
Love You Senseless by Susan Mac Nicol

tltravis's review against another edition

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Wow, I didn’t expect this at all

I went into this with expectations I was reading just another love story. WRONG! This book had action, drama, sadness and social awareness popping out unexpectedly around each corner.

I’m happily downloading book two of the series as I type this review.

marlobo's review against another edition

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I'm not sure why but this book felt almost insubstantial for me. It was barely on this edge of corny.

The best was a secondary character, Leslie. For him I'll go ahead with the series.

ezichinny's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this one.

Famous chef Gideon Kent lost his sense of taste and smell following a fire accident where he lost a friend. That made his job as an owner of a restaurant difficult both physically and emotionally. Taste, smell and texture is an important part of creating a dish, and now Gideon couldn’t do that.

Adding insult to injury, one of his new chefs, Eddie Tripp, was quickly becoming the toast of the town as a creative force in their industry. Gideon couldn’t decide if he wanted fire Eddie or just kiss him senseless. Eddie had what Gideon wanted most both professionally and physically. What’s Gideon to do?

I enjoyed the yo-yo emotions Gideon had concerning Eddie. It was actually funny because sometimes he wanted to just smack Eddie for breaking something, the next second, Gideon was starting at Eddie’s butt and fighting to keep from mauling Eddie at work. Eddie, on the other hand, was incredibly patient. He put up with Gideon’s mood swings and mixed messages, and he stayed persistent. The author kept this story light and enjoyable, and did a great job of developing the characters. She told the story from both Gideon and Eddie’s POV, so we got a chance to be in each character’s head space.

My favorite part of this book was when Gideon took Eddie to find his cousin. That’s when I knew Gideon was ready to be Eddie’s partner. It was his time to give to Eddie and be his pillar of strength. I have to mention the restaurant crew who played match maker and wouldn’t let Gideon hide. They were funny and they were pushy, which was necessary for an old grump like Gideon. Also, Eddie’s roommates have a strange connection, so I do hope the author will develop Taylor and Leslie’s relationship and give us some more “insight” to Taylor. This book was the least angst filled book I’ve read by this author, but it was still as enjoyable.

*Thanks to the author for the reading copy.

suze_1624's review against another edition

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Whilst I liked this, I didn't get fully immersed in the story for some reason.
So the angsty bits weren't so angsty for me.
I liked the dialogue between Gideon and Eddie, it felt real, a bit bit narky, a bit raw, felt quite British. Though there were a couple of Americanisms at the start which made me pause (fire truck, block).
I loved Leslie, so hoping he gets his own story, he was just so over the top that you just had to like him.

bfdbookblog's review against another edition

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probably closer to 4.5 stars

i loved this book. although gideon is a moody bastard he totally breaks your heart. he thinks he's doing ok after surviving a horrible tragedy. but he's clearly not and everyone around him knows it. through most of the book he shows his macho/alpha side to protect himself but when his soft, sweet side is shown you just want to hug him.

eddie appears shy/reserved at first but as he gets to know gideon better you realize how fun he is and how perfect he is for gideon. he is patient and kind. he breaks your heart a couple of times as well but thankfully love conquers all!

the story was very well written. the sexual tension and chemistry between gideon and eddie was high and explosive. the secondary characters are awesome. there are so many strong characters that this series is going to be great all the way through. can't wait for the next one!!

shelbanuadh's review

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DNF @ 8%.

Wow. Gideon is a real asshole. The way he speaks to his staff is disgusting. The way he speaks in his restaurant, as a professional, is disgusting. Can't say I can see jumping kn his corner, whatever his trauma.

And why is the sous-chef doing desserts? Wouldn't an award-winning restaurant employ a pastry chef?

mrella's review

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For the life of me I could not connect with the characters. The book was too wordy and too "out there" - I still can't understand why all the paranormal business with Luke was necessary.

Loved the premise and the humor, but on the whole it was just OK. I think it might be me. 2.5 stars.

Wendy - thank you for the gift! You introduced me to a new author and will definitely keep an eye on SMN's future books :)

xanoquita's review against another edition

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I finished this last night and I already miss Gideon and Eddie <3

tink535's review against another edition

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4.5* loved this <3