
Matt Archer: Bloodlines by Kendra C. Highley

kaytee_murphy's review

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Another 5-star read, I seriously CANNOT get enough of these books! Can I have some more please??

Full review to come soon.


Let me start off by saying that there is a world beyond mainstream books and authors guys. I was never exposed to indie and self-published authors until I started my blog. A few years ago, I received an invite to participate in a blog tour for [b:Matt Archer Monster Hunter|15773126|Matt Archer Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1)|Kendra C. Highley||21482682], Ms. Highley's debut YA novel about a 15-year-old boy who hunts monsters. To say the least, I was skeptical but I decided to give it a try. Now we're up to Matt Archer: Bloodlines and participating in that tour was one of the best decisions I've made.

It's not often you find a YA book written in the perspectie of a teenage guy. And when you do, if you're female at least, it's not always easy to relate to the voice. But I never had a single problem in this books. Ms. Highley captured the teenage boy persona PERFECTLY@ Matt acts and things exactly how you would expect a teenage boy to act and think! What I love so much about this book and [b:Matt Archer Legends] (MA3) is that he has grown up so much since joining the army, yet he is still a kind about things, like having sex with this girlfriend or dealing with the return of his
Spoiler father

I also like that there is no love triangle, and that the entire book doe3s not revolve around romance! That is rare in the YA universe and extremely refreshing. There were times when I actually forgot Ella existed!

I also love that Ms. Highley really seems to know what she's talking about as far as the military stuff goes. This reads as someone who knows their stuff, now someone who just did some shoddy research. The mix of science and magic is also a good aspect of this story!

All of the characters in this story are amazing! TINK! She reminds me of Siri with her snark! Will is fantastic. Mamie is...well she is freaking awesome! I love Johnson..and maybe it's just me but Johnson seems a little attached to Mamie! I don't remember if he's married, but if not...hmmm? Even Davis has grown on me! :)

As you can tell, I love these books! They are more well written and have a better story line that most big name books! These books should be movies. Without a doubt! I will come up with my preferred case once I figure them out! But seriously, Paramount, Dreamworks, someone PLEASE get on this! Thanks!!

Ms. Highley, you have an amazing talent! Can't wait for MA5!!!!

kinx128's review

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I'm going to begin by saying I LOVE THIS SERIES! It just keeps getting better and better. Kendra, I believe, has developed a story and a character that is so admirable and completely addictive. Matt Archer is quickly turning into my new Harry Potter.

With each book, Matt faces horrors beyond his 17 years. However, he knows he has a duty and he will fulfill it or die. Kendra has written such depth in his character. He faces pain, guilt, and loss with such courage; it breaks your heart. He is an amazing hero!

Bloodlines, as you may guess, deal with family bonds. The last book left us meeting Matt's father for the first time. Matt spends a lot of time dealing with that new relationship. Also, it becomes apparent how important family history is to a knife wielder. Both Will and Matt will need to discover their family roots in order to grow stronger as a wielder. I really enjoyed this aspect of the storyline. Family blood is powerful and needs to be embraced and accepted.

Erik Archer, Matt's father, is still a complete mystery. He has many secrets about who and what he is. He is a total paradox. It will be interesting about the next book resolves his character and his relationship with Matt.

Another wonderful aspect of Kendra's storyline is her handling of Matt and Ella's relationship. It has turned into something that is very close and mature. I love that Kendra's writes in a way that is serious and not gratuitous in any way. I will say some of the guy trash talk is pretty humorous!

And last, Mamie ROCKS!! She has turned into a spectacular character. I won't say anymore; BUT Kendra takes Mamie to a whole new level.

As you can tell, I LOVED this book. It will be very difficult waiting for the final installment which will be released sometime this summer. However, it will give YOU plenty time to catch up with Matt and get ready for his final battle.

vikingwolf's review

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*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

A coven of witches are suspected as being responsible for calling all the deadly monsters that Matt and the team continue to face as they move operations to Australia for the next battle. A new member to the team has an effect on Matt while Will has to face a challenge of his own.

These books continue to be really exciting as we enter the fourth adventure. The eclipses are becoming more dangerous each time with multiple monsters appearing and the battle of Oz is the most deadly yet. The scene also switches back to where it all began in Montana which was nice as well. As for the monsters we had the dingoes, super intelligent bears and the creature I would fear most in the world...big ass spiders! Yes being an arachnophobe, I was hoping these guys would show up at some point so Matt could kill some of the creepy gits!

Ha Ha! I was right! Matt's Dad is the CIA man sent to join this mission! I just knew that he was going to feature at some point-and I liked him. He was cool and deadly just like James Bond! Erik's mixed welcome from his wife and kids, and open hostility from Mike were nicely played out in this book. I also had suspicions about the role that Mamie was going to be playing in this series as I caught a few hints that the author left about her-see where she comments on Matt and Ella's relationship and you'll see the hint. She always seemed able to find out things much easier than Julie which showed intuition but I always wondered if there was a bit more to it. These two additions to the story were very interesting as was the section with the super intelligent bears. It was quite a touching scene actually and I felt as bad as Matt did about what he had to do.

Again the plot switches between Matt the monster killer and Matt with his family struggles and that is what makes these books so enjoyable to read. The author drops you right into this family and everything they have to face so it is impossible not to care about them all. It is the same with the Green Berets. With the danger they face and without them all having a magic knife, you know there will be casualties but you just hope it isn't your favourite that gets hurt. I was very upset at the tragedy in this book. Damn you author!!!

The big thing in this book was the big cliffhanger at the end. It was great! It left you thinking 'what the hell do they do now??? What does this mean for the next book? Do they all go rogue, which would be really amazing? Oh I hope so! I hope we don't have a lot of stuff about them going before committee's to explain themselves!

I cannot wait for the grand finale to this series!

lpcoolgirl's review

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While I wish that we could've gotten what happened right after the ending of Legend, really loved this book, Matt getting to spend some time with his dad, and yeah, just such a freaking amazing book!

*First read January 23rd 2014*
Oh, what a great book!!! Just loved it, and yeah just a fantastic book! I can't wait for the last book!!!