
Cowboy Seal Homecoming by Nicole Helm

joanna1905's review

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This was a great little romantic read, it's a quick straight forward fluffy book with very minimal conflict.

I really adore the ex-military turned cowboy romance trope (I know it's so weirdly specific but also it's a weirdly popular trope), I think it just has such a great plot that has heaps of potential for amazing character development, healing, and redemption arcs.

This is a typical story in that genre, there's nothing too spectacular about it but also there's nothing bad about it either. It's very well written and though being a bit of a cliché trope, it doesn't feel like a cliché cringey read.

The one main drawback for me was that there was no big dramatic climax, I had expected there'd be a big blow out fight with her mother or something along those lines. However, it's kind of lacking in that aspect. There was a small conflict that was resolved fairly quickly before happily ever after

All in all it is a good little romantic read, perfect for when you want a light fluffy book to relax with.

nellesnightstand's review

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This was hard for me to read. The premise, a rehab ranch for veteran was intriguing. The way Helm delved into Alex's issues with PTSD was real. His mental thoughts, the refrain of, I can fix me, was hard to read but very well done.
I liked how, in the beginning, Alex was strong and in control, and Becca needed his support. In the end it was Becca giving Alex support. The romance just wasn't satisfying enough for me, I guess.

I'll be reading the next one though because Gabe and Jack need there HEA's as well.
Thanks for Netgalley and thge publisher for the advanced copy for an honest review.

anabelsbrother's review against another edition

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Cowboy SEAL Homecoming didn't wow me as much as I'd hoped, but I still enjoyed the story.

The main characters, Alex and Becca were once step-siblings. Alex's father had married Becca's mother, and Alex was ten years older than Becca and he was away in the military for the length of his dad's second marriage, so they weren't raised together. They reunited after Alex's dad died and left the family ranch to both his son and Becca, and after Alex was discharged from the military.

What I love about this story is how Alex and Becca tentatively built a relationship with each other. They were mostly strangers, and suddenly they were living under one roof. There was friction sometimes, especially surrounding Alex's apparent PTSD, and I love how they solved it like adults by talking it out. I also love the buildup--Alex tried hard to not act on his attraction to Becca, but you know how it is when you have too much zing with another person. They were so cute together, and I love the scenes where Alex took Becca on dates.

Overall, I wish this story had wowed me more so that I could rate it higher, but I'm still going to stick with this series to see Alex's friends get their HEAs.

E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Netgalley.

steph0388's review

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An emotional journey! Both Alex and Becca are healing from very different hurts. And when they join to start an healing ranch for ex-military they don't know how it will bring them to healing. This book had me captivated from the beginning. I enjoyed seeing Alex and Becca grow closer together. They both push each other to be better and it's so beautiful. It's an emotional and captivating romance. I look forward to the rest of the series.

thebookdisciple's review

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Mix some wounded Navy SEALs with a woman who is finally trying to gain some independence, and have them build a sanctuary for veterans and you have Cowboy SEAL Homecoming. Alex left Montana after high school and joined the military. He came home VERY rarely and as a result, hardly knows his step sister at all. His father passes away and Alex is injured and discharged from the Navy precipitating his return to the ranch in Montana...that his father willed to both Alex and his step sister, Becca. Becca suffered from life threatening illness as a child and has a very sheltered, challenging upbringing. She loves the ranch and wants to provide a haven for people suffering. However, living with her step brother and his 2 SEAL buddies is a bit out of her comfort zone.

This story kind of throws all the tropes in there and it oddly works! Step siblings? Yep. Military men? Got those too! Cowboys? Sure! Becca is endearingly awkward. She is so uncomfortable with Alex and his SEAL friends, but she knows building this dream is something all of them need. Alex is struggling with his absence from his family home for so long. He is grieving his father's death, struggling with Becca's place in his father's life, and with his father's marriage to Becca's mom after his own mom passed away. Add to that his recent separation from the Navy and his injuries and you have a man desperate to control his life. He plans everything down to the minute in order to avoid surprises. Conversely, Becca never plans. She wasn't sure she would live, so long term plans were not part of her life. Cowboy SEAL Homecoming is emotional in a realistic way. Even if you haven't experienced the same life events these characters have, you will see feel their struggle. I am interested in getting Gabe and Jake's stories in the future.

The heavy emotions all the characters deal with is broken up with hilarious animal hijinks! A rooster named Rasputin and a goat named Ron Swanson will keep you giggling even when emotions are high! Cowboy SEAL Homecoming was a delightful read that gave me more than I ever expected!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: a few!

  • Trope: step siblings, Navy SEALs, Cowboys

  • Triggers: 
    SpoilerObviously, there are some PTSD struggles that might be upsetting for some readers

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 
    Spoileryes with a sweet epilogue!

Books by Jennifer Ryan, Carolyn Brown, BJ Daniels...then you will probably like Cowboy SEAL Homecoming!


Cowboy SEAL Homecoming

ibooks-icon amazon-icon-star

See full review on The Book Disciple

curlybooks's review

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Fun, but forgettable

allingoodtime's review against another edition

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**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own and given freely. **

In my review of this author’s book Want You More I said something along the lines of when she’s hot she’s on fire, when she’s not she’s still luke-warm. Well ladies and gentlemen, with this book starting off this new series she is scorching! Alex and Becca have wonderful chemistry. I absolutely love this story and did not want it to end. I’m so glad there will be more to read with these Navy SEALs.

Alex is not necessarily an easy hero to love. The fact that he’s a Navy SEAL and his military buddies rib him about his personality quirks help the reader to be open to him. He’s quite the no-nonsense, by the book, not much humor type of guy at first. Other than when he’s being pushed in certain ways, he’s never a jerk though. He’s just not a big teddy bear. That’s not to say he isn’t sympathetic to others and aware of how his actions and words can feed into other people’s feelings.

Becca is like a mighty little mouse. She has a lot of courage but finds her nerves get the best of her even when she doesn’t want them to. She’s learning to live in a world outside of her mom and step-dad…all she’s really ever known other than the animals on the ranch. (You will fall in love with the animals, and their names, on this ranch.) She’s socially awkward only because she was so sheltered. Once she starts realizing that she can speak her mind when need be and she can contribute to the things Alex and friends are doing on the ranch, she’s like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

Most contemporary romance stories that deal with PTSD tend to have the veteran experience a lot of nightmares and/or flashbacks. While Alex does have nightmares, I appreciated Nicole Helm showing another aspect of PTSD (in my opinion one of the scariest) with Alex losing time and going into a sort of fugue state. It put a bit of a different spin on the issue.

Seeing Becca learn to not only stand up to her mom, who means well, but also stand up to Alex was heartening. Their relationship had so much joy while there was still so much pain. There was a point that I noted these words “my heart just cracked in half”. The story was truly breaking my heart.

I did have one issue with this story that I must address. I read a lot of contemporary romance with the military sub-genre and, if you follow my reviews, you may know this is a huge pet peeve of mine. Something I’ve addressed with other authors in the past. A SEAL is not a soldier. I have yet to meet anyone in the Navy who will call themselves a soldier. Because of other stories (again, by different authors) having this issue I’ve asked around and looked online. I cannot anything to contradict what I know…Navy = Sailor, no matter if it’s a SEAL or not. I can only hope this gets corrected in the next installment of this series. It is a very great testament to this author and the story she told that this book is getting a high rating from me as this is an issue that often will distract me from a story thereby annoying me to no end. This book was so engaging and spectacular that I am able to overlook the issue.

If you love contemporary romance, western romance, and/or military romance you will be blown away by this story. I am kind of bummed to realize the next installment won’t be out until the summer. I am anxious to see what happens with Gabe and Jack.

beckymmoe's review

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I loved Alex and Becca's story. Watching her come into her own and seeing her interact not only with Alex but with Jack and Gage (I cannot wait until they get their own books!) was so much fun. Seeing what was going on with Alex as the book progressed was more than a little scary, but once he finally decided to do something about it that made it all the more satisfying. Everything isn't "fixed" by the end of the story (there's that word!) but things are moving in the right direction and there's definite hope.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Alex, Becca, Jack, Gage, and Monica will be doing with the Ranch!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

nellenaz's review against another edition

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This was hard for me to read. The premise, a rehab ranch for veteran was intriguing. The way Helm delved into Alex's issues with PTSD was real. His mental thoughts, the refrain of, I can fix me, was hard to read but very well done.
I liked how, in the beginning, Alex was strong and in control, and Becca needed his support. In the end it was Becca giving Alex support. The romance just wasn't satisfying enough for me, I guess.

I'll be reading the next one though because Gabe and Jack need there HEA's as well.
Thanks for Netgalley and thge publisher for the advanced copy for an honest review.

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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At first these two had such a problem that they were step siblings, and before you go all euwwww hear me out. They did NOT grow up together. She came into his dad's life when Alex had gone to the military. He did not even know her last name and they had spoken a few times. I was all you are not related! Why are you guys even finding an issue with this? But hey, maybe that was just an excuse, because these two have issues.

Ok, so Becca does not have issues in that way. She has just been very sheltered by her mum and she has never really done anything. But she loves the ranch and she now owns half of it (Burt! Srsly! What if they had hated each other?! Battles when it comes to that can be so hard.) She is finding her way and I liked how she did that.

Alex, oh man, he has issues. He is the leader. The strong one. The one that tells himself he is ok. Nothing wrong here. Nothing at all. He came out of the war with not a single problem except for that bad knee. Like seeing death and destruction is something that does not affect you. I started to feel more and more for him.

They meet, they fancy other (and go all wtf?!), she learns how to stand up for herself. He learns how to let go. But it sure is now dance on roses, well if it is all the thorns are there and it hurts a lot. These cowboy seals are not coming home all happy and untroubled.

I enjoyed it

I liked her voices and they made me smile. She was pleasant listening too and did a good job with narrating this story.