
I'll Be Yours by Jenny B. Jones

flowersofquiethappiness's review against another edition

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Jenny B. Jones is one of my go to authors when it comes to funny and endearing stories. I can always guarantee that I'll close the last chapter with a smile on my face! This delightful story is no different whatsoever. But make no mistake that with all the sweet moments comes some really hard things these characters are dealing with. It's not an easy road for any of them, but oh so worth it to journey to the final page.

I loved Harper from the first. She's riddled with doubts and fears and unknowns, so much of her thoughts reminded me of myself at different periods of my life! Her strength though, knows no bounds, which she learns over the course of events that suddenly get thrown in her path. And her resilience and sense of humor get her through some heavy realizations and decisions. Because her past is tough and she soon finds out her present isn't all happiness and rainbows either. But she deals. She determines to muddle her way through all the yuck somehow and I loved her all the more for it.

Then comes Ridley into her life and oh my! Talk about a swoony hero! Those two makes some great chemistry together, let me tell you. :) But the beauty found in their friendship is how they learn to support each other. Because Ridley is battling some hard as well and needs someone to help shoulder the burden. They seek to build on the foundation of mutual acceptance and caring they find in each other, a feeling which surprises them both. And oh how good they are for one another! Plus their banter is hilarious. Ms. Jones writes some of the best banter between characters of any writer I know!

A story with lots of heart, as well as several thought-provoking moments, this book is not to be missed. Especially if you adore a cute romance and characters who make you want to reach in the pages and make everything all better. Certainly worth a few hours of your time! :)

**I received a complimentary copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

ameserole's review against another edition

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I mostly wanted to read this book because of the beautiful ass cover.

I'll Be Yours was a really cute book. Beyond predictable and cliche.. but cute.

So it's about Harper wanting a specific boyfriend: the new guy. His name is Andrew if that helps. Unfortunately for her, she's out of his league - WHO TALKS LIKE THIS? Especially in high school.. were people really out of other people's leagues then? Even now? Are we playing baseball or soccer and I didn't even know?

Surprisingly, no really.. color me shocked, there's another popular jock who needs a damn tutor. Oh and his name is Ridley - which makes me think of the girl from the caster chronicles.. and I was starting to get annoyed while reading this book.

Well, whatever, these two stike a weird ass deal: he gets help school wise.. and she get's help boy wise? Again, cliche AF.. been there, done that.. can I get a book with something new and different please?

Do I even need to mention how this book ends? IT should be completely obvious so I'm not going to. Harper and Ridley were cute. They had fun banters with each other. Overall, it was a cute book.

synergysel's review against another edition

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So cute.

rebreadsbooks's review

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Predictable, maybe. But do sweet and so fun to read.

maggiemaggio's review

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Maybe 3.5 stars? Solid YA romance with a good girl and bad boy, both working out some demons (aka kind of cheesy).

kaycheer2899's review

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This book was so cute and heartwarming! It was the perfect mixture of humor, romance, and serious issues that it did not over do it with the cheesiness (it wasn't cheesy at all). I first began it thinking it might be too cheesy but it became so perfect ah Ridley is so wonderful:))) it was the perfect light read I needed :)

khairun_atika's review

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This is a beautiful tribute to football, family and first love. Harper O'Malley is the adopted daughter of acclaimed college football coach John O'Malley, whose dark past made her just a tad self-conscious about the people around her. She thinks she has finally found security in Andrew Levin, but a football scandal and a tutoring stint for Ridley Estes makes her rethink her options and to finally face the weight of her past and circumstances. The story is pretty heavy on dialogue, but that is what makes this book a winner. Harper's voice is one of the quintessential teenage girl - she is passionate and determined, yet vulnerable and shows low self-esteem. She makes up her shortfalls with her compassion and honesty, and that is what makes this a pleasant read, as we root for Harper to finally get the happy ending she deserves.

noura_rizk's review

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When you feel betrayed, you start questioning everything. their words their actions, and finally you stop believing. When Harper's adoptive father cheated on her adoptive mother, Harper's fragile world crumbled around here, because she never really let go of her past, her insecurities resurfaced again and let her know she never truly recovered. You could live in your fears and let it destroy everything you have/ might have, or you could take a leap of faith and start trusting again even if you might get hurt "again". The whole time Harper lived with her adoptive family she lived in fear of them leaving her again just like her own mother did, and all that scandal(her father scandal) did was just a reason for her to think she was right after all, except she was not.

Jenny B. Jones is one of my favorite anthers she always make our own struggles real in her books, and somehow help us see the good in everything we have in our lives, and that's what I love about her books.

rating 3.5

mb_booklady's review

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4.5 stars-- Almost tears.

Harper O'Malley was adopted from an abusive home life to become the daughter of a college football coach and his wife and sister to their two boys. Although she has been to counselors, she still has trust and self-esteem issues.

At 16, she finally develops her first crush on a fellow band geek. Andrew is all that Harper could want, but she has no idea how to get him to notice her or even really talk to him.

She reluctantly agrees to tutor fellow high-school student, Ridley Estes, in exchange for his coaching on how to interact with Andrew. Harper is sure she knows Ridley's type--he parties all the time and changes girlfriends like he does socks. He is definitely not her type and not safe for her. Not to mention she considers him totally out of her league.

While this story follows a familiar story line, outside vents conspire to make Harper deal with her trust issues. She also realizes everything is not as it seems on the outside. Through these events, she learns to do the things she fears because it is freeing and rewarding.

Some readers may be put off by the "Christian" label that could be applied to the book, but it is not a preachy story. Nor is it nice and neat. Like life, the O'Malley's lives are messy, uncomfortable, and don't always work out perfectly.

Some of the issues dealt with are messy and may not be for sensitive readers, but I would be comfortable giving the book to my seventh and eighth graders. Although the story is a romance, it's about family, making mistakes, and fumbling through life the best you can with whatever situation you find yourself in.

I truly enjoyed the story and will be looking for it in paperback for my middle school library. It is a cute romance with a great message that my female students will love.

sammy234's review against another edition

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I have complicated feelings towards this book.

I know that makes it sound like I'm talking about having a crush on some weird dude that plays xbox and belches but is also really attractive , but just bear with that phrase for a second.

On one hand , Jenny B. Jones is the author who influenced my childhood the most. When I was younger , I read all of her novels over and over again. My paperbacks of the charmed life series are stained and tattered. The Katy Parker series made me sob like a baby. Luke Sullivan is still my ultimate boy crush. I can remember whole passages of my favorite scenes. In fact , I used to recite them in my head when I had trouble falling asleep.

True story.

I was totally obsessed.

On the other hand , ( and this feels kind of sacrilegious to say) I didn't like this too much. I don't want to give it a bad review , though. It was really sweet and lovely , but maybe filled with too many conversations about the theme of the story .

This hurts on so many levels , so I'm just going to say that on a whole , as an author , Jenny B. Jones takes the cake. I will always have her books on pre- order and I will always be a mega - crazy fan , even if this novel wasn't my favorite of hers.

So yeah.

I recommend reading The Charmed life series and The first three books in The Katy Parker series first , then Save the date and There you'll find me ( cause they are stand -alones but also connected) , then Just Between you and Me , and by then you'll probably have a brain freakout about how good they are and want to swear your undying allegiance to Jenny B. Jones.

Just kidding. ( sort of)