

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**My thanks to the author and Hidden Gems for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This was a cute novella where both characters are on the tall side and both a little conscious of the fact that height wise they are perfect for each other.

Gwen has been hurt in the past and it is now easy for her to be hurt with men, so generally she avoids them.

John is a rugby player and likes Gwen the moment that he sees her and manages to change her mind as to whom to bid on at the charity auction they are at. John is a little bumbling with his words and tries to say what he thinks, but sometimes it comes out wrong, especially with Gwen who is already man sensitive.

Gwen and John have big hearts and after having to look after John both find more things with each other that they like and grow close very fast in.

I really liked this novella and was pleased with the happy ending we get.

javalenciaph's review

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Check out my full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Unwrapping Her Perfect Match is a holiday novella and the fourth release in the Kat Latham-authored London Legends series. Fans of the sports romance series will be familiar with John "Little John" Sheldon while Gwen Chambers was introduced in the second novel, Keeping It Close, as Tess Chambers's sister. With this being a novella, it is a shorter and quicker read, so things are paced faster than usual, which can sometimes lead to insta-love, something that was avoided here, though feelings do develop soon after.

Meeting that special someone at an auction isn't anything new in the romance genre but what happens after the auction is what makes Gwen and John's story unique. They say timing is everything and it seems as if everything that John could ever want comes at the same time...except there's a complication that often means something's got to give. Unwrapping Her Perfect Match is a story about possibilities and that it's just a matter of taking that necessary step to pursuing them. I'm giving this novella four stars. ♥

calliek_reads5's review

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I like Kat Latham's books, so I figured this one would be better than it was. Maybe because it's a novella, or maybe because it's so predictable in some ways.

Gwen is tall. Like REALLY tall. And that is the theme of the book. She bids on John in a charity auction simply because he's taller.

There's a concussion, a child, a language barrier, and, at some point, the ultimatum ending.

I don't feel like the characters were developed, and it felt rushed.

2.75 stars rounded up to 3.

radioactivechick's review

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What a cute, sweet and short read. Loved it

almacd's review

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It was really light and enjoyable book. It wasn't THAT realistic. But overall I think it was a fun and sweet story and I really like them as a couple

amanda_siegrist's review

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Sweet story:)

A short, sweet story. I especially love John and how he was such a tough guy playing his sport, but a big softie inside. He tried so hard to do things right, messing up unintentionally. Gwen had some serious insecurities, but she tried really hard not to let it hold her back. I loved how they were both tall and matched each other so well. Although, I did have a hard time believing (and picturing) John's height. He was a little too tall in my opinion:)

jigsawgirl's review

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Nice holiday tale

This is a sweet, sexy story that also happens to be a quick read.

I enjoyed the fact that John and Gwen found each other and fit together so well even though, they shared the sense of feeling out of place because of their physical appearance.

I liked how John, Gwen, and his daughter interacted. He was willing to make major changes in his life for his daughter.

I wish the book had been a little longer, and the epilogue had gone more into detail. I can't say much more without having to do a spoiler alert.

Overall, a really sweet, sexy holiday tale.

iiwii87's review

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laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review

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For a novella it was a cute read!

mlcreads's review

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A fun Christmas romance. Gwen is tall, very tall for a woman, and when she meets John he is the first person to every make her feel dainty. Their romance is not smooth sailing. Gwen has to overcome her fears of being used but John is kind and patient, then there is the curveball of his daughter coming to visit for Christmas. They get it right in the end.