
Basilisk by Rob Thurman

wetdryvac's review

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A fun fluff. Violent, murderous fluff, but fun.

rozarka's review

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Druhý díl ze série o bratrech Korsakových. V Institutu došlo ke vzpouře a 13 chimér, včetně smrtící Wendy, která dokáže vraždit pouhým pohledem (myšleno doslova), je na útěku. Michael a Stephan je musí najít a zastavit dřív, než z nudy vyvraždí půl Ameriky.

Navzdory poměrně slušnému ratingu, který Basilisk na goodreads má, je to pro mě nejslabší Robina kniha. Slibovaná akční zápletka zabírá sotva třetinu knihy, zbytek jsou sáhodlouhé vnitřní monology a pitvání se v citech a pocitech hlavního hrdiny. Což by nemuselo být špatné, kdyby se to neopakovalo pořád dokola.

Kniha je navíc oproti předchozímu dílu vyprávěná z pohledu mladšího ("zlého") brášky, což z ní dělá nechtěný klon knih ze série o Calu Leandrosovi. Stejně tak Saul, který zde dostal větší prostor než v předchozím díle, vzbuzuje dojem, že se z něj Rob pokouší udělat Robina č. 2 (a to nemůže dopadnout dobře).

Ne že by tahle série byla úplně špatná, ale autorka by mohla méně vykrádat samu sebe, jako se jí to povedlo třeba v All Seeing Eye, což je kniha, kterou pokládám za podstatně lepší, než je celá Korsakovská série.

minotaursmaze's review against another edition

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I nearly always enjoy these books, about fitting in even though you don't fit at all.
And that family is vitally important.
Good fun

tita_noir's review against another edition

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Hmmm...what to say? What to say?

Mainly I did not enjoy this one as much as I did the first one. It had a repetitive, almost tedious quality. This book was told from Michale's first person POV, whereas the first book was told from Stefan's POV. Although I love Mischa, his introspective, almost navel-gazey musings somewhat de-railed the book. Stefan really is the heavy lifter of the series and I enjoyed his sharper take on events much that Micheal's more emo view.

I loved how unrelentingly evil little 10 year old Wendy was, tough. That was not a disappointment. She was nicely Machiavellian even though for much of the book her menace was mostly hinted at, held in reserve. When the confrontation finally came it was well done. Not too over the top and there were some nice surprises.

Up until the very end of the book, this was a low 4-star. It wasn't until the last sentence that the book lost me and soured me some on the story. I hate unnecessary cliff-hanger type endings and I hate energizer bunny characters.

kaje_harper's review

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This is the second series by Rob Thurman I've read and both times I loved the first book, reread it several times, but found the second (and beyond) less satisfying. This book is written in the first-person voice of Michael. the younger brother who was rescued from his scientist creators and captivity in Chimera. The previous book was his brother Stefan's narrative. Thurman has a distinctive writing voice, and in this case I felt it was not as good a fit for the character. For both Stefan, and Cal Leandros in that series, the slightly cynical, self-mocking tone is appropriate to the character. For Michael, who was sheltered, isolated, highly trained and serious, it seems a poorer fit. It also felt a little repetitive, as if the musings and stylistic choices were becoming automatic to the author. The plot was decent, but the theme of tightly-bonded brothers seems more obligatory and less well-thought out and nuanced. (Michael really has no qualms about the secret his brother has been keeping from him?) And the little plot twist at the end was telegraphed way ahead, at least for me. I've been waiting for this one, and I didn't hate it, but I was disappointed.

idris's review

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Immer noch sehr unterhaltsam und eine tolle Brüderkiste, aber nicht ganz so toll wie der erste Band, deswegen nur drei Sterne.
Ich hätte mir eine Aussprache gewünscht zwischen Misha und Stefan wegen DEM Geheimnis (was ich nicht mal hier spoilern möchte), und es wurde zwar angehintet, dass beide es wissen, aber ich fand es ein bisschen schade, dass sie es nicht thematisiert haben.
Wendy und Ariel sind außerdem grässliche weibliche Charaktere und ich denke, Rob Thurman könnte das definitiv besser.
Abgesehen davon wieder sehr spannende Action, ein Road Trip, viel Blut und sehr viel brüderliche Gefühle.

amdame1's review

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3.5 stars
I didn't realize it was the second in a series. It stood alone fine, but probably would have been even better if I had read the other one first.

Michael was rescued from "The Institute" by his brother. Michael had been kidnapped at the age of 7 and rescued 10 years later. During his time at the Institute, he was turned into a killer, with special powers and abilities. Michael and Stefan intend to go back to rescue all the other children who had to be left behind, but their plans take a twist when the Institute discovers them before they were quite ready.

I liked the characters and plot quite a bit. I say I should read the first one, but I probably won't just due to time constraints and so many other books to be read first.

pauliree's review against another edition

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I think I liked this book even more than the first one. I think I am a sucker for the angry young man. Anyway, I love Misha as a character and the way he is growing as a person.

thekalebrussell's review against another edition

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Sadly this book was a huge set back in this short series. Reading this book for Misha's point of view was boring. His voice was bland and there were too many times when he'd take a detour from the real plot to drag on and on about how much he loathes himself, how he's a killer. I understand that he should feel that way after living in such a terrible place like the institute his whole life, but there was way too much of it for my taste.