
For Everly by Raine Thomas

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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****ARC received in exchange for an honest review****

Holly's 4 Star Review

To say that this is Raine Thomas' first NA novel, I was really impressed! The writing flowed well, the characters were likable and the plot had some great twists and turns that were unexpected and left you needing to know more.

Cole plays ball for a living and to make sure he gets the chance to sign his next contract, he needs to be fit and healthy. But he's been dealing with pain in his shoulder and must seek help without the press finding out. Enter Everly. She's nearing the end of her studies to become a physical therapist and needs money to help care for her grandad (pee paw) so seems like the perfect answer to Cole's problem.

Cole is definite book boyfriend material. He's sweet and caring and funny and for a refreshing change, he's not a douchebag! He's a genuinely good guy and I don't think you could not love him. Everly is much the same as Cole. She's sweet and caring but whereas he has a slightly cocky side, Everly is more shy and reserved but she still gave as good as she got which I loved. She had been through a lot in her past and I couldn't help but feel bad for her but she didn't let it effect her and she worked hard to provide herself and her pee paw with a good life.

As I said before, there were some great twists and turns to the story that had me hooked and unable to put my kindle down until the early hours of the morning and desperate to find out what would happen next and how it would effect Cole and Everly’s lives.

I do wish that some things had been resolved a bit more in the end and at one point I felt like quite an important part of the plot at that time had just been ignored and the characters should have tried to find out more about it instead of leaving it to be revealed later on.

Overall, For Everly is a great book that I would certainly recommend and I look forward to more NA novels by Raine Thomas.

emilyhei's review against another edition

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Everly Wallace has done everything she can to move past her traumatic past, she is beginning to see the light at the beginning of the tunnel when she is introduced to major league pitcher Cole Parker. Cole has an injury to his shoulder but because it is a contract year, he doesn't want anyone to find out. Everly will soon get her degree in physical therapy and highly recommended by his brother, despite the awareness he feels when he is around her he hires her.

Everything he thought about Everly is thrown out the window, when he begins to see the relaxed version of Everly he is sunk. For the first time since high school, Cole feels out of his zone, but the same goes for Everly and Cole wants to ensure that everything he does with Everly is right.

I loved this one, it was warm, humorous, and romantic. Cole is a charmer, he acts like an idiot sometimes but he makes up for it in a remarkable way. I am eager to read more books from this author, I was completely swept off my feet with For Everly.

camilla_tc's review against another edition

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A little cheesy, glad I only spent a few hours to finish it.

jeanz's review against another edition

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Truthfully I was a little unsure as to whether I would get along with this book as lately I tend not to read much of this genre. that however changed when I began reading. The first impressions I have of the main characters are that Everly has had a rough time in life but is a hardworking sensitive woman. Cole is a player as well as a ball player! Used to everything he ever wanted being there at hand for him, definitely used to getting his own way and having women fall at his feet in admiration. Having said that about him I can't help but kind like the guy!

I received an e-copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. One of the reasons I requested this book was as I had read Defy,First Born Bk#1 and really loved that, though that book is paranormal and this one is New Adult, so different genres. The cover I'd say depicts Everly and Cole. Though I'd say that the cover doesn't show Everly's innocence as much as it could The look on the models on the covers face is more challenging than I think Everly's would ever be. The model representing Cole is not as gorgeous as I imagined Cole to be or as muscly looking but I suppose that is personal opinion/imagination/imagery. So would the cover of this book make me pick up from a bookstore shelf? Being totally honest . . no. Even when reading the blurb I would be in two minds. I'd say totally honestly I read this book as I like how the author Raine Thomas writes, and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to give the book a go. As well as the fact I wanted to try reading more of the New Adult genre. I do have to say I certainly did not regret choosing to read the book I really liked it a lot!
So I already explained in my initial thought what I had thought to the main characters in the beginning. There are quite a few characters in this book, such as the father of Everly, Mason who turns up when he realises his daughter is making money and perhaps he can get some of it from her.
What starts out of as a secret business arrangement done through a good friend Wyatt, ends up with Everly (Wyatts friend from work and his partner Rowan's employee) and Wyatt's brother Cole (the injured pitcher who doesn't want the world to know he is injured as it could end his career) starting a fake romance.
Everly and Cole come from totally different background. Everly is a hard working, has to account for every penny coming into her home and going out. Everly is training to be a Physical Therapist, so studying and volunteering and rehab gyms as well as working as a waitress in Rowan's restaurant.
Cole has had a more privileged up bringing, is a famous baseball player with plenty of money.
The fake romance is to explain Everly's presence in Cole's life and home. However as time progresses the baseball player begins to see the brilliant qualities that Everly has in comparison to his former girlfriends and actually ends up falling for her. The path for their love is not a straight forward one. Someone seems to be stalking Everly, beginning with slashing her tires and then she is attacked with a baseball bat and put in hospital. It's whilst she is hospital that Cole hears that Everly has many remodeled injuries which means she has broken many bones and had mulitple injuries before. Everly is a quiet reserved person and has not discussed her private earlier life with Cole. Though other people seem determined to drag things up and to try and form a wedge between them. Cole does however learn to trust Everly and is really patient with her and eventually coaxes her to trust in him and tell him her problems and about her earlier life.
I love the characters of Everly and Cole and really love how their relationship develops. I love how his family welcomes Everly and her Grandpa into the fold of their family and immediately like her. I also like the camaraderie of the baseball players within the storyline. They also help to boost Everly's confidence. Though there is still someone trying to set her up and drive a wedge between her and Cole and when you find out who you kind of say oh yes and several clues come to mind and you comprehend who and why the guilty party has been so nasty to Everly. I think Cole handles the situation really well.
This book has friendship, love, tragedy, betrayal, violence and suspense.
So did I enjoy the book? I really did yes, even though I don't read a lot of this genre. Would I recommend the book? I've already recommended it to my mum as I think she will enjoy the story. Would I read a BK#2? How this book ends doesn't seem as though there will be a BK#1. Would I read more books by Raine Thomas? As I've read Defy I have read other books by Raine, though I do definitely intend to read more.
As you can only give full stars I had to go for 4/5 but if I could it would be 4.5/5 Stars.

jadeshea's review against another edition

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Review Copy from NetGalley

For Everly begins when major league pitcher Cole Parker needs help with his pitching shoulder. It has been giving him problems and he doesn't want the media to get a hold of it. So his brother helps him contact Everly, a college student working hard to take care of her grandfather, and work her way to become a physical therapist. Everly agrees to help Cole, and keep his secret. But neither one of them would ever imagined falling in love. And that is exactly what happened. But other forces are out to keep them apart. We have to see if they can with stand all of the drama their life will bring while being together.

I have to say that the story was nice, but other than that I didn't feel very many emotions from it. I felt like it was all "cut and dried" without being able to feel the characters emotions. I enjoyed the characters to some extent but didn't really connect with them. But the best part of the story was the end, and not because it was ending. It has a wonderful "HEA" that made me actually feel very good about reading this story.

lostinanovel's review against another edition

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So good!! I want more of Everly and Cole!!

jendavid91's review against another edition

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Some parts were cute but honestly the writing could use some work. Some parts felt a little immature and I feel like I've read many similar plots that it made me a little bored.

ljaquier1's review against another edition

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This was my first book by Raine Thomas and I LOVED it. It kept me guessing the entire time. I remember glancing at it and seeing there was 15 minutes left in the book and thinking, how the heck is she going to tie up all the loose ends?
Well, she did so, beautifully. I'll definitely be grabbing more of her books. They were sweet, humorous, an overall fun read.
Thank you, Raine, for picking out the perfect book of yours for me to delve into first. I'm hooked!

veronica245's review against another edition

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The only problem I had with this book was "Pee Paw"....what the he'll is that and where did she come up with this word!