
Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis

robint1981's review against another edition

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Review: Thank you Reading Cove for providing me a copy of this book. This is my honest review of the book. Beyond Reach, the second book in the True Calling series, maintains the high level of energy and suspense that was built in Book One and then “kicks it up several notches” as Ariana returns to Earth with Zane and the war between the Government and the Clementia rebels escalates. The romantic aspect of the series gets even more complicated in Beyond Reach. Ariana is still crazy in love with Cal but without giving away any spoilers, she is given ample reason to wonder if she really knows the man she loves. Zane has a deep love for Ariana and she has feelings for him but since her memories of Earth were erased when she was sent to Novo she does not fully understand her ties to Zane. To complete the love triangle there is someone who is in love with Zane and knows that she has no hope as long as Ariana is back in his life. She makes it her mission to get rid of Ariana to free Zane to love someone else. Ariana has left so much behind when she escapes from Novo but will not rest until everyone she loves is together again. To do so she puts herself and Zane in grave danger.

The author has created a solidly written series that is pure delight to read. In Beyond Reach there are aspects of the plotline that seem to carry on from hints provided in the previous book or are logical steps in the progression of the story but the author weaves in so many unexpected events and twists into the storyline to maintain the suspense and addictiveness of this book from beginning to end.

The characters are well developed and believable. Although I am a fan of Ariana, there were times when the decisions that she made just drove me crazy, but when I thought about it seemed age appropriate for her even though they resulted in putting her and those she loves in harms way.

Beyond Reach lays a solid foundation for Book Three and I am waiting impatiently for the next installment in this series. Rarely do two books by the same author make my “best reads” of the year but I have no doubt that these two books will be high on the list. I can honestly say that this series is just fantastic and I most highly recommend it to those readers who are looking for a really good young adult dystopian series. Additionally, I offer my sincere thanks to the author for creating such a great series that has me completely hooked and has provided many hours of thoroughly enjoyable reading. Bravo!!!

mlboyd20's review against another edition

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If you read my review for True Calling, you know I had some reservations about Cal. It seems that I had good reasons but not for the reasons I had thought. Yep, answers that lead to more questions. That's the great thing about a series, you never really know everything until the series has come to an end.

For the first book, I had issues with Zane's POV. This time around, I really enjoyed it. The whole book showed a change in the authors writing. She was now comfortable with her characters, the ground work had been all laid out and she could give them even more definition. Along with this, she was able to introduce new characters and she did so solidly, giving the reader a stronger story.

This book has so much action to it, that sometimes it was a bit more than what I could keep up with. I couldn't stop reading, but I found myself rereading sentences and paragraphs because I had gotten a bit lost. The author did her best with descriptions, but there were a few things that escaped me.

Zane...the underdog. He really shown in this book. His characterization was beefed up for this book and he really was able to stand his own ground. Still in love with Ariana, he held on to the hope that she would love him back. He did so with strength unlike the weak Zane we were introduced to in the first book.

Speaking of twists, Ariana threw a great one in. Actually, I had wondered from a moment in the first book if it was happening, and through other incidents in this book, before the big reveal. I wasn't totally shocked, but I love the way the author put it out there.

Than there is Isla. You want to hate her, at times you really do. But through the past years, she's been the one at Zane's side, even though he couldn't stop thinking of Ariana. You can understand her inner conflicts, her lashing out, her destructive behavior and everything else that is brought on when Ariana and Zane are reunited.

Another solid read from author Siobhan Davis and another great scifi book for readers of all ages. Enjoyable, action packed, twists galore and the story isn't done yet. A novella is due to come out soon and in about four months, the third book comes out. I can't wait to read them both!

casseyt's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness, did I ever enjoy this book. For me, it read much better than the first book. It's probably because I'm unabashedly team Cal. And there was a clear answer for his sudden aggression - something I really appreciated.

Everything picks up not long after the end of True Calling, with an infuriating moment of doubt creation about Cal. I did mention that I'm team Cal, right? ;) The way in which Ari's gift was developed was interesting, so much so that I can even forgive the "But of course she can do something super special that other special people like her can't do."

It was great to get Zane's point of view. Unfortunately, it still didn't get me to change sides. His moments of whining and self-pity just because such an ugh thing. I wanted to slap him upside the head, often. The reveals about him and Clementine were pretty interesting and unexpected.

The book doesn't shy from some darker elements, but they're items that are part and parcel of a dystopian world.

I can't wait to read the next book, it'll give me some answers...and hopefully more Cal moments ;)

*I was a lucky fish and received this book from the author*

momwithareadingproblem's review against another edition

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I received an eARC of this book from the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

I feel like I lived three lifetimes in the span of this book!!! Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis is a continuation of her series True Calling and is one intense read from start to finish. Ariana is on Earth, having been rescued by Zane and Clementia. She still carries the information her late father entrusted her with and her sixth sense is screaming not to give it up. Cal is still on Novo, having been left there to save herself, the Clementia crew and anyone else that was able to escape (which included her little brother Deacon and his sister Mel). Can Ari save her mom, sister and Cal from Novo, can she uncover what is really going on at Clementia, and when everything turns upside down who will she turn to?

Ari is one of those characters that you love and hate all at the same time. She is brave, strong-willed, and determined but also a bit stubborn, overly dramatic and wholly confused on who she should believe. Presented with evidence that Cal betrayed her on Novo prior to their escape, she doesn't know who to trust and she certainly doesn't trust the Clementia leaders. So she keeps secret the information her father gave her, protecting it with her life, only telling Zane where it really is.

Then there is Zane, who I just feel so incredibly sad for. He did not get to go with Ari and her family to Novo, so he has all his memories intact while Ari didn't even know he existed until she started having dreams of him. She is the love of his life and all he wants is for her to remember, thinking that it will fix everything. He is devoted to her and her family in a way that is both endearing and heartbreaking. He is Ari's constant and because she doesn't remember him, he takes the role of her best friend.

And Cal...I honestly don't know how I feel about him. As I said in my review of book one, Cal is handsome, charming, and seems to really care about Ari, but it is borderline obsession and not just on his part. I feel Ari is more obsessed than in love with him and I have to wonder if it has something to do with the hormones they were given during the Calling. Also with Cal I just don't trust him, something is off and I'm determined to figured it out!

I wonder if it's morally right to allow one boy to comfort me when all my thoughts are consumed with another?

I think that quote sums up everything I have to say about the love triangle that I predicted would start in this book. As I'm indifferent to Cal, I actually don't mind it and I'm obviously rooting for Zane (#TeamZane)! The plot though revolves more around Clementia and the information they wanted from Ari's father. Clementia is the head of the rebellion on Earth and something is shady about them as Ari's sixth sense tells her.

Overall I LOVED Beyond Reach just as much as I did book one of the series and I can't wait for the conclusion in August! Suspense, romance, and lots of action in this book along with more than a few plot twists :D make it one intense, can't-sit-it-down read. If you enjoy science fiction, dystopians, and young adult literature, put this one on your list. You don't want to miss it!

Review in a Gif:

karleighreads's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this series so far and I am very thankful that the author contacted me and offered me the first two and the novella. I can't wait to read the next one and see what happens!

potaytaspages's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 4.5

I would have given this a 5 but I think some parts were too rushed. Some scenes defiantly should have been dragged out more.

There were some emotional moments in this book that didn't really hit me because I think it went by too fast.
Spoiler she just watched her mom die and it was like two sentences
this book wasn't long so I feel it could have totally been dragged out a bit.

Other than that I really loved this book

Spoiler I still don't like him. His brother is even worse tho. And what about his dad? So weird. And what if her dad is the father of her baby? And what if her mom cheater with him and she is actually cal's sister!?? Don don donnnn

Spoiler oh my baby I love him. I don't want him to end up with Issa. I know she's really struggling but you shouldn't be with someone because you feel bad.

Spoiler gaaaaaahhhh I need to knowwww! I can't believe she got her memories back!!! I hope she chooses Zane after this lol

Overall such a great book. I need the next one noooow

urlphantomhive's review against another edition

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Full review to come!

reveriesociety's review

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of a honest review.

I'm afraid I lost interest in this one and had to DNF it. However I read 75% of it and I can say the beginning was th weak part. Nothing really happens until about 50% into the book and by then, the story had lost so much of its initial spark that I realized I had to drop it or I'd just end up with a headache. That said, it may just be that it wasn't my moment and I shouldn't have let so much time pass between reading sessions.

Or... that instead of being badass, Ari is a whinny mess that won't shut up about how her life sucks. (It does.) I was so happy that at least Isla could call on her shit. It wasn't well received, as was expected, but even though over-the-top, it was necessary. Ari needed to get herself together and do stuff.

The highlight of this book would be the underlying plot of the engineered babies issue. That looks promising!

If you thought the first book was like the Hunger Games, then this one is his twin. I'm being serious. It might be enjoyable for the right people. Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely for me. I really do hope it finds its home with someone else, because even though I didn't finish it I see a lot going on with this series in the future.

catiinha's review

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First I would like to thank Siobhan Davis and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book for an honest review.

I have to say to you… I liked True Calling but this one was even better. This book starts where True Calling finished and with Ariana back to earth without her family and without Cal. Throughout the book you can see her development as a character and her struggle about who she should trust and how she feels about Cal and Zane. So yeah, it was great to see her growth in this book. However, there were sometimes that I wanted to scream at her for some bad decisions. If you read my True Calling you might know that I didn’t trust Cal but meanwhile I’ve read the novella Lovestruck and I actually thought that I was wrong and I was happy about that. But then I’ve read this book and I wasn’t totally wrong about not trusting Cal. He did some stupid things but I now understand why he did it. And then there’s Zane. I love his bond with Ariana and how we can see how much he loves her with his actions. Also, after the cliffhanger that this book had I’m really excited to see the story is going take Ariana, Zane and Cal and I’m mostly excited to know what Ariana remembered. I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be a big part of the next book. Another thing is that there is so much happening in this book that there isn’t a boring part in this book because there is always something that happens that changes the direction of the story and I really liked it. My only problem with that was that sometimes it was a little bit rushed but overall I was really happy with this book. There were moments that I couldn’t leave my book because something would happen and I needed to know what was coming next. I’m talking to you Chapter 11 last sentence… I was thinking that this thing could happen but I really thought that I was wrong so that wasn’t expected at all.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I’m really excited to see how it’s going to end. The plot was amazing and the author’s writing was pretty good. I actually think that Siobhan Davis writing improved in this book. If you like this type of books and if you like to be surprised read this book.