
Stealing Luna by Carla de Guzman

mariamreadsalot's review

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Stealing Luna was entertaining enough and had lovely main characters.

alexiacambaling's review

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange of a honest review. Many thanks to the author!

Stealing Luna just hits the right buttons for me when it comes to reading romance books. It features a fictional monarchy near the Philippines, a plucky go-getter heroine, a sweet love interest. Plus, it features an art heist done for reasons but noble and not. As the title suggests, the book is about stealing a painting by the Filipino Master Juan Luna-¿A Do…Va la Nave? Interestingly enough, this painting was actually thought to be lost and only recently discovered.

Stealing Luna is the second book in the Cincamarre series but as with most romance series, it can be read as a standalone.

I was really interested in the fictional monarchical island country, Cincamarre. Maybe it’s explained in the first book, but I really would like to know how a country which threw off Spain in the late 19th century somehow became a monarchy. Still, it’s an interesting concept although I think it’s one that could be explained better? Given of course the heroine’s relationship with the queen, social class, and ties with the royal family, I also think that it does make sense for her to be very pro-monarchy.

The heist part of the book was interesting although I wished that it was a bit more detailed because I felt like it happened a little too quickly and cleanly. Although I did think it can work- partly because it’s so supported by a strong cast of characters. Each of the side characters are well fleshed out and each made the book feel more complete.

The romance was very enjoyable to read. It has just the right amount of fluff, angst, and steaminess to keep me invested in it. Cora and Luis are both very well-characterized and I loved their interactions. I also think that their romance was very realistic, especially in the way that they also talked about their past history and were open and honest with each other. I liked the fact that they communicate and how healthy their relationship was.

Overall, Stealing Luna was a very enjoyable read and I can recommend it to romance fans. Will I be reading more from the Cincamarre series? Definitely.

This review is also on The Bookworm Daydreamer

citrusmatcha's review

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I was never a big fan of Romance, and despite managing to finish this - I still am not a big fan of romance. I tried

trinielf's review

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ok i loved the Queen's Game and i loved this! What a fascinating fun read. Also ayeee second chance romance !

So pacing: really good, things progress pretty quickly and with the end of each chapter I wanted to know more and didn't want to stop reading. also meeee when things happened that i didn't expect: LE GASP!!

The relationships: just awesome! Cora and Luis are just so good together. banter is my number one thing for any romance and yup these two got that down. Loved how their history unfolded as the story progressed. Luis was scared to tell Cora his true feelings so that caused a six year rift but their chemistry is very much alive and well. And Luis is so obviously ready to make it up to Cora and Cora, was a bit reluctant but c'mon girl you know you can't resist.
Also this book is filled with a couple of intriguing secondary characters who made ever interaction and scene just golden. I loved seeing the already established relationship (ayeeee f/f romance with Mimi and Jin) and we get Luis' bro Elias and his fiance, Ellie. I need some prequel stories for all of them. How they met etc etc.

The heist: ok so i know nada about art but this was all so very fascinating to me. like getting tidbits about art history and forgeries. That was quite riveting.

I loved that Cora had two legacies and one was the lady in her family were thieves! like...this is some good movie fodder right there. I'd watch the heck out of a series for these two books.

Cameos: ayeeee Nina and Plant Daddy (lol), Felipe from book 1.

A wild ride y'all.

i just really had a great time reading and now i wanna go to Barcelona, not for a heist (sounds too stressful lol) but a simple vacation will suffice :)

bbliophile's review

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An art heist, a cute romance, an f/f side couple. This book was everything I needed in a romance and I enjoyed it, but the writing felt a little messy and all over the place, which was why, even though I liked the plot and the characters, I never felt super excited to pick the book back up.

katjexia's review

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Stealing Luna checks almost all of my boxes - found family, banter, loving elders, joy and tumble sibling relationships, an intelligent heroine who knows how to kick ass and look amazing doing it, and a hero who is the perfect blend of strong and soft-squishy.

I'd sort of type Stealing Luna as a second-chance story, but happily Cora forgives Luis fairly quickly. Before y'all scream - the man has got a good grovel game going on and he works that sincere apology. And that does it for me a lot - when a person can admit when they're wrong, apologize, and try to atone so we can all move on.

Stealing Luna is a fun, fluffy read whilst being loyal to reality. I loved how Carla wove in details of the past and the dark present while keeping the story at a cheerful tilt.
Cora's very direct about how greed of the elite and corrupt politicians are dragging Cincamarre down (say it louder for the back, sister) and she doesn't hesitate to point out the colonizers and what they've done. I love her for it.
Neither the story nor Cora dwells on these things, but neither does she shy away from it, which I found wonderful.

I also love the little details that bring a world to life - pina cloth (I went and looked it up, it's cloth made from pineapple leaves and it's amazing), turon, and abaniko (language of the folding fan).
I appreciated how these details were woven into the story as a matter of fact, no italics necessary.

This book can be read as a standalone, although The Queen's Game is really good also from what I remember, and it would probably be more fun to read in order because the heroine of that book is good friends with Cora. Complementary, but not necessary.

I can't wait to see what the next book is.

Disclaimer: I reviewed an ARC

copiouspep's review

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What a great art heist! The entire plot was about stealing from the undeserving rich that take from their people and I loved every minute of it. I loved the plot twist and how smart and well-thought out Cora’s plan was.

Cora is a very independent and sassy main character. She knows how to have fun, does magic tricks, and can communicate with folding fans. She loves her people and has strong friendships with other women. In fact, Nina from The Queen’s Game plays a role in this story as well. She comes from a line of art thieves and loves her work and looks up to the previous women in her family.

Luis is Cora’s old friend from college. They had a falling out when she confessed her feelings for him and he denied her because of what was happening with his father. He ends up being her body guard and follows her to Barcelona, where she plans to steal a painting from corrupt people.

I loved how Cora didn’t forgive Luis as soon as they started talking again. It took them some time to regain their friendship even though there was still lingering chemistry from their college years. When they did end up together, it was natural. And Luis really knew how to apologize.

I loved the real-world aspect woven into this story. There are discussions about how some artists can be terrible people no matter how pretty their art is, how corrupt politicians can wreck a country and the economy, and Carla did not skimp on telling the different ways that colonizers affected Cincamarre. Two lesbian side characters are heavily involved in the plot as well. They’re not ashamed of who they are and they very clearly love each other. Bless.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the author has in store for us!

I received an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.