
#Révolution by Cambria Hebert, Cambria Hebert

liza5326's review against another edition

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This starts right up where [b:#Junkie|27824473|#Junkie (GearShark, #1)|Cambria Hebert||47804370] left off and satisfies the cliffhanger right away. But that doesn't mean that everything is all sunshine and roses from there. There is still plenty of drama to go around and I loved every second of it!!!! I love Drew and Trent and their growing relationship. Even though this story weighs in at over 500 pages, it flew by and was so much fun. There were tears, laughs, romance, some hot smexing, and yes, plenty of french fries! The secondary characters are all amazing and even though I am pretty much exclusively M/M at this point, they make me want to go back and read their stories! I am definitely a fan of Cambria Hebert now!

hijinx_abound's review against another edition

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Man I really love these two. I enjoyed the # series but think that Trent and Drew may be my favorites to come out of her books. Watching these two navigate a change in their relationship with such honesty was refreshing. They aren't trying to label everything and aren't trying to explain any of their past relationships. They love each other and are committed to one another, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. Reading how their families react and how they hold on in spite of such hate made me root for them even more. I liked seeing where Trent came from and what made him who he is.

littlebookreader_'s review against another edition

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This is a continuation of book 1 #Junkie, which ended on a little bit of a cliffy.

I don't think I was invested as I should have been in this couple. If you are super invested in this couple this book will give you life!!! However, I was ready to move on and I was kind of frustrated book 1 didn't end. So, to me, it felt lengthy. I thought the characters were in their heads A LOT and some story lines were prolonged. It is a sweet story about 2 best friends choosing to love each other against all odds.

mynameiskate2807's review against another edition

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**********Contains Spoilers**********

I’ve lost count with how many times that I’ve read this book as it’s one of my go to reads from the GearShark Series, I’ve just never gotten around to posting a review. Totally awesome read. There’s so much love and support within this book as well as blatant a*seholery and ignorance by people who should automatically love and support Trent and Drew no matter what they end up doing for a job or who they love but they stay strong at least for each other while the other could completely crumble. I loved the moment when Lorhaven found them having a moment and specked that his brother Arrow was telling the truth about Drew and even though he was his usual a*sehole shelf, he offered his support and it was nice to see that he can be vulnerable especially where his little brother Arrow is concerned. I totally loved Trent’s plan of pay back for the four homophobic w*nkers from his Frat who attacked him when they only suspected he was gay and that he’s in a relationship with Drew. It was devious but totally well deserved and then added with Romeo’s plan of a charity football game so Drew, Braeden and Romeo can repay the w*nkers for hurting their family. I’m also glad that Drew got his own form of pay back as they hurt the man he loves and he told Trent you should never piss off a hacker, Con’s pay back cracked me up. Man, when it came to light what Trent has had to deal with for months from Con and this friends with all the homophobic slurs thrown at him. I really don’t know how he didn’t shatter into a million pieces, yet it never showed on the outside or he never told Drew how bad it actually was as he didn’t want any of their hate and ugliness to touch Drew and their relationship. Trent’s Granny is my favourite person how she just loves and supports him, that he has great taste in men, she also told him that his Scottish accent wasn’t very convincing and she always knew it was him who called, but he could call her anytime and talk in a bad accent because she loved him and she likes to drive fast so what’s not to like. Oh Arrow is in desperate need of friends so I’m glad he now has Trent and Drew a support system as they’ll not only be awesome people to have in his corner and great role models to show him what two men in love can be like, as he definitely needs more than just his older brother Lorhaven. I’m looking forward to reading Lorhaven and Joey’s story next as it’ll be good to see Lorhaven not being such an a*sehole, well really only to Arrow and Joey, everyone else is fair game. I’d definitely recommend this book, series, universe and author to everyone.

marreadsbook19's review against another edition

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3.75 stars

slightly better than the first one but still way too long and some parts are repetitive and bored me to death.

I personally think you should read the "hashtag" series before this one or you'll end up like me asking yourself "wtf happened to Ivy?" and "wth is Zach?" And a lot other stuff.

I don't know if I'm gonna read the third book but I already started "Arrow's book" and I'M LOVING IT!

piddlepiddle's review against another edition

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While I enjoyed this one more because there was way more of a relationship focus in this book, it felt even more poorly written than the first book. What was with the author using the "(weird term) = (explanation of what that weird term means)" multiple times throughout the book? I hated it. It was a fun read I guess, but there are so many queer books written by queer authors that are so much better than this. I would highly recommend checking those out over this series of books imo.

lt_tara's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

What can I say. It was so so good, I love Trent and Drew as people and I love their relationship. After finishing book one I knew I had to read book two immediately and even though I didn't love it as much as #junkie, #rev was also an amazing feel good read.

This book would be perfect to me if it had more elements not focused on the romance. The romance and their relationship just got a little too repetitive and draged out. Especially in the first half. When I saw reviews say this book was even more romance focused I was like what? But it's true. I wouldn't mind it if this book was 100 pages shorter. So 0.5 stars are going away just because I was getting a bit bored with Trent and Drew having the same conversation over and over again.

But I gotta say, the second half was totally magnificent. I loved everything that was happening even if it was hard to read at times. Drew and Trent's conversations with their parents crushed my heart and made me angry that they weren't able to support them together. But it made me appreciate Romeo, Rimmel, Ivy, Nova and Breaden so much. Their behaviour is just how people should treat the people they love.

My favorite parts were the small moments in this book. When everybody acted like family, felt comfortable with each other, when they joked around and when they stood up for each other.
Aaaannd also the interview with GearShark was the most beautiful thing. It was so positive and full of hope and love. Trent and Drew own my heart and I admire their relationship and their comunication abilities. They are perfect for each other and I'm so glad I read #junkie and #rev.

I'm still not sure if I'll pick up the rest of the series but I'm reaaaally intrigued because I care about the other characters and I want to know what happens to them... Hmm we'll see.

robazizo's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. A lot of editing mistakes (with a huge one at the end!), too much testosterone at times (what was with all the fighting and punching all the time?) and a tad overlong, but overall I enjoyed this second part of Trent and Drew's story. I wasn't totally convinced Drew was in it just as much as Trent was in the first book, but he convinced me in this one. Their family by blood was despicable (except for Ivy and Granny), but I loved how they found their own family and even went on to include more people.

unseelier's review against another edition

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i literally downloaded this book on my ku right away after reading #junkie. since the first book trew really stole my heart and sjsjsjsjsjssj aahh i love them. but hmmm..... idk why but i feel this one was slower then the first book, but still better. but i still think that the first one was more better then this.

i love how the author exploring their relationship on this book even more and more deeper then the 1st one. but still there is something that was not clicking with me. i spent longer than the 1st one reading this.

well but overall the 2nd book was still sssooo sssooo good!! the plot is actually really good, the family dinamic was even better than the 1st one. i love how brave #Trew was dealing with some homophobic asshole in their life. i love how sure and honest #Trew is with each other since the first time.

4.5/5 stars

captain_jazz's review against another edition

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4.5 ✨
I'm glad there were no race scenes in this book because I will get bored with it for sure.