
The Creeps: Book 2: The Trolls Will Feast! by Chris Schweizer

mehsi's review against another edition

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So this book looked real fun and I was eager to get started on it... However in the end I am disappointed. For one, I don't get why the principal was having the group do all their punishment DURING classes. WHAT? Why not at the end of the day so they don't miss out, because this way they are just going to flunk, meaning they are staying longer with you. Since you have those strong feelings, I am sure you don't want that. I also wasn't a fan of how everyone treated the group. It was like they had a sickness, something contagious, and that just didn't sit well with me. How the class reacted when the frogs were stolen, WOW. Like it was their fault, while the whole frog stuff started because someone didn't want to dissect something (I am so glad we don't do that crap here in my country). And there are other moments (like the arm breaking, the kidnapping, the whole going to beat them up part), it just felt wrong, given off the wrong signals. Then there is the ending and I was just shaking my head, how? What the actual fuck?
But the mystery and the frogs were exciting and everything that happened throughout was WOW, what happened in that factory was gross and awesome, and I love that the kids were so brave that they solved all these mysteries no matter how scary it got.

geekwayne's review against another edition

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'The Creeps: Book 1: Night of the Frankenfrogs' by Chris Schweizer feels like not the first book in a series even though it is one. Regardless, it's a fun romp full of weird creatures and gross situations.

The Creeps are a bunch of misfit kids with varying talents. At the beginning of the book, they've obviously been in trouble for something, so the school is making them fill in for the school custodian. One of their jobs is to bring in the frogs that the Biology lab will be dissecting. When the frogs go missing, The Creeps decide to go looking for the absent amphibians. They find themselves crawling around in the sewers along with super rats, strange creatures, and the Frankenfrogs in the title. There are a lot of suspects, so who is in charge of the newly reconfigured frogs?

My inner 5th grader liked the characters and the kind of gross fun they get into in this graphic novel. I was confused because it seems like there is an earlier adventure that happens before this book. The art is ok, but a little loose on style. It's easy enough to follow what's going on, but some panels seem a bit overly busy. I'd like to read more adventures of this clever band of misfits.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from ABRAMS, Amulet Books, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

boggremlin's review against another edition

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Carol, Mitchell, Rosario, and Jarvis are the Creeps: a group of friends dedicated to investigating the monster attacks and unnatural occurrences that plague their home of Pumpkins County, even if no one else in the community acknowledges these dangers or the ensuing property damage. The second volume of Chris Schweizer’s middle grade horror series takes place outdoors, validating your concern that invisible monsters are out to get you, even when you’re trying to work on on a school project. The art is brighter, zanier, and more explosive than before, and it’s a joy to see the Creeps running around their extended community. Even when they’re being pursued by a monstrous beast who smells like garbage.

Full review at No Flying No Tights.

saidtheraina's review against another edition

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Love the cast (diverse gender expression! not all white!), love the story, ripped through this. The illustrations are a little frenetic for my normal taste, but fit with the crazy story.

Blurbed to all my elementary schools in 2016.

I hope he makes a bunch more.

froggylibrarian1's review against another edition

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Okay I will admit, I requested this on NetGalley because...frogs. I mean come on...I love frogs. But from the very beginning I was confused. The action jumped right in with The Creeps (never explains the name or really gives much in the way of background) and something with evil pudding in the cafeteria. As punishment for that this group of students has to do cleaning. There is also an issue with students protesting frog dissection. Then the frogs disappear and the Creeps try to figure out who did it. That part of the book was okay but there was this nagging feeling throughout the book that I was missing something - that this was not the first in a series. But it is... My students might not mind it but it bothered me.

fernandie's review against another edition

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Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

lwerner817's review against another edition

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Wonderful gruesome illustrations with a painful plot.

heres_the_thing's review against another edition

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Carol, Mitchell, Rosario, and Jarvis are the Creeps: a group of friends dedicated to investigating the monster attacks and unnatural occurrences that plague their home of Pumpkins County, even if no one else in the community acknowledges these dangers or the ensuing property damage. The second volume of Chris Schweizer’s middle grade horror series takes place outdoors, validating your concern that invisible monsters are out to get you, even when you’re trying to work on on a school project. The art is brighter, zanier, and more explosive than before, and it’s a joy to see the Creeps running around their extended community. Even when they’re being pursued by a monstrous beast who smells like garbage.

Full review at No Flying No Tights.