
Leave The Night On by Laura Trentham

alwaysreadingreview's review

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This is Book #4 in the Cottonbloom series.  Sutton has been through a lot in such a short period of time.  She not only finds out that her fiancé has been cheating, but with her best friend.  Now Sutton is not sure about anything in her life.  She asks Wyatt to be her fake boyfriend.  I love storylines like this because as a reader the fake boyfriend turns into something real, but each of them don't want to say how they really feel.  Wyatt has always been a player.  Love them and leave them type.  Well, until Sutton.  Something inside him changed when he is with her.  Will Sutton open her heart to a man that would never hurt her like her ex fiancé?

This is the first book I have read by this author and it won't be my last.  I want to go back to read the other books in this series.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!

cservat129's review

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Not really my cup of tea. I couldn’t get into the story and found it to be too cliche. The characters just were not appealing to me. I tried to like this book but just couldn’t get there.

floppybutton's review

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3.5 Give-‘Em-Something-to-Talk-About Stars!!!

My Wyatt & Sutton:

Wyatt is the mechanic extraordinaire. Yes, please. I have a soft spot for dirty mechanics. He works in his family-owned garage with his 3 brothers. He’s known Sutton since they were kids, but they grew up on different sides of the river. Wyatt has had a crush on Sutton since they were kids, but she was from another world, compared to his.

Sutton is….was engaged. Without spoiling anything, her heart is broken early in the book, and Wyatt happens to be right there when it happens. A quick bond is formed between them, and to save face, Sutton volunteers Wyatt to be her fake relationship to get back at her previous fiancé.

To Sutton, Wyatt is dangerous. Her feelings are honeyed and gooey and a little bit scary. I loved the attraction between them. Wyatt is the perfect blend of sexy, good guy with an edge. He is the adventure in life that Sutton needs. It was a slow burn, but worth it in the end.

à la Mode St. » fashion

“I heard you’re good with your…wrench.” Her glace down as instinctive as her retreat had been. She held her breath in the ensuing stillness.

“Out of all the tools available, you didn’t pick screwdriver?” He bobbed in to lay a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You’re so dang cute.”

à la Mode St. » fashion

I love me a good fake relationship story, especially when it starts to become a little less fake. I loved the small-town, southern feel of this book. It was relaxing and these two were so adorable. I had been wanting to read Laura Trentham for a while, and I’m so glad I finally did.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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flowerchildreads's review

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What do you do when you find out your best friend is having an affair with your fiancé? What do you do if you're born an bred to always do 'the right thing', your daddy's a prominent judge, appearances matter? What do you do when you learn this information standing in front of an extremely sexy man your family and friends may find slightly inappropriate? If you're Sutton Mize you create a diversion, a diversion in the form of steamy Whyatt Abbott.
Sutton Mize is standing in an auto restoration shop in front of Whyatt Abbott arranging for her fiancés sports car to be restored as a wedding gift when they find a pair of woman's panties under the car seat that don't belong to Sutton. Immediately she knows they belong to her best friend, a special order from Sutton's high end boutique. Humiliated and betrayed Sutton concocts an affair of her own. Whyatt has harbored a crush on Sutton since they were kids and readily agrees to 'fake date' for a short time to help her save face. Realizing she was anguished more over the loss of a friendship then your fiancé is freeing, and allows Sutton to really break free from her fiancé with no second thoughts. As Sutton moves through anger, grief, manages rumor, innuendo, her own feelings towards Whyatt, we see a young woman who for the first time seems to be considering what she wants, what she needs. It's refreshing to watch. I love that while doing so she also stays true to herself. This makes the story very relatable.
On the surface Sutton appears to choose revenge. As you read you realize there's much more to it, it's not that trite, and Sutton has chosen herself. I love a good romance, a hot and steamy one...even better! However, a story that also manages to empower a woman to walk away from an ugly, self serving relationship has me standing up and cheering! Laura Trentham does a wonderful job balancing these at the same time while sacrificing neither. These were characters I cared about, are multidimensional, we understand their motivations. I wanted to keep reading to learn more, and I'm anxious for more books in this series. I thoroughly enjoyed Leave the Light On and highly recommend. Well done!
I received an advanced reader copy (eGalley) from St Martin's Press through NetGalley. This review reflects my honest and unbiased opinions.

bananatricky's review

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A solid four and a half stars.

When Sutton Mize takes her fiancee's cherry-red Camaro convertible to Abbott Brothers Garage and Restoration for a full restoration as a wedding gift she gets a rude shock - her best friend's panties under her fiancee's seat! Cheating on her would be bad enough, but with her best friend? That's devastating! Desperate not to look like a schmuck or a loser Sutton tells a little white lie, that she was also seeing someone else, and then compounds it by naming Wyatt Abbott, the guy who found the panties when clearing out the Camaro.

Wyatt is one of four Abbott brothers (looking at Goodreads this seems to be the fourth book in the series but the first about one of the Abbott brothers and you can definitely read this as a stand-alone) running the garage. The garage is on the Louisiana side of the small town of Cottonbloom whereas Sutton comes from the more affluent Mississippi side and there is an intense rivalry between the two sides of the town. Wyatt has known Sutton since they were at school together but the paths of a grease monkey and the daughter of a judge don't cross that often - until she brings a car to his garage!

I really liked this book. It encompasses several of my favourite tropes: fake relationship; opposites attract; and small-town. Sutton and Wyatt are both 'nice' people, Sutton tries too hard to please people and worries what they think - until she discovers that Andrew was more interested in marrying a Judge's daughter than being with her for herself. Wyatt is the likeable peace-maker of the Abbott brothers, trying to keep the peace between his two elder brothers Ford and Mack and his quiet twin Jackson. But more than that, they are likeable characters, neither of them behaves irrationally or acts unreasonably. maybe they are each a little insecure but in the context of their history it seems appropriate.

Overall, I liked the book, I'm going to go back and read the earlier books and I'm really looking forward to seeing who will be the subject of the next book - will it be Ford, or Mack, or Jackson? I like Ella or Willa for the love interests - but I could be wrong, it could even be Bree.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Bumped for release.

readingactually's review

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Not really my cup of tea. I couldn’t get into the story and found it to be too cliche. The characters just were not appealing to me. I tried to like this book but just couldn’t get there.

klndonnelly's review

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While not my favorite hero of the series (that honor goes to Nash Hawthorne of Then He Kissed Me), Wyatt is a steady and lovely presence in the book. The use of the word lovely may sound cheesy, but he’s such a breath of fresh air when compared to so many of the domineering heroes I read about. He quickly and quietly becomes Sutton’s support structure, but still trusts her to make the calls as regards her own life. He will defend her to the death and will always be on her team, but he is aware she doesn’t need him in the way so many heroes with Knight complexes do. In fact, he quickly sheds that complex when he realizes love is so much more grounded in respect than he ever realized and that she needed a temporary Knight, not a permanent one.

I deeply enjoyed Leave the Night On, and look forward to spending more time with the Abbott boys (the next book centers on Jackson, for the record) and their true loves.

Full review:

suzannemsabol's review

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Honestly, i think this book and the plot would have been fine had all the editorial issues not sent my dyslexia into overdrive. My brain felt glitchy every couple of pages. It took me way longer to read it than it should have because my brain had to catch up. Now, I can't say if this was an unedited ARC or not. It wasn't labeled as an ARC but sometimes they aren't and it's been on my TBR pile for a while. God, i hope it was an ARC. I hope they didn't let this out into the world in the version I had.

As for the story itself, I didn't particularly like how the hero was the one always making the effort. At the end the heroine really needed to make the effort to apologize for her actions and make the grand gesture but once again, it was him. That rubbed me the wrong way a little. The dynamic made it seem like they weren't on even footing - especially when there was such a point made about the different sides of "the river".

afoolsingenuity's review

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3.5 stars (maybe 4, still considering)

I agreed to review this book for one reason... fake relationship! Also, it's set down south on the Mississippi and Louisiana border and I do have a thing about books set in the southern states of America. I fully blame X-Men for this fascination but that's a whole other conversation.

I agreed to this book because I saw mention of a good old fake relationship, and a revenge/saving face fake relationship at that. Poor Sutton discovers another woman's underwear under the seat of the classic car of her fiance she is intending to get restored as an engagement present. It is also underwear she recognises as she sold it so knowing the 'other woman' definitely doesn't help matters. Instead of being broken hearted she gets angry and she gets even angrier when she learns her (soon to be ex) fiance is going to try and turn it around on her so she does what any self-respecting woman does: she lies. She lies and says screw you I've been cheating too and quite conveniently she has just been dropped home by sexy mechanic Wyatt and has his number. They are old acquaintances so she is only very mortified to drag him into the lie and really, it is obvious where it goes from there.

Fake relationship stories are predictable so I do have slightly discerning tastes when it comes to them. I can put up with the usual plot points as long as it's done well and this book does it right. Both Wyatt and Sutton have their own reasons for faking a relationship. Sutton needs to save face with friends (and not be discovered as lying to her ex) and Wyatt can get word out about the garage and the restoration business he runs with his brothers. But both of them are attracted to one another and think the other doesn't care. It's a whole thing and it's written well. Sure, it was slightly frustrating that Sutton assumed things about Wyatt based off of gossip but who isn't guilty of that? The two had ovcious chemistry from the start and were enjoyable to read about.

Sutton is very straightlaced. She's always done as her parents wanted and never rocked the boat so I liked seeing some of her personality shine through. I often get bored of nice girls in books because they are beige (as Sutton says about herself) they are boring and you don't care about them so seeing bits of Sutton break through and show she is more than a nice girl from a nice family was good. It was Wyatt which drove the book for me, though. He was sexy and charming and completely unaware of how nice he came across to everyone. He is from the wrong side of the tracks (or the river) and so some folks look down on him and make him feel bad, but very few because he is a nice guy who can smile at an awkward teenage girl and make her blush and flash those braces. He learns he can take a chance and ask for what he wants and doesn't have to accept his lot in life. He has his own life to live and got I loved him.

So, from this slightly rambly review (or word vomit of initial thoughts) I can say this was an enjoyable romance which had me swooning. I got frustrated at Sutton in the book but even her hesitance to trust was understandable because the girl had just been burned. There are the usual romance dramas to be seen (and family dramas) but it was a good book that I sped through and I really enjoyed it. Now to find the rest of the series and see if it's as good.