
Held by Kimberly A. Bettes

sjj169's review

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I recently read another book by this author Rage or as I like to call it, "the book that kicked my ass."
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So when my little book pushing friend Jahy tells me I need to read this one. What do I do?
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Nicole has been shopping for some discounted jeans, she steps into the parking lot ready to go home to her one year old son and her husband. Fate has different plans though. She is approached by a man that has a gun shoved into her ribs. He tells her to get in her car and then takes her to his house.

At first Nicole thinks she can outsmart Ron, he comes across as a guy that if he wasn't holding her hostage would make someone a very nice husband. He cooks, keeps the house spotless, and listens to her every word. Then she realizes what exactly Ron really is.
And what his basement is for.
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The girl is in way over her head. Ron is "researching" his new book. His last one pretty much stunk so he needs more realism in his writing and Nicole is going to be his main character.
Nicole isn't the only one that gets some of Ron's research though. This is where I think I may have looked up my mommy's phone number. Don't think this book is a light read.
It's one that the monkey's even had to put on their big girl panties for.
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So why am I rating it so high? I couldn't put the dang thing down. This gif here should have probably done the job as a review. Because it's a ride on the WTH train.
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My friend Jahy's review is here. Jahy never fails to know how to get my attention with a book. I think we might be related.

bean0530's review

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Okay, this book really hit the spot. I was looking for something dark and not cheesy and this fit the bill. Beware: if you can't handle extremely gruesome images from reading, then this probably isn't for your taste.

I wasn't sure if this would really end up being a good read because it started kind of slow and the main (female) character was just annoying to me. I didn't like her personality at all. But other than that, the story was really good. It seemed like it should have had a creepier feel to it but it lacked that completely. I did enjoy the gore scenes a lot and they weren't cheesy like most books, which was really nice.

I think I'll be checking out more of this author's work if her other books are anything like this one.

kissmeslowly's review

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Well, being that I am a psch major as well as a Performing arts major (theater) I thoroughly enjoyed this book ^_^ It kept me highly entertained even though it was a bit predictable :p or at least to me it was, I really enjoyed the mind fuckery and confusion and the different emotions and such- XX

chattychapters's review

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Well then .. don't know what to say about this book except for the fact that it is COMPLETELY TERRIFYING! I have never imagined myself reading a book like this in a million years... it is basically like taking the SAW movies and making them into books. Usually when I read a book I envision how everything is going in my head, so that you really get into the story.. yeah.. not in this book. During some scenes I would just rush through and read them as fast as I could so that I could move on past the scene!!

Kimberly Bettes did write this book very well though with tons of [creepy] twists and turns.. and omg.. that ending! AHHHH! When I was looking for a horror book to read I definitely found one.. Definitely giving this book 4 horrifying stars...

manasakannan's review

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Well, I couldn't read beyond page 60 because it was highly terrifying and disturbing. But I appreciate the way the author has written the book which is totally beyond my imagination. I still can see goosebumps on my skin.

pleasureinatrocities's review

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I didn't like it because it felt like there was no plot outside of the torture. If you just want graphic descriptions of torture, then go for it.

aworldinpages's review

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Really disturbing is all I'd like to say.

mudmule's review

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I read this one sitting. It's so delicious. The author is extraordinary at making my skin crawl. From the first chapter you are with Nicole and Ron. The anxiety is high. The suspense off the charts. This is a brutal story of a young mom taken in broad daylight by a psychopath writing a book. Yes that's right, he's an author and this is his world. If you can handle extreme horror and love not being able to put the book down, read this.

5hadow_girl's review

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Full review to come.

melissalynne81's review

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Probably one of the most disturbing books I have ever read. Parts of this book made me cringe and actually put the book down.

I will definitely read more by this author!