
Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan

wyvernfriend's review against another edition

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Not as much fun as the dragons (I may have a weakness); but this story of people with talents being kept and experimented on is very interesting.

Kiarra Melini has been in a semi-prison for years and now she's being carried out by a big burly man who is stubborn and wants her to learn how to use her skills.

It's not bad but could have done with some smoothing out and more details about the world.

bluebeereads's review

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Istyria book blog

*I received and ARC copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

3.5 stars

This book was better than I expected. Yeah, the fact that it's about elemental powers has something to do with it and the fact that the main character has the power of my favorite element, fire, has a lot to do with it, but it was just a good book overall.

Yeah, I think this review will be a bit short, but I don't have a lot to say about it, so. And it's not a bad thing! The story was good, the writing was good, the romance was good. It was just a good solid book! And yeah, pretty original too. And I'm happy the author gave me a chance to read it. I loved the world she build in this book and how she handled the paranormal stuff in it. Yeah, elemental powers are a weakness of mine, so it was hard to not like this book. But if it wasn't that good, I would've been honest about it. Not everyone can get it right, but Jessie did.

I liked the characters, they were pretty well-developed and I liked most of them. Kiarra is cool, with the power of fire and all that. Wish I was her. Or rather, wish I had her power. Jaxton was.... yum first of all. He was cool and I loved getting to know him. And I loved Neena too. Again, all of the characters were great. And I can't wait to see what happens next, what their new adventure is.

The book is the start of a new series and I'm pretty excited about it. I want to know what happens next! So yeah, I liked the book and I'm going to read the next books in the series.

jynx66's review

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Posted At: Riverina Romantics
My Rating: 4 out of 5 *
Hotness Rating: 3 out of 5 <3

I'm very interested in the world Jessie Donovan has built in this book. There aren't many books about Fey, or in this case Feiru, to begin with. I'm not sure I completely understand it yet either, and I'm okay with that. I'm hoping all will be explained as the series develops. But for a first book, this world building, history, and issues going on are fresh and intriguing.

I only had one issue with this book, and that was the connection between Jaxton and Kiarra. I adored both characters on their own, but I never felt the connection between them until about halfway through the book. It made it very difficult to get through at times. When I'm reading a romance, I really have to believe the relationship the main characters have. Eventually the depth of their relationship had me believing by the end, but up until that point, I just found it hard to get behind.

Jaxton was a great hero and I loved him. From the moment he rescues Kiarra to the moment he admitted his love for her, I was sold on him. He was a warrior, a trainer, and a lover. He was always at a disadvantage and learned to make that a strength. He healed Kiarra in ways no one else could have, and he helped her become the woman she had always been deep down inside. He protected her with a fierceness that rivals alpha werewolves, and he loved her in a way that chased away her demons. He was the complete package for someone damaged like Kiarra, and in healing her, he allowed her to do the same for him.

Kiarra was an incredibly strong woman to endure what she had since she was a child and became the woman she was, with Jaxton's help. She developed in such a believable way, and her thought process through it all was understandable. She was determined not to let her life in the AMT (Asylum for Magical Threats) rule her on the outside, and she did everything she could to conquer her fears and doubts. She ended up becoming not only a strong woman, but a woman of importance and a woman who finally knew true love. All of these things gave her the courage to do what she knew needed to be done and helped her discover the truth about herself in the process. Her love for Jaxton healed his own scares that he never truly thought existed. Through each other, they became something so much more.

Overall this was a very good story. The world building had me interested and the small developments throughout was good enough to add some kind of inkling as to how future books are going to develop. I just wish it hadn't taken so long for the connection between Jaxton and Kiarra to really kick in. It would have made the book so much better, and probably would have landed it on my favorites shelf.

It'd definitely worth checking out.

***This ARC was given to me by Jessie Donovan in exchange for an honest review.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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I gave it 3.5 stars

Kiarra has spent most of her life locked away in a prison for the Feiru. She has been experimented on, beaten, and now someone is breaking into her cell and she has no clue why someone would want to kidnap her. Jaxton finds the means to rescue his brother from Prison but the condition is that he also needs to rescue a girl that is also in prison there. When he gets her back to his base of operation he is ordered to train her and quickly finds out why she is so important.

I am a big fan of books where the characters have elemental powers. I don't know why but they usually end up being pretty exciting. The fact that Kiarra's powers are a little more special makes her character a bit more exciting. I liked Jaxton right away. He quickly started caring about Kiarra and although he could be a bit brutish at times I understood him.

I enjoyed BLAZE OF SECRETS. It is one of those books that takes you by surprise when it pulls you in but when it's over you don't have a whole lot to say about it. It just is/was. The characters were likable, the world is on the way to being nicely developed and overall the series is off to a good start. Kiarra's sister will be the star of book 2 and I look forward to reading.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

caitie95's review against another edition

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Not as good as the dragon stories by the same author unfortunately. I couldn't help but feel that the characters behaved unrealistically, and the writing was blocky. From what I can gather this is the author's first novel, so perhaps the rest of the series improves, certainly the author's writing in other series improves, but I don't think I was pulled in enough by the overall plotline to continue with it.

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank Jessie Donovan, author of Blaze of Secrets for giving me this wonderful opportunity of reading and reviewing this book.

This book is really well thought and well written, I must admit. At first I liked the detailed introduction that the author gave to the readers of the world that is new to the readers without just dropping them in the middle of nowhere in the story.

I adored Kiarra and loved the passionate and attraction that she and Jaxton (Jax)shared for each other. Their chemistry is awesome and loved the way their relationship progressed through out the story and I'm really glad that the author didn't rush it up.

The mystery that the author introduced here is really remarkable and it made the story interesting and exciting. the suspense spiced up the story and made the readers anxious to know the end and the author didn't disappointed the readers with it's surprising end.

The world building is appreciable and the characters are fully flourished. The new plot and story line really attracts readers and that's a very good thing.

All in all a great read for ya all and would recommend it to ya all, hope that you like it as much as I did. Waiting anxiously for book 2 in this series.

jrbournville's review against another edition

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When scrolling through the Goodreads R4R thread I noticed this title and was immediately interested. Blaze of Secrets is the first book in the Asylums for Magical Threats series by Jessie Donovan. I was lucky enough to be given a copy to review and what I found there really impressed me.

The Feiru, a magical species living in hiding from Human sight, go to such extreme lengths to avoid discovery that they would even lock their children away for life in one of the prisons for magic users. For many years, first-born children have been sent away to prison as they are the ones gifted with ability to work elemental magic.

We meet Kiarra Melini, an inmate at one of these prisons, who overheard her researcher discussing the uses and implications of her blood and the dangerous secrets it holds. She decides that if Feiru are to survive and keep their abilities, she needs to die. Prepared to take her own life with a blade crudely fashioned from a hair brush handle, Kiarra is stopped at the last moment by a surprisingly handsome intruder.

Jaxton Ward, a DEFEND officer, has been sent to infiltrate the prison compound and rescue Kiarra. Neither realise it at the time, but it is the beginning of a drastic change for them both.

Once free of the compound, Jaxton takes Kiarra under his wing, training her to function once again as a person and to join DEFEND – an anti-prison activist group. Training together, Kiarra finds herself attracted to this man in a most unnerving way. Having spent so many years fearing the touch of the researchers and other members of staff inside the prison, Kiarra has to learn to trust and overcome the demons of her past.

The prison retrieval squad hunt for Kiarra forcing her to work with Jaxton to evade capture of both herself and a fellow recent escapee – Jaxton’s brother. Through twists and turns we follow Kiarra and Jax as passions and tempers flare. When the co-leader of DEFEND informs Kiarra of a closely guarded secret, Kiarra refuses to believe the myths to be true; especially as they are about her.

The romance between Kiarra and Jaxton is strong throughout the book without feeling forced at any time, making for an easy and incredibly enjoyable read. The inclusion of the Feiru and their history in relation to real-world events gives this book a distinctive feel; you almost want to believe it to be true. As a species of their own, the Feiru are a wonderfully rounded creation with their own myths and traditions, laws and punishments.

As a romance book I found this to be one of the better ones I have ever read, and as a first novel it excelled far beyond my expectations. The ending to this book answers enough of the reader’s questions to appease them, yet leaves plenty open for the continuation of the series – something I will most certainly be reading.

xx_andrea_xx's review against another edition

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I really loved this book and all of its characters. Xxx

readermonica's review

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For full disclosure I received a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review from Paranormal, Fantasy, Dystopia and Romance Readers, Writers and Reviewers Good Reads Group

This is the debut novel from author Jessie Donovan and book one of her new paranormal series. This isn't a vampire or shifter story, instead Donovan explores the theme of elemental magic. A group of people called the Feiru are born with different forms of elemental magic with varying degrees of strength. Fire, water, wind, or earth elements are able to be manipulated by the gifted Feiru and those in power do not want their abilities to be detected by humans. The first born children of the Feiru have such strong magic that they are rounded up at a young age for the "protection" of society and for their own benefit as well. At least that is what the people who run the Asylum (AMT) want the families to believe. AMT is a compound where horrific experiments and torture is inflicted on innocent members of the Feiru and no one in the general Feiru public seems to know what really takes place there. The female protagonist, Kiarra. is a first born with not only special abilities, but her blood has been found to be valuable in a way that she could never imagine. The lead male protagonist, Jaxton, and his DEFEND team breach the Asylum to extract his brother and Kiarra and save them from the tortures that they are enduring. This book is fast paced and does a good job of building a new paranormal world. There's enough action and dilemmas to keep the story flowing along with the quickly developing attraction between Kiarra and Jaxton. I enjoyed the fact that this was a unique take on the paranormal theme and it is a series that I will follow as Donovan continues to write. The character of Kiarra is pretty well summed up in this line from early in the book: "she was trying her hardest to be the woman she was inside her head". Amen, sister! The book is a bargain right now at Amazon for only 99 cents, but only until November 2nd so hop on over and grab it now before it goes back up to a still very reasonable price of $3.99.

wyvernfriend's review

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Not as much fun as the dragons (I may have a weakness); but this story of people with talents being kept and experimented on is very interesting.

Kiarra Melini has been in a semi-prison for years and now she's being carried out by a big burly man who is stubborn and wants her to learn how to use her skills.

It's not bad but could have done with some smoothing out and more details about the world.