
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

elusivity's review against another edition

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Started immediately where Book 1 ended. Perry, having shouldered the responsibility of Blood Lord to his tribe, went forth with his inner circle to meet Aria. At the compound, they faced the tribe's distrust of their new lord, his "mole" friend, and growing incidence of aether storms that no longer followed winter-summer patterns.

SpoilerAria got into contact with Soren inside her original compound. As part of agreement to find out more about a place free of aether, she must go to the tribe where Perry's sister Liv was betrothed to marry another Blood Lord. To do so, she decided to accept the Audile tattoo -- but was poisoned by an unhappy Tides-man. As result, Perry lost 1/4 of the Tides, and Aria left with Roar secretly. The plot separates, one focusing on Perry, fighting to protect his people, another to Aria and Roar becoming close friends and finally arriving at the Horns' compound to find Liv apparently reconciled with marriage to Sable. Through suspicious probing, Sable contacted Consul Hess through Aria's eyepiece, and the two planned to escape to Still Blue, bringing only a portion of each their tribes. Liv decided to spurn Sable, and was shot in the process of releasing Aria and Roar to save the people in the abandoned pod, including Perry's nephew and Soren.

My favorite aspect of this series is the theme of self-reliance, giving up of ineffectual dreaming or hiding away from reality, and do what must be done with grace, honesty and bravery. Very refreshing change from the angst-fest that is YA romance.


djinnia's review against another edition

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I loved how this book started right where the last one left off. It flowed smoothly because there was no huge time jump.

I did find that this one was more of a stand still book. Don't get me wrong, there was travel and such, but it wasn't like the first. The first was like having a new, shiny penny all sparkling. This one was mostly the same characters and the new characters were a bit weak to me. Liv, Sable, and Kirra were all okay. But it seemed as if they were a bit cliched and oookie cutter. Sable and Hess same evil jerks. Kirra and Brooke same manipulative and catty. Liv and Aria nearly the same as strong young women.

The best parts of the book were where at the end when there was actual action taking place. Dangerous and deadly type of action.

It then leaves off on a cliffhanger.

All in all, a good read.

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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I got my copy of this ARC from the publisher at NYCC12. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got there, but the first day they had ARCs of this book that were signed, and that was super awesome. Getting this book was what finally pushed me to read the first book in the series, so I appreciated the kick in the ass because not only was the first book really great, but the second book was just as good if not better. This series continued to defy expectations and break clichés. Since this book is the second in a series, you can expect spoilers from the first book. Read at your own risk.

The first book left off with Perry and Aria separated by her decision to find her mother and his to return to the Tides. Upon Aria’s return to the sector her mother was living in, she found out that everyone there had died, and that her mother was included in those numbers. When Perry returned to the Tides, he confronted his brother about selling Tide children to the Dwellers and he took control over the Tides. Both were very sad occasions and what made it more sad was that they were separated and had to deal with these things almost alone. We know that Aria was asked by Hess to go back and find the Still Blue and that Perry wanted to go out and find the Still Blue for the Tides. Their paths were bound to cross again.

And so they did right at the start of the book which was great. Rather than keep the lovers apart, Rossi chose to bring them back together after a span of maybe a month or two? I liked that they had this time apart to try to figure themselves out before deciding what to do. Aria was able to use that time to further develop her Aud abilities as well as decide what she was going to do about Hess. I was so glad that when she did finally join up with Perry again, she chose to tell him that Hess was using Talon as a means to find out where the Still Blue was rather than try to hide it from him as I have seen many books do. I feel like characters never seem to learn that keeping secrets is dangerous and bad when it comes to relationships and just plans going over well in general.

Aria and Perry in the Tides camp was really interesting. I’m not sure I would agree with Aria’s assessment that it was better to keep the Tides in the dark about their relationship, but I can also see why she wanted to. What was so unfortunate was that it seemed to come down to a race thing even though Aria was part Outsider. I wish that they had decided to be open with everyone, and maybe there wouldn’t have been an attempt on Aria’s life. Then again, maybe it just would have come sooner.

As much as Aria and Perry are great together, I thought that the platonic bond she formed with Roar was great and exactly what she needed. I felt like he was almost a big brother to her, and to see what type of relationship for Aria, where someone had her back was great. She also needed someone to be her confidant as she was ostracized by the Tides and she had to talk out her feelings toward Perry and what Hess was putting her through. The same went for him when he was desperately missing Liv and Roar had to contend with his own feeling about her.

So many big things happened in this book, and a lot of them were surprises that I would hate to spoil you with. Overall, this was even better and a great surprise with unexpected allies and enemies, and I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next. I still maintain that I want to know what the Aether is and how it came to be.

mliztucker's review against another edition

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The relationships in this story just kill me. Love the characters and their growth.

areeba_'s review against another edition

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Unfortunately, this book was not as good as the first. I had a hard time staying interested in the story and invested in the characters.
Hope the last book is better.

suflet's review against another edition

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I really loved this trilogy! The relationship between the MCs is a very sweet slow-burn that I enjoyed very much.

helterskelliter's review against another edition

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OMG I need the next book!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love this story!

ali23's review against another edition

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Better than the first one. I cannot wait unitl the final book comes out!!!!

ryts's review against another edition

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Still just an okay series, Flea is my favorite

novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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For some reason it took me a while to get into this one. In the beginning I was having some trouble connecting; I’m not sure if it was just me or if it was the writing style. But it definitely got better!

My favorite part of this series is the world. It’s so unique! I love the terminology and the idea of it, especially the Senses – Seers, Scires, and Audiles. The ability of a Scire to smell tempers fascinates me. I’m not sure whether being an Aud would be a curse or a blessing, though.

I felt really awful for Aria for the majority of the book. In the Tides clan she was treated with mistrust and outright hatred, and she felt like an outcast who couldn’t fit in anywhere. Couldn’t fit with the Outsiders for being part Dweller, couldn’t fit with the Dwellers for being part Outsider. How terrible would that be, to be stuck halfway? The racism toward her made my blood boil. I wanted to punch a few of the tribe members for their horrible treatment of her.

The relationships in this book were very well fleshed out and realistic. It’s clear that Aria and Perry care deeply for each other, but at the same time they had many problems and at times they didn’t know where they stood with one another. I was a bit disappointed in Perry, though, for doubting Aria so much. And I hated Kira for taking advantage of that. Actually, I despised her! Every scene she was in I felt myself getting defensive on behalf of Aria, and I wanted to leap through the pages and throttle the skank. If a man is obviously taken, and has made it verbally clear, then back off!!

Roar and Aria’s relationship was special, too. At times I thought it was going to develop into a love triangle, but I was pleased that it didn’t. They just have an extremely close (yet strictly platonic) relationship. But I liked how gender didn’t matter, they were best friends and nothing more. I love those kind of relationships, because most books would have gone for the love triangle, making it seem like it’s not possible for boys and girls to be just friends. (IT IS POSSIBLE. REALLY.) It was refreshing.

I enjoyed meeting the Six – Perry’s bodyguards. Their loyalty to him was endearing and they supported him no matter what. I loved the banter between them, it made me giggle!

It was interesting to finally meet Liv, after all the hype about her. She wasn’t quite what I was expecting, and at first I wasn’t sure if I’d like her, but she turned out alright. That’s all I’m going to say about that, because I don’t want to get into spoiler territory!

I’m interested to get my hands on book 3 and see what the Still Blue is like!

Favorite quotes:
Love is a rebellious bird that nobody can tame.

That was what she wanted. It was her Still Blue, and every breath she took, every second that passed, she could choose to fight for it, or not. She realized it was no choice at all. She would always fight.

Love was like waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it was endless and stronger than the sky and the earth and everything in between.

She’d been seeking the comfort of a place. Of walls. A roof. A pillow to rest her head on. Now she realized that the people she loved were what gave her life shape, and comfort, and meaning. Perry and Roar were home.

Plot: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 4.5/5
Cover: 4.5/5