
Entice by Ella Frank

kizsia's review against another edition

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I am so glad I finally read the rest of this series. Shelly and Josh were amazing!

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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Dans ce tome on retrouve Shelly, la pneumologue blonde mangeuse d'hommes qui dévaste tout sur son passage. Dès le début, elle rencontre Josh, ami de jeunesse de Mason, et tout de suite le courant passe trèèèès bien entre eux. Ils vont rapidement passer un accord, à la demande de Shelly, et partager quelques moments épicés.

Interludes torrides ou pas, Josh ne veut pas d'une femme comme Shelly dans sa vie, elle est même à l'opposé de ce qu'il recherche. Car Josh est un grand romantique, le genre d'homme qu'on ne fait plus. Il veut tout : la maison, les enfants, le chien et la douce épouse ! Or Shelly est beaucoup trop extravagante, elle lui fait limite peur, il la surnomme même "la mante religieuse".

Pour tout vous dire, au début, j'ai eu bien du mal avec elle. Ok elle est marrante, mais elle est trop directe à mon goût, et semble superficielle. Hé oui, elle "semble" superficielle, car bien sûr, romance oblige, Shelly cache son petit coeur sensible sous des airs tapageurs et c'est à la faveur d'un weekend improvisé à Savannah que Josh va découvrir cet autre aspect de sa personnalité, allant jusqu'à surnommer "Georgia" cet alter ego, plus douce, plus calme, plus vulnérable.

Josh va être très patient avec elle, trop gentil parfois, mais pour autant il n'est pas un petit toutou qui la suit aveuglément. Il sait ce qu'il veut, il reste fermement sur ses positions et prend les risques qu'il faut au moment voulu.

On retrouve bien sûr Mason et Lena à de nombreuses reprises, ainsi que Rachel, et on assiste à la première rencontre entre Cole et elle.

J'ai bien aimé ce deuxième tome, la plume d'Ella Frank est fluide, vive, et elle a l'art d'écrire des passages tour à tour torrides ou romantiques à souhait, pour notre plus grand plaisir !

kcoventry13's review against another edition

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This was my first audio book that I listened to and I have to say, I really enjoyed it this way. I love Ella's books and the way she can twist my heart and make me laugh until I'm crying. And I've read Rachel's story first, so yeah, I'm reading them out of order. But I loved seeing Shelly, the crazy and hilarious Doctor, who made several appearances in the Temptation series.

Shelly (aka "Man-eater" and "Georgia") is just as funny as I remember her when she made her appearance in Take. Flirty, dirty minded, and sassy this woman is a powerhouse and I loved her! Her backstory had my stomach churning and tears in my eyes. I mean, honestly, if I went through what she experienced with her family...yeah...I'd probably feel bitter towards them. She definitely holds her ground and tries to put on her 'brave face', which I loved reading throughout this book.

Josh (aka "Delicious Daniels") is one great guy! Honestly, I'm not sure why it took her so long to see that he was perfect! I would love to have someone like him in my life! He's soooooo sweet to Shelly and I loved how he supported her and went to see her family. Plus, the man has a dog! That makes him an automatic favorite in my book!

The story was pretty good and I enjoyed that there were a few twists in it that I wasn't expecting. However, the one thing that annoyed me was the time jumps throughout the book. Yes, I know they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder....but really? Two month jumps, then one more, followed by another? I just was kind of annoyed at that. I know love takes awhile but honestly two time jumps would have been enough. That's really my only complaint with this book.

On the side, I enjoyed seeing how Mason and Lena were doing with their relationship and Rachel's first meet with the sexy and mysterious Cole were the icing on the cake! Now I'm definitely going to have to read Editable again in the future! (this time on audio book ;)

Overall, this book was hilarious, sexy, sweet, heartbreaking, and of course another win for Ella and her amazing writing skills! I hope to see more in the future!

melly2966's review against another edition

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really good!!!!!!!!

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog

4.5 Juicy Stars!

I read Exquistite by Ella Frank last year, and couldn't believe it was the author's first book. Great story, hot romance, great banter, and sexual tension up the wazoo. I couldn't wait to read Entice (Exquisite 2) after reading the preview at the end of the first book.

Ella did not disappoint. this book had all the things I loved about the last one. Smart, professional heroine, sexy, charming hero, sexual tension like crazy, funny banter, and HOT romance with some angst. What more do you want in a book?

The gorgeous Dr. Shelly Monroe is through with losers who use her for her money. She's attracted to the 'bad boy', but thinks the buttoned up professional is what she needs. But when she is set up with Mason's (from the first book) good friend, a construction worker, Josh Daniels, despite her immediate physical attraction to him, she has decided to go out with buttoned up professionals only.

Texts between Lena and Shelly: Lena: 'You've seen him. So?' Hitting reply, Shelly lied: 'Nope, not my type. You know me--suits and ties all the way.' Lena: 'Corporate's not fixing the issue. Time to hire a handyman to flush out the plumbing.'

Josh Daniels is actually the owner of the company, but Shelly doesn't know it. He is resistant too, he wants someone sweet, and is definitely not interested, no matter how hot she is, in Shelly "Man Eater" Monroe chewing him up and spitting him out. But oh...the sexual tension between them just crackles.

"I can tell you want me. Your eyes are all over me, and your breathing is just a little too hard for someone sitting at a bar. Come on Shel, you can admit it. Just like I can almost guarantee you're getting all hot and bothered down between--"

So Shelly proposes a deal to "Delicious Daniels":

"This is sex. Hot sex, but just sex. I want a nice, sweet everyday man to settle down with. And honestly, you scream complicated and not so sweet."

"We'll seal the deal tonight when we come all over each other"

"No strings, Josh. Not one. Unless of course, it's to tie me up."

But as we all know, those no strings relationships never quite work out that way. Josh knows there is something way more going on, but Shelly is too stubborn to give in. When they go down to her childhood home in Georgia, and Josh sees the country girl instead of the man-eater, he is hooked.

"I'm falling for you so hard that I can feel the scrapes on my knees as I'm brought to them."

Shelly admits she is falling for him too, but Josh knows she isn't ready, she is somehow still resisting what they have.

His eyes were locked on hers, and she knew she must have been dreaming when he whispered against her mouth. "How can you not see how perfect this is?"..."How can you not see how good we'd be together and how much I would love you?"

So Josh takes off. They still speak every night, but he moves away and won't tell her where he is until she comes to her senses....and this was where the book lost me for a bit. It was still good, but found this portion dragged a bit, and didn't keep me riveted to my iPad the way the first half did. But then it got better again, much better.

There was also a lot of Mason and Lena in this book, and I loved every scene with them, one was so amazing it brought me to tears. There was also a lot of peeks into the next book, Rachel and Cole's story, Edible, due out this summer.


-I love the hot, sexy banter Ella Frank writes, her guys are so alpha swoony.
-Smart experienced women--great change!
-Josh Daniels: "You have a body that’s made to pound a woman into her bed. So, I’m really hoping you can live up to that."
-Lots of Mason and Lena
-I love the nicknames.
-Great and numerous sex scenes that were never too much (I would have liked even more/longer scenes)


-I lost some interest for a little bit when Josh took off.
-You really needed to read the first book to read this, and I didn't remember a good chunk of details. I should have re-read Exquisite first. (My brain ain't what it used to be!)

Rating: 4.5 Stars, 4 Heat

I love sexy banter in a book, and this had it in spades. Great sexual tension, romance, fun stuff, visits with previous and future characters, likable hero and heroine, and hot sex--everything I love in a book. I highly recommend this series and can't wait to read Edible in the summer....this one seems like it might be my favorite.

"I'm so lost in you, Georgia. I don't even know where you end, and I begin. You feel so fucking amazing. I want to stay here forever," he professed softly.

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stumpfed's review against another edition

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OMG! Delicious Daniels and Maneater Monroe.... I loved this story. Loved it. Every single part. Perfection. I actually cried when Mason and Lena said their vows and I can't even begin to tell you how many kinds of excited I am to see what Mistress Rachel has in store for me this summer! Whips, chains and some sassy lawyer boy...OH MY!

This is honestly one of the most well written series I've ever read!

cnapierkowski's review against another edition

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One of my favorite reads of 2013 so far! I adore both Shelly and Joshua - their chemistry was amazing. I'm looking forward to Edible!

geo_ix's review against another edition

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There wasn't that many negatives for me in this book, mainly it was the Hollywood romance type lines and the fact it had a lot of coming together and leaving and lastly I didn't quite like Shelly because I don't like character who use people and she does do that quite a lot here until she gets her head out of her ass.

But it was super great to read, I'm pumped for Rachel and Cole even though I originally had that book scheduled to be read this year in like October or something I've already changed that to a different book so I can finish this series this month instead.

legz02's review against another edition

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Love me some Delicious Daniels (DD)......yummy!!!

stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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I am loving this series!!! Shelly and Josh were just as funny, witty, sexy, sweet, and troubled as their friends Mason and Lena (Exquisite book 1)!!! The character dynamics is continually growing and adding to each others stories without over powering them with too many voices. All of their problems and issues are real life fears and challenges which allowed me to get completely involved in their lives. Ella Frank's writing is superb and fluent which makes these books hard to put down. Off to learn more about the Exquisite Family :-)