
My Husband's Lies by Liz Lawler

smilesgiggle's review

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A doctor and pilot living their dream life with their young son. Only a slight complication of his best friend's massive crush on the wife; the husband's drunken kiss with her best friend. Just a blip.
Until a air flight attendant, fired the previous year for an alleged stalking, is found murdered. And Mark cannot account for his actions.
Mark's injuries from a hit and run force him into a coma. Kate becomes obsessed with solving the murder to clear Mark.
Olivia moves in to assist with childcare. Robert, in love with Kate, falls over himself to offer his help.
How will Kate discover the truth?
Kate's attitude was so removed - I struggled to understand her utter reliance on a stranger to care for her child and home. Completely distraught by her husband's coma and potential guilt in a murder, Kate became obsessed with the murder.

birchcanread's review

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For fans of:

Fast-paced thrillers
Intricate family mysteries
Riveting suspense that keeps you guessing

"My Husband's Lies" by Liz Lawler is a fast-paced and engaging read that kept me thoroughly entertained. The narrative unfolds with a gripping intensity, compelling me to turn pages without pause. However, despite its gripping nature, certain aspects pulled me out of the story.

The book follows the alarming accusation of murder against the protagonist's husband, Mark. As the tension escalates and the mystery deepens, the narrative explores the chilling uncertainties surrounding Mark's innocence. The central character's acceptance of certain events felt a bit farfetched and strained believability, even within the thriller genre's standards.

The story brilliantly captures the essence of a seemingly perfect family shattered by accusations and hidden truths. Mark, a respected airline pilot and a devoted family man, suddenly finds himself embroiled in a murder investigation, refusing to disclose his whereabouts during the crime. The protagonist's determination to uncover the truth, despite her husband's evasiveness, drives the narrative forward.

While the book is well-written and keeps you engaged, the protagonist's swift acceptance of unsettling actions felt a tad unrealistic. However, this doesn't detract from the story's overall gripping nature and suspenseful plot.

readwithdubs's review

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This booked pulled me in from the start and kept my attention to the end! So many different twists and turns that I did not see coming. Very well written, entertaining, some edge-of-your-seat moments and great characters!

THANK YOU to the author, Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC in return for my honest review!

redfraggle's review

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2.75 rounded up to 3.  This book was fine. However I found pretty much all the characters unlikable.   I found the main character very weak and naive and her husband was not any better honestly. 

judithdcollins's review

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Liz Lawler returns with her latest domestic suspense, MY HUSBAND'S LIES—a marriage is tested when a husband keeps a secret, but why? Who is he protecting, and why? Is someone setting him up for murder? It's a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

Mark is a respected airline pilot— and a perfect husband and father. Kate is a doctor, and they have a young son, Jacob.

A young blonde woman is murdered.

Mark is suspected of murder? Kate cannot believe this. What is Mark hiding? Why won't Mark tell the truth about where he was that night if he is innocent?

Robert steps in to help Kate care for her son with his friend Olivia. Then strange things are happening with Jacob. Can she trust them? What is their agenda?

Then Mark is attacked, and now Kate is sitting by his hospital bed. Was it an accident, or is someone trying to frame him for murder and now trying to kill him? Is he a murderer?

From lies and deception, MY HUSBAND'S LIES had a great setup; however, I felt it was too drawn out and repetitive, with Kate going over and over about why and trying to figure out what was happening.

I appreciated the author's inspiration for the story, and the narrator, Gabrielle Nellis-Pain, did a great job; however, the story lacked something and fell a little flat for me. It was alright; however, I was impatient with the story and how it was drawn out. Kate's character was highly irritating.

Thanks to Bookouture Audio for an advanced listening review copy.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Nov 20, 2023
My Rating: 3 Stars

emily_loves_2_read's review against another edition

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My Husband’s Lies
Author: Liz Lawler

I requested an audio advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Bookouture Audio and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: The police are coming, they’re going to arrest me.’ My blood runs cold at his words. My husband is accused of murder. He swears he is innocent – so why won’t he tell me where he really was that night?

I feel so lucky to have my handsome husband Mark and our blue-eyed little boy. Everyone says we’re the perfect family. I used to believe them.

But everything changes when Mark comes home from a work trip with dark circles under his eyes. That night I jump at a hammering at the door. The police want to question him about the murder of a beautiful, blonde young woman. Mark swears he had nothing to do with it, that she was a colleague, nothing more.

Mark is a respected airline pilot, and the model husband and father. It seems impossible that he would be involved in something like this. But he won’t say a word about where he really was. I believe that he’s not a killer – but I know he’s hiding something. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Then my husband is attacked. I sit by his hospital bed praying for him to wake up, tears streaming down my face. The police say it’s an accident. But what if someone has done this to him?

I go rigid with fear when I see someone hidden in the garden, watching the house. Are they coming to hurt us too? I’ll do anything to protect my precious little boy – and I have to start by uncovering my husband’s lies...

My Thoughts: This was a compelling, gripping domestic thriller. When a book opens with a bang, you know it will take you along a compelling ride. Kate knows that her husband is not a murderer, although he is being accused of one. Kate does believe that her husband is hiding something but before she can find out what that something is, he is attacked by an unknown person. His best friend, Robert, comes to help her, along with his friend Olivia. While her husband recovers in the hospital, she is against a race to unravel his secrets and find out who actually murdered the young woman in Barcelona. Featuring pilots, a doctor, a murder, secrets, and lies.

This story is narrated solely by Kate, in her perspective. There are some chapters narrated by Robert. Kate was naive, too naive, as a doctor, you would think she would have a level of intelligence but all of that goes out of the window when Olivia (a stranger to her) offers to help her with Jacob (their son) so she is not so overwhelmed. Robert, Mark’s best friend and co-pilot, helps initially but then falls off the map for a bit. While I did not agree with some of Kate’s decisions, I understood them. The characters were well developed with depth, mysterious, creative, and intriguing. The author’s writing style was complex, suspenseful, twisty, and kept me invested from the first word to the last word. The prologue opens up with a bang, then the characters are built up, the plot is delivered in twisty layers, and subplots, and then the ending ties up things nicely. Some of the plot is reaching belief, but that is what makes a good fiction book.

The narrator (Gabrielle Nellis-Pain) was fantastic. Her pitch and speed were spot on. She had great voice variation and brought the characters from the page to my mind and elevated the storyline. The way Gabrielle delivered emotion, especially frantic or desperate scenes was superb, you could really feel that emotion come across. I couldn’t wait until my next listen each time until I finished the audiobook. It was compelling, dark, gripping, secretive, domestic thriller that will keep on your feet. The only con is I would have liked Kate to make some different decisions, to take charge of the circumstance of her life, but that did not alter my enjoyment of the story. I highly recommend picking up today!

juliesinstaricelife's review

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Kate is a doctor, she is married to Mark, a pilot, and they have 5 year old son. Mark was in Barcelona and someone is murdered. He gets accused of this murder. The victim is a former coworker and was fired for stalking his best friend Robert, also a pilot, a year prior. Olivia is a flight attendant who Kate has never met but when Mark is hit by a car and in a coma, she moves into Kate's house to help with her son. (Robert introduced them, and we trust Robert, so I guess we trust Olivia?) Then Kate, who is supposed to be smart, decided to go to Barcelona and try to find her own evidence that Mark is innocent, leaving her kid with someone she knows nothing about. Oh right, Mark won't tell Kate anything about what happened that night. That's not sketchy at all. When she gets back, Mark wakes up and refuses to let her in the hospital to see him. Olivia meanwhile has made herself right at home, rearranging furniture, wearing Kate's clothes, buying things for the house and child and dog. It's just, super realistic and normal that Kate thinks this is all great and she goes back to work and continues to let Olivia watch her child while Mark waits to get arrested. I can't tell you anything else without giving away major plot points, but this was twisty and complex and relatively entertaining, if you can get past your desire to shake Kate repeatedly. I really didn't see the ending coming, and I do enjoy it when that happens in a thriller.

Give it a listen! I dare you.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

lagadema's review

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this UK-based story of tangled webs of lies, filled with lots of twists and turns that kept me interested in reading until the end. This is the first time that I am reading a book by this author and it won't be my last. I would like to thank the author, Netgalley, and Bookouture for this eARC.

hknust's review

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Thanks to NetGalley for the arc!
This story ended up being good, it started slow for me and took a little while to get my attention. I had some trouble keeping the multiple characters straight for awhile, but ended up getting it. Towards the end the pace was great as little bits and pieces were given. Overall, I did enjoy this book.

dana_loves_books's review

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My Husband’s Lies
By Liz Lawler
Narrated by Gabrielle Nellie-Pain

Book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5
Narration ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.5/5

This was an incredible psychological thriller. There is something about a thriller when it’s on audio book. I literally had to pause it a few times to try and piece the pieces together. Which I wasn’t able to do. Mark an airplane pilot and suspected of killing a young woman. Kate his wife is dumbfounded and tries to put the pieces together to clear her husband. Things start to spiral once Mark is questioned by the police, the plot definitely thickens from this point on. There was blow after blow, it’s not until the very end you get the whole picture.

The narrator was amazing, she had a wonderful British accent. She read flawlessly. I loved the way you could hear the tense moments in her voice. The narrator Gabrielle was quite perfect for this book.

I highly recommend this book if you are into psychological thrillers.