
Audacious by Beth Moore

brittany_jean's review against another edition

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I found this book to be a great reminder of how we fit into the world as Christians, believers, or just humans (women specifically, but I think even men could read this and be encouraged) who are navigating the ups and downs without getting worn down by it all. I finished the book inspired by the concept that I could be audacious. I also appreciated the belief that I could leave a legacy of audacity. I only wish I had read this two months ago, so that when I gave my Great-Grandma’s eulogy in July, I could have said, “That woman had VERVE!”

tculp's review against another edition

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As with all Christian books, I don't agree with everything this book contains, but the core message is invaluable. Beth discusses what a bold, impassioned, love-filled life of faith could look like and how to start pursuing it. I'm happy to have it in my arsenal.

amandaforgy's review against another edition

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Beth Moore has a wonderful way of drawing the reader to Jesus. The segment below hit home for me.
"Any relationship that ultimately and absolutely cannot withstand your audacious love for Jesus will almost certainly be a snare to you. If you remain strongly influenced by it, it will trip you up over and over, fog your spiritual vision, cloud your mind with confusion, and keep you in a perpetual state of frustration. Any profoundly controlling relationship that curtails your right to love Jesus Christ with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength could cost you your calling. It could suck the air out of the lungs of the life you were born to live. If your closest friends are opposed to your audacious pursuit of Jesus, add some new ones who share it. If you’re willing to look beyond your usual circle but still can’t find them, ask God to round them up and bring them your way. Keep your eyes wide open. Resist the thought that they need to look or act a certain way or be a specific age or color. This isn’t high school. Well, unless it is. If you’re a high school student and you’ve stuck with this book all this time, you’ve just won my heart forever. Please find a way to let me know. Regardless of your age, ask Jesus to bring people along who stir you up to love Him, chase after Him, and bask in Him in a way you wouldn’t have without them."

I saved that to my notes so I can go back and read that as I need to.

Highly recommend reading this and I will be reading more of Beth Moore in the future.

couchnest's review against another edition

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I love listening to Beth Moore and usually get some great takeaways from her materials. I enjoyed this book as well. The best part, for me, was in the very last chapter. It was her story about a particular communion she took part in. I was laughing out loud in my car. The audiobook is read by Beth Moore, herself, which is nice. Mostly, this particular book is about loving God audaciously and with verve, and in return, letting Him love you audaciously and recognizing when He does. Nothing really earth shattering for me in this particular book, but still a fun listen.

shelfesteem's review against another edition

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Audacious, the audiobook, is narrated by Beth herself, which adds nicely to the listening enjoyment. When I moved to the South people used to accuse me of speaking too fast, but Beth is from here (Arkansas) and when she gets fired up, she can "talk a blue streak" (that's really fast, with no breath). There is no way to listen to her without visualizing her big smile and the animated hand movements you see in her bible study videos. As always, Beth delivers lessons of faith and wild (but not unbelievable) tales of God's greatness with an ample amount of self-deprecating humor.

Unfortunately, this book didn't hold the same appeal for me as her studies have. She chased a lot of squirrels, getting sidetracked with stories, to the point that I had trouble understanding the message of some chapters until she summarized them at the end. While thoroughly entertaining, I feel like I only had a few take-aways from this book:

The need to ask myself "What am I most compelled by the love of Christ to do?" and "What would it take to do it?"

It's also important to reconcile what I need to do with what I want to do. To explain it further, I can say, "I need to read my bible." However, "I need" is not going to lead to sustained bible reading.

All women do battle with desire and deceit. The way to ensure victory is to draw near to Christ, only He can exchange our wants and desires for His own.

Every reader will be different and I believe God can use even the simplest message to draw us closer to Himself. If you have been the victim of abuse, experienced a teenage pregnancy, or been deceived by your own heart - Chapter 9 is for you. Had intimate dealings with mental illness? - Chapter 10 may help you reconcile with your past. Audacious wasn't my favorite book by Beth Moore, but I'll return for future books and studies because I know Beth is a gifted teacher and orator.

I received this audiobook for free as a member of the christianaudio reviewers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

lindalibrarian's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book. It was classic Beth Moore. Written in her conversational style, easy to read and follow. It was a good book to start the year with, upbeat and inspiring.

librarydeb's review against another edition

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I really loved this book. I used 61 sticky flags on this book. That should tell you something. I chose this word as my word for the year because I saw this book title and looked up the meaning. I still like the definition of this word and still want to live an audacious life and love God audaciously (as he loves me), but this book did not turn out to be THE book for my year.

I was up in the air about this book for a while, though. This is why it took me so long to finish it. I considered, for a few weeks, putting this book on my will never finish book list. The middle of the book got me so down on myself. I was slipping into the negative mentality that I dealt with in my Baptist upbringing. That feeling that nothing I did was good enough and that I needed to go to the alter every week because I had so much wrong with me.

After a break I decided to give the rest of the book another chance and I am glad I did. There are some parts that I find legalistic and in some places she uses to much Old Testament thinking and to many O.T verses to prove her points. It is hard to live mixing Grace and law. The law was to point us to Christ because we cannot live up to it, we cannot keep the law.

The book tells us how much God loves us and how we can and should audaciously love him in return.

Here is one of my favorite quotes as it hits me where I am right now. Unfortunately we have been in this spot for a while now. I am trusting God for deliverance soon...
"Tell him what is really going on in our minds, who is frustrating us beyond our last wiff of patience, how tired we are, how mad we are, or, for the love of God, now bored we are. We can fellowship with Him right in the middle of that expensive moment. When we feel stuck or smothered, we can turn that jail cell into the Holy of Holies. We can cry out or moan, or just sit in tired silence and think four coherent words: Jesus, I need You." (pg 80)

I do recommend this book, just be careful of that legalism I mentioned.

Ultimate Popsugar Reading Challenge prompt(s) –Your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 Popsugar Reading Challenge -- I chose 2015's prompt, A book from an author you love that you have never read yet

missymay's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this book. I've done one of Beth's Bible studies and I was interested in what one of her books would be like. One of the things I really like about this book is that maybe not every chapter will apply to you specifically, but I can guarantee you that there will be at LEAST one chapter in this book that will speak to you. I've been feeling lost recently and reading this book has helped me to find the path again. I recommend this book to any woman :)