
Better Than New by Charley Descoteaux

nomomstayandread's review

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“I could get arrested for what I’m thinking right now.” And then to be delighted when the guy is 20 instead of the 16 he thought he was is not a good look. If you thought he was 16, you shouldn’t have been looking at all, grown man.

kle105's review

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This was just too short to really flush out the story. Theo has been going into the same coffee shop for 9 months and has a crush on the barista but also goes on dates and makes up stories as to how he lost his foot.

It appears Ben the barista didn’t really know how old Theo was but when he does it’s cleared for takeoff and they get together that night. The end.

Too abrupt and also side characters that are never really developed and didn’t make sense in the context of the story what value they were adding to the story.

bitchie's review

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This was just too cute, the perfect way to spend the morning while waiting on the kiddo to get ready for school. Thanks to the author for filling this prompt beautifully, and for all the helpers who got this out there!

a_reader_obsessed's review

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3.5 Stars

This is the type of story that draws me right in. Friends to lovers, coffee shop setting, a little hurt comfort?? Hell yeah.

And again, I know these are meant to be freebie shorts (which I wholly appreciate), but my only complaint is how I wish this was longer and more drawn out. Darn!

jennifercrowe's review

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lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


kp_khera's review

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ETA: *sighs* as I go through the other reviews I wonder if I even read the same book as practically everyone else. I think this might be my first "everyone loved it but me".

2,5 stars rounded down to two because... Honestly, I don't get what all the fuss is about.

This story’s only 26 pages so I was wondering whether it would be able to do anything for me, whether it would be able to get me invested.

It didn’t, not really.

It had my attention when Theo’s disability is illustrated, and even up to the point both MCs had their little alley talk (it was really great), but it promptly turned into disinterest when they got together.

There’s not a lot to say, because there simply isn’t a lot there.

It left me with questions like wondering who that “Strange guy” was.

It was all kinds of rushed and the dialogue and writing made me role my eyes. Nice idea, executed inadequately in my opinion.

“nom on my dick"

“like it was his favourite flavour of ice-cream”

“My arms shook so bad I could hardly stay up. “Oh, God, Ben. That feels so good.”

“So you are planning to kill me... I’ll only pleasure you half to death.”

One of the sentences I did really like was

“Through Ben’s eyes, though, it didn’t look like something strange from a sci-fi movie; it looked like something cool, maybe from a superhero movie.”

Not recommended but also not advised against. At most it'll take 20 minutes from you, and it starts off interesting enough.

teresab78's review

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Being in the MC's head was like listening to a stream of consciousness. You heard all his thoughts with the action around him breaking in from time to time. And it was a sad place to be. I didn't really feel the connection between the characters. I got what the main MC saw in Ben (I can't even remember his name) but I'm not sure what Ben saw in MC1 other than looks (which was all his therapist even commented on).

marlobo's review

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1.5 star

This didn't work for me.

I couldn't connect with the MCs, their manners in relation to the approximate age that's assumed they have and their circumstances are hard to believe.. And the sexual tension tends to zero, I don't see a crescendo in their relationship..

Ultimately this story didn't turn out to be evocative to me, but dull.

nicola949's review

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Loved the characters, loved the story, loved the coffee cups!

runawry's review

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The Kindle version is 48 pages and I got 15 pages in.
The pacing is so fast and writing so unclear that the 25% of the book I read was basically incoherent.