
Hearts Abroad by Skye McNeil

maureensbooks89's review against another edition

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When I first saw the cover of ‘Hearts Abroad’ I was fascinated by this book. It’s definitely an eye catching cover. So when the author emailed me about this book, I definitely was excited to start reading this one. After reading this book, I don’t necessarily think this cover fits this sweet slow-burning romance, but it’s still pretty and I’m curious to see the other covers in this series.

From the moment I started reading ‘Hearts Abroad’ I really enjoyed this read. Both main characters are really fun to get to know. Londyn, is this fun girl who keeps going after her dreams although things aren’t going the way she hoped. For the summer Londyn takes a job as a nanny and soon spends her days with two little girls. What she didn’t expect was to meet their handsome dad, the very British and rich Callum Archur. Callum is a museum curator and a workaholic. Londyn and Callum couldn’t be more different. But there is a chemistry between them from the very beginning.

The romance between Londyn and Callum was really fun to read about. It was a very slow building romance which I adored. It just had this thing about it that made this read really fun and hard to put down. I really enjoyed reading how Londyn and Callum slowly got to know each other and well.. Callum’s very British character definitely was fun too. I loved how this romance took it’s time to build, although the attraction was there from the beginning.

There where several moments in this book that made me laugh out loud. For example the moments where Londyn spoke without realizing she was saying her thoughts out loud. This book definitely had some very humorous moments.

The one problem I had with this book was the ending. To me it felt a little rushed. The rest of this book is sweet and perfectly slow.. unlike most romance stories these days you really get to witness this romance build. But the end just went a little to fast for me. I wished the author took her time more there, and maybe a little less in the beginning.

But overall, this was a great read and I can’t wait to read more books in this series. Millionaires and romance.. there’s just something about them.

bookboss85's review against another edition

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Original review can be found at:

**A copy of this book was provided from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**

Part of what drew me to this book was the fact that it is a romance, an author I have never heard of before but the icing on the cake was the fact that the main male character was British. I don’t know about you, but when the characters have accents I tend to read them with that accent in my mind. I was hoping that it wouldn’t disappoint.

Londyn is doing what she loves. She working in the theater and writing what she hopes will be her huge break as a playwright. The job might not pay super well and it might now always be a given that she will even have work but she loved it anyway. That all came to a screeching halt when her ex-boyfriend put his name on a play that she wrote and managed to get it picked up for production. Her world came crashing down around her. She felt betrayed and hurt but what she was the most was angry. She goes home to wallow in self-pity and to utilize her three C’s– Chocolate, Chick Flicks, and Chinese food. She sees that her aunt who raised her from 10 years old has called her. She calls and tells her aunt all about her play. Her aunt suggests coming home to Iowa for the summer. Her aunt says that she will pay Londyn’s portion of the rent for her crackerbox apartment. Londyn agrees and off she goes to Iowa. While living with her aunt she feels out of place. Her aunt has recently started dating and she feels a bit like a third wheel. She finds online a nanny job which she applies for and gets. Once there she falls in love with the two girls that she is caring for. Eventually, she starts to fall for Callum, the father of the two girls. As things progress between them she begins to wonder how she can leave this family at the end of the summer and head back to New York City. Will they tell each other how they feel before its too late? Will the girls’ estranged mother, who suddenly reappears, drive a wedge between the two?

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read it in about two days. I didn’t want it to end. The book was fast paced and well written. The characters are well rounded and you can see what they look like in your mind’s eye. There is romance, obviously, but it’s not over the top and ridiculous. I honestly don’t know what else to say about this book. It is, so far, the top book I have read this year. Granted that isn’t much time but its true. This book was cute and kept me turning the pages long after I should have. I will keep an eye out for more books by this author and add the books she has written to my to-be-read stack.

joreadsromance's review against another edition

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A cute and comforting story
3 stars

This is the first book in a new series from [a:Skye McNeil|14437675|Skye McNeil|] about an opposites attract, sort-of enemies (or at least distrusting acquaintances) to lovers romance. Ms McNeil’s writing flows very smoothly throughout, is engaging and accomplished. Those pages kept themselves turning! She’s definitely an author I will look for again in the future.

The story is a slow, sweet romance that follows a well-known tale. In fact, it’s almost a standard storyline of stiff-upper lip Brit whose life is ‘turned upside down’ by a free-spirited, carefree American who’s been employed as a nanny for his children. It’s got all the elements of a Hallmark/Disney teen type movie including teaching the American to dance, realising what’s most important - job or family, after the disruption of said job by hijinks and shenanigans, of course! I even vibe felt a Sound of Music vibe with the nanny helping the children learn to have fun.

Now none of this is a bad thing. In fact, I love those types of movies and I’ve spent many an afternoon watching them and getting that same happy and comfortable feeling from them that I got with this book. However, following a tried and true pattern can only ever make this a good book rather than a great one.

I liked both Londyn and Callum - separately and together. I feel that Londyn could have easily become a cliched stereotype but instead was a well-rounded and interesting character. I was rooting for her. Likewise for Callum but I did feel, as the book progressed, that he was turning into the cliched English lord type with the family who disdained of anyone not of their rank or wealth.

The romance was really sweet and cute - but hot and steamy it was not. There were no passionate clinches, no ripping clothes off each other and no sweaty sessions. There was one sex scene which did have a little more oomph than the rest of the book - but other than that, it was very much a tame affair. (This didn’t affect my rating - just stating it so folk will know whether it will suit them or not.)

Because it is a sweet romance at its heart - I feel I have to mention the few f-bombs in the story. No problem at all for me but some folk wouldn’t necessarily expect them.

I’m always slightly wary of a Brit popping up in a book set in America. Would he Dick Van-Dyke it up or would he be slightly more subtle? Mostly subtle - I’m happy to say. Just a few ‘let’s throw in a Britishism’ to make this more legit but not enough to annoy. And only a few moments when England and Britain become interchangeable but that’s always going to be a bug bear of mine.

I very much enjoyed this book. It’s a fun way to pass a couple of hours and you’ll finish with a satisfied feeling that you’ve enjoyed a light-hearted tale of love conquering all. The adorable cover deserves its own mention and should I see something similar for the following books in the series then I’ll be sure to give them a go.

frominktopaper's review against another edition

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Original review posted on my blog From Ink to Paper

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

There is just something different about reading a romance than other books to me. They make me feel giddy and I find myself laughing out loud at them, or cringing on the awkwardness that happens in some and just becoming emotionally attached to the couple in the book and waiting to see what happens. Even though most romance book plots are similar; don’t want to fall for someone, do, try it, then get in a fight, make up, and happily ever after. I think though that is still a fun read.

I thought the plot of this book was good and it was cute. You have this girl trying to make it on her own and she is sweet and down to earth and then you have this sexy British dad who is rich, but isn’t overly snobish about it and is just someone with a past and is trying to raise his daughters and do the career he loves. I thought the story was well paced and had some unique parts to it. I thought the writing was well done and the story progressed smoothly and was just a fun read.

The main characters had great chemistry and meshed well together. I loved London she made me laugh, especially with that scene in the beginning where she is in the hot tub and is trying to hide. The supporting characters were good as well, the daughters were super cute and played off the two main characters well. I liked the flirtation between London and Callum and the sarcasm that was there as well.

Overall I thought this was a really fun read and really enjoyed it. I am definitely looking forward to the rest of this series!

si0bhan's review against another edition

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Hearts Abroad is the first book in Skye McNeil’s Atlas series, and it’s a book that has left me curious about the rest of the series.

I will be completely honest and say I was a wee bit uncertain about this book at first. I enjoy a good single dad story, love a good nanny story, but as there are so many out there my standard is quite high. To begin with, this one did not suck me in the way I had hoped. The overall story was interesting, the individual character storylines left me curious, yet I was not sucked into the romance. There was more back-and-forth than I usually like in these stories, and it took a while before I was completely sucked in.

The above is the reason why I gave this one a three-star rating. Later in the book, it became a four-star read, yet I couldn’t quite bring myself to round up. It’s a three-point-five-star read rounded down, yet it is a book that has left me curious about the rest of the series.

You see, even though it took me a while to get into this one, once I was sucked in I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed the characters, I enjoyed the way the story played out, and was more than happy to power through the book. There were plenty of moments where I wore a silly little smile on my face, and the emotions more than came through with this one.

Without a doubt, I’m curious about book two.