
Anna e o planeta by Jostein Gaarder, Leonardo Pinto Silva

virishin's review against another edition

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Lebih enjoy bacanya dibanding buku Jostein yang Perpustakaan Ajaib.

Pendapat untuk isi buku:
Pembahasannya terbilang berat, tapi jadi berkurang karena gaya bahasanya nggak terlalu rumit. Seperti blurbnya, buku ini menceritakan kegelisahan Nova dan Anna akan keadaan bumi. Jadi ini memang bisa termasuk ke dalam kritik lingkungan alam. Genrenya mencakup fantasi dan scifi (yang menggabungkan dongeng aladdin dengan time travel), walau dikemas ringan, sesuai untuk dibaca semua umur. Alur yang dipake maju mundur, tiap ganti bab bakal ganti POV dari Anna ke Nova dan sebaliknya. Cukup bikin bingung, tapi menurutku itu titik serunya karena jadi nebak-nebak ini kita lagi ada di situasi yang sebelum dunia diubah sama Anna atau setelah perubahannya berhasil. Yang mengganggu untukku mungkin karena ini dari perspektif MC yang tinggalnya di daerah 4 musim, jadi nggak bisa relate untuk aku, yang mana agak susah ngebayanginnya kalau beberapa saran di dalam buku direalisasikan di sini. Untuk hubungannya dengan judul, cukup menarik buat aku. Pertimbangan kenapa dinamai dunianya 'Anna' dan bukan dunianya 'Nova' padahal konflik terpentingnya ada di dunia Nova, yang mana menurutku karena ini berfokus ke nunjukin adanya fantasi dan scifi itu sendiri. Gimana 'kegilaan' Anna sampai dibawa ke psikiater yang ujung-ujungnya ternyata nggak gila karena memang ini fantasi wkwk. Yah, pendukung utamanya lagi adalah karena POV yang pertama muncul adalah dari sisi Anna :P

Pendapat untuk buku fisik:
Covernya menarik, walau nggak tau sosok cewek di tengah Anna atau Nova, alias aku nggak bisa nentuin apa kondisi alam di cover nunjukin sisi yang udah rusak atau belum. Terjemahannya lumayan ringan, tapi masih terbilang kaku, apalagi bagian penempatan tanda baca dan bahasa sehari-hari di dialog antartokohnya yang nggak konsisten mau baku atau nggaknya. Format cetakannya bikin mataku nyaman, fontnya nggak terlalu kecil ataupun besar.

Secara keseluruhan, aku suka-suka aja. Untuk gimana ide ceritanya, yah aku seneng banget karena cocok buat dibaca di situasi dunia yang lagi panas-panasnya (aku pun ngetik review ini sambil kepanasan di suhu 37 derajat, sial). Disuguhi juga beberapa penjelasan apa alasan terjadinya kerusakan itu (walau kayaknya mesti dicrosscheck ulang apa benar keseluruhan penyebabnya karena itu atau engga), dan ada kritik-kritik bagi para penguasa kaya yang seenaknya merusak alam. Tapi yang bikin aku agak 'meh' itu adalah solusi yang ditawarkan, aku gak bisa ngebayangin itu. Kayak, lebih ke solusi yang memang udah sering dijalanin sekarang, tapi ujung-ujungnya nggak tuntas. Masih aja solusi utamanya adalah kesadaran diri, yang nggak segampang itu buat dibangkitkan. Apalagi untuk seluruh dunia. Seperti kutipan dari gurunya Jonas, "solusinya tidak membumi."

Meski gitu, masih aman dan berguna lah untuk jadi bahan bacaan tambahan. Bisa nambah ilmu gimana situasi dunia di era modern ini. Dan aku kepikiran, ini Jostein pas banget bahas kerusakan alam di tahun 2012, ini berdasarkan ramalan kiamat itu kali ya? wkwk. Peace! ✌️

ardinegantari's review against another edition

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mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


mellatiku's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


herttajaako's review against another edition

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Tää oli aika tylsä ja tuntu ihan niinku ois lukenu jotain tietokirjaa. Ei sillä et tietokirjat ois tylsiä mutta tän ei pitäis olla semmonen niin se ei sovi tähän.

stella_and_the_sea's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5

I just wrote a review and now it's gone :,(.

If I had known beforehand what kind of book this was, I would have appreciated it more.
It tries to be a story, but it's more like one of my school books. It's full of info dumps. Something else that irked me was that the characters are, supposedly, all so 'special'.

It's a good thing I'm interested in climate change, because if I wasn't, I would have fallen asleep while reading this.

This book talks about the damaged we, humans, have done to the planet. There's also this story that's set in the future, so it's a theory of how the earth will look in a couple of years. Then there are the solutions, more like what we can do to not kill all the animals that live on earth. The story can get really confusing with future and past and whose point of view we are seeing things from, but I still found it interesting.

All in all, I would recommend it to people who are interested in climate change and want to read about it from someone else's perspective. However, I wouldn't recommend this to someone who wants to learn more about climate change, there are better sources for that.

bluestarfish's review against another edition

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Laudable topic. There is much that would be improved by an understanding of how we treat the world and the impact of it on future generations. Bringing our collective imagination is a noble thing to do. As a book this is boring and preachy. Idea: great. Execution: meh.

meganlee3001's review against another edition

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I liked the concept of this book but it really wasn't what I expected. There was very little character or world development. The random side stories like the hostage situation and time travel really bothered me because I felt like they had come out of the blue.
This book really was a struggle for me but I think the message is good and it could be enjoyable to the right person

clare_tan_wenhui's review against another edition

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A fable and warning to the current generation about the urgency to address the issue of global warming. Think I'll just end of this review with the timely quote less than a month below.

Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this. For our children’s children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much.

- Leonardo DiCaprio on 28th Feb 2016, Oscars Acceptance Speech

dcossai's review against another edition

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Sophie's World is one of my favourite novels of all time, so when I came across this title on the shelves of my local bookstore I couldn't resist buying it. I'd never read any of Gaarder's novels other than his first and best-known, but I'm sure I will now.

The World According to Anna is to climate change what Sophie's World is to philosophy. The plot might not be extremely exciting, but by turning something which we all should know about but which many find boring to read about - i.e. climate change - into a pleasant imaginary story, Gaarder has created a very accessible and fun to read warning on the effects of climate change. It's short and written in simple language - a clear example that simplicity is sometimes the best option.

If I could recommend one book to Donald Trump, it would be this one. There are many other serious works he needs to read, but this one is perhaps written simply enough for him to comprehend.

tiptin's review against another edition

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Hvordan er det mulig? Jostein... Du kan jo skrive... Hva er dette skvipet? Dialogen er som hentet ut av en dårlig dubb. Greit nok at boken ikke har et plot, men du kunne i det minste ha kommet opp med noe bedre enn dette. Klimaendringer er bæsj, og vi mennesker er fæle. Vi vet det, men denne boken kommer ikke med noe nytt. Svært skuffet Jostein. Svært skuffet.