
Bad Behavior by K.A. Mitchell

j_bookaholic's review

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raynebair's review

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Wow! I loved this book. I loved the whole D/s aspect here. It was truly a power exchange and I love how David asked for his punishment when he knew he's f** up in some way. Gavin and Jamie got really annoying in this book. Beach was doing his best to turn his life around and although he did fuck up, it was for the right reasons. He just went about it all wrong. The connection between him and Tai was awesome. I absolutely love this kind of BDSM story.

thatashgirl83's review

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I fully admit to skimming like 70% of this book. I'm done with this series.

a___broad's review

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DNF @ 20%

Something is off. It's me, I'm just not feeling the plot nor the chracters.

ctsquirrel's review

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25% CNF
I just couldn't get into this one, which is a shame because I really enjoyed most of the series. I'm not sure if it was the characters or my taste, but I just couldn't stick with it.

shazov's review

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4.5 stars.

walford's review

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3.5 rounded up, 'cause Ms Mitchell is Goood. Her humor and psychological acuity lift this book above the herd.
That said, I didn't quite believe Tai's saintliness, or what he saw in Beach, even if the latter is really really cute (at one point we're told Beach looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model, which I thought was a little lazy). And if bdsm is really practiced on this level in the real world I want in.
However, this is a romance, it behooves me to remember, and very satisfying as such. Plan to read the rest in the series (I jumped in quite late, obviously, and this one definitely works as a stand-alone).

reviewerlarissa's review

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3.5 stars

**Review can be found at clicky on Book Winked**

**ARC copy received through Netgalley**

shelbanuadh's review

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BDSM isn't really my thing, but when it is done well, I do find the subject intriguing and enjoyable. And I have to say that I found this was done well. I've liked Beach from the get-go, and Tai grew on me (though I do wish we had gotten to see interactions with his family). Things did get a little crazier than I was expecting at the end, but overall I really enjoyed this one. I think I would be hard-pressed to pick between Tai/David and Quinn/Eli as my favourite couple/story in the series.

cadiva's review

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I liked this but I didn't love it, there wasn't really much to it other than the BDSM aspect of Beach realising he wanted to be Tai's sub.

If you like a full on exploration of a Dom/sub relationship with power exchanges, this one will float your boat big time.

I got a bit bored with the repetition of Beach/David fighting to come to terms with his feelings and Tai deciding how far he could push things without his sub running.

#ARC kindly received form the publishers Dreamspinner Press in return for an honest and unbiased review.