
Ties to the Blood Moon by Robin P. Waldrop

abookandalattee's review against another edition

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I could not put it down. Once I hit chapter five I knew I'd be finishing this before I went too sleep.

My review will be up tomorrow on

booklovinmamas's review

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I always love reading books from new authors that I haven't tried out yet.  I came across Robin P. Waldrop at is my fave site to be on right now.  Once I read the description of "Ties of the Blood Moon," I knew I had to see what it was all about.
First off, this is the first book I've read that has its location in Alaska.  Usually, when you read about Vampires, it's in Louisiana or another southern state (except for Twilight of course).  Werewolves are generally in northern Washington, Colorado, etc.  It's time for a book to have most of its action in Alaska.  One state I would love to visit.

lostinagoodread's review

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Originally reviewed on Cozy Up With A Good Read

I was surprisingly impressed by this novel, what with all the vampire novels already out there. I think this is a great YA novel and I can't wait to read more from Robin. The Alaskan setting was what really caught my attention throughout the story because it is so different, I don't think I've actually read something set in Alaska.

The one thing I really loved about this book was the whole mythological aspect of a story being told for years and everyone waiting for their princess to come and save them. It added in a different theme from many of the vampire books that are already out there. I loved the added fact that she is not just a normal teenager either, and that she has a stake in the paranormal activity that is happening around her.

Robin does a great job of blowing your mind with things that just weren't expected throughout the novel (most of these secrets come out in the second half). But I love a novel that just keeps you guessing throughout! I also enjoyed that Genevieve slowly went through changes and nothing magically came to her. I really enjoy the characters progress throughout the novel and that as a reader I get to understand why Gen decides some of the things she does (at times it does not make sense, but most everything is answered in the end).

The only thing that got me with this book was the instant attraction and love that Gen had for William. I find that in a lot of books and just don't find it believable. Luckily it was only a small thing and didn't take away from the rest of the story.

bookbitereviews's review

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I really liked Ties to the Blood Moon. It is pretty similar to other werewolf and vampire novels, but still different to be its own story and not just a "its just like BLANK" novel where you can easily compare it to another. I can compare parts of it to other books, but definitely cannot compare the story as a whole to another book. I really liked how independent Genevieve's character is and that she doesn't wait around for others to catch up, she goes after what she wants. I didn't care for William that much, and i understand why Robin Waldrop made me feel that way. The ending was completely unexpected and i never saw it coming. Sometimes it is good to guess and be right, but it is way better to just be surprised. Overall, very good novel.

rincondejoss's review against another edition

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waoo it was super cool I liked it a lot tha drama , the hunt everything.

tye characters were interesting and the love triangle such a good thing.

and the girl being strilong willed helped me to like it much more :-D

franjessca's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

I always love reading books from new authors that I haven't tried out yet.  I came across Robin P. Waldrop at is my fave site to be on right now.  Once I read the description of "Ties of the Blood Moon," I knew I had to see what it was all about.
First off, this is the first book I've read that has its location in Alaska.  Usually, when you read about Vampires, it's in Louisiana or another southern state (except for Twilight of course).  Werewolves are generally in northern Washington, Colorado, etc.  It's time for a book to have most of its action in Alaska.  One state I would love to visit.

sarakovach's review against another edition

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What an awesome novel! I read this novel as a review request from the author. I am so glad that I got the request. I may or may not have read the novel on my own, but regardless, it was very well worth the read!!!!

Genevieve is forced to move in with her aunt in Alaska because her mother is killed in a devastating fire.She decides to attend public school to help her escape her grief of losing her mother; here she meets a close friend and 2 boys she can't keep her mind off of. The adventure that ensues as Gen fulfills her destiny is both mysterious and thrilling! I have seen some reviews that compared this book to Twilight. They both take place in Alaska, have a hot vampire, a steamy werewolf & a girl that loves them both. That is probably as far as I would make the comparison. Robin Waldrop is a brilliant, creative writer, and she has twisted together a tale that surprised me at every turn - not at all predictable.

The elements of myth & legend that relates to the werewolves and vampires is enthralling - the Adlet princess coming to take the throne in order to save the Adlet clan - bringing peace between the different clans. The writing style is so unique, and very descriptive - providing just the right amount of detail in order to feel like you are present in the story, yet not too detailed to lose the story itself.

Each character has it's own uniquely evocative characteristics that give them an authentic feel. Gen has so many dimensions about her - an innocent young girl who was faced with her mother's death, coming of age - becoming interested in the opposite sex for the first time, and an internal struggle with accepting the destiny handed to her. Both William and Joseph are handsome in their own rights, and have facets to them that make you want Gen to draw to both of them.

I was totally drawn to this book - the attractive cover inviting me in - the title creating that mystery that needs solved. The easy to read writing of the author makes this book a very delightful and quick read. This one is among the top books I have read this year. I have already shared the title with friends and colleagues & hope that others find this review helpful.

bookbriefs's review against another edition

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This is your classic werewolf v. vampire story with a twist. Well actually, with more than a few twists. The story will keep you on your toes, that's for sure. There were some things that I really liked about this story and some things that kind of bugged me. Let's start off with the things that I liked, because I did end up enjoying this book. :)

Gen is a really cool main character. She is strong, and a little impulsive at times, but she has the best intentions in her heart. And of course, there are two guys that like her. I will say right off the bat that I am 100% team Joseph. William is nice and all, but there is just something about him that does not seem genuine. He always has his guard up. Joseph on the other hand, is totally genuine and you can really tell that he cares about Gen. Plus he is a total nice boy next door, and that seems to be my weakness. I am holding out hope that in the next book, Gen wakes up and gets on board the Joseph train. haha. I think they would be such a cute couple.

Luna was hit or miss for me. Half of the time, she seemed like a really great friend, but man does she have a temper. One thing goes wrong and she is at Gen's throat blaming her and saying that she hates her. That would really annoy me if I were in Gen's shoes. It is almost like she is bi-polar; either super loyal, or really mad at you. But overall, I think that she does care for Gen and wants to be there for her.

Ties to the Blood Moon is a good book. The story is interesting and although it is predictable at parts, there are so many twists and turns that at least one of them should take you by surprise. I did think that it was a little rushed in places and sometimes maybe too much was going on. But overall, the writing was good, the story baseline is interesting and I am intrigued to find out where the series is going to go next.