
Ties That Bind by Pippa DaCosta

cely212's review

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Why Akil

I love this series! This particular book had all my emotions going. I laughed, was angry and cried. When my emotions get the best of me in a book I always give it 5 stars. The story was well written. You felt the characters and can get lost in the chaotic mess during their fights. So good! Enjoy

belladonna_loves_to_read's review

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*sniffle - I can't believe this is the last one - sniffle*

“I was the Deathbringer, the Destroyer, the Mother of Destruction. I was made for the end of all things. This was my time.”

It’s all up to Muse now. The fate of both the Netherworld and the Earth are in her hands, in this final book in The Veil series.

Normally, I would tell you all about the plot and characters...

But I. Just. Can’t. Do. It.

It’s impossible to give you details without giving away any major spoilers. And this book, above any other in the series, deserves to be read without knowing ANY of the plot points before hand.

What I can tell you is that Pippa DaCosta didn't hold back with the conclusion of this series. There were plot twists and turns that I had never even dreamed of. I was on tenterhooks by the end. My emotions, shredded.

I love this series from beginning to end. With a robust cast of characters that made me laugh, then cry from one breath to the next and plot twist after plot twist that I never saw coming, it is easily one of my favorite UF/PNR series.

So, thank you, Pippa DaCosta for The Veil series. For Muse, a heroine who kicks ass. For Stefan, the hottie underdog. And for Akil, one of the hottest enigmas in Urban Fantasy. I will always be #TeamAkil!

PS. If you're like me and going through Veil series withdrawal, I HIGHLY recommend you check out her new series, The 1000 Revolution. The first book is [b:Girl From Above: Betrayal|25377211|Girl From Above Betrayal (The 1000 Revolution, #1)|Pippa DaCosta||44867703] and it's A-MAZ-ING!

*A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.*

pleasureinatrocities's review

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I really liked that there was a lot of growth of the main character throughout the series, she really came a long way from the beginning although I do wish she had ended up with the other guy instead...

literally_laura's review

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I've been with Muse for 6 books now (counting the prequel). I thought I'd be sick of her by now,but instead I'm sad this is the end. Sure, there's another short novella to help, but I need to know how she navigates the challenges to come.
DaCosta kept me guessing. Ahkeel/Akil/Mammon was an enigma right up to the end- and I mean literally the epilogue. Jerry, Dawn, Adam, Asmodeus, Yukki, Ryder, Jenna, even Lacy... I want to know more. I adore this cast of characters so much. I'm not ready for goodbye.
If you only read one series this year, make it this one. The books are on the short side but in no way miniscule. There are no slow sections. There is no time to be bored. The twists are numerous and surprising. So very worth the time invested.

sarah42783's review

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This is IT, the Last Instalment and My Mission Here is Done the Pippa Cult Now Boasts a Few New Members Muahahahaha Muahahahaha Muahahahaha MacHaloistic Buddy Reread (TiItLIaMMHiDtPCNBaFNMMMMMBR™) ☢

Previous rating: 5 stars.
New rating: 10 stars.

And the moral of this reread is: boom. I'm dead.

Bloody shrimping hell. How did I survive reading this book the first time around? I barely made it through this reread, even though I knew what to expect. Damn. You are one hell of an evil woman, you evil Pippa you. You slightly squished the tiny little heart that I don't have, somewhat chopped into tiny little pieces, and then lightly stomped on it for good measure (with much glee and elation, I'm sure). It was pure, orgasmic bliss. So thank you and stuff. I shall be eternally full of grate. And shall dutifully pursue my mission to unleash this series and your general greatness upon the world. Watch out, innocent bystanders barnacles, here I come. You thought I was fangirling before? Believe me, my Tiny Arthropods, you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Prequel: Wings of Hope ★★★★★
Book 1: Beyond the Veil ★★★★★
Book 2: Devil May Care ★★★★★
Book 3: Darkest before Dawn ★★★★★
Book 4: Drowning in the Dark ★★★★★
Short story & bonus scenes: One For Sorrow ★★★★★

Original review (April 2015):

Disclaimer: this will not be an actual review for this book so much as a declaration of my love for the greatness that is The Veil. You have been warned. And no, there will not be silly fangirling involved. Because this series is beyond that. And yes, I will probably be repeating here what I already said in my reviews for previous instalments in this series. Deal with it.

I can review this book. Sure. No problem. At all. I can do this. Absolutely. Oh I'm such a crappy liar. There's no way I can do this. How am I even expected to do this? This is just too awesome for words. Okay, I'll try. This book deserves it. This series deserves it. And Pippa DaCosta certainly deserves it for creating such an amazing world.

“I am fire. I am destruction. I will be their nightmare.”

This is it. The end. The last one. Muse is gone.

There is no way I can tell you what this book is about. There are too many things going on in the series at this point. The story is too complex. And I wouldn't be able to do the book justice anyway. Because it's all about emotions. You don't read The Veil. You feel it. Believe me when I tell you you've never experienced anything like this before. I certainly haven't. That's why it's so hard to let Muse go. Reading The Veil made me feel alive in a way no other book ever did. Pippa DaCosta, you're a magician.

“I was the Mother of Destruction. I was every demon’s nightmare. I had the Prince of Greed wrapped around my heart and a lifetime of emotional fallout to shore up my conviction. My father would not beat me. No demon would beat me down ever again. I was fire, and I was hungry”.

Muse: one of the greatest characters ever created. Half-human. Half-demon. Mother of Destruction. Daughter of Lust. Emotional wreck. She's seen too much. She's been through too much. She's lost too much. Over and over again. Now she's on a mission to destroy them all.

“Bring it on, netherworld. You wanna fuck with me? Here I am.”

Do not, under any circumstance, trust Pippa DaCosta: this goes beyond expecting the unexpected. DaCosta is clearly insane. She has no mercy. On her characters. On her readers. Nothing is ever what it seems. Everything can and will be undone. Or not. It's no use trying to figure out what could happen next. DaCosta will get you. Every. Single. Time.

The emotional roller coaster. Rage, despair, love, hate, vengeance, lust, sadness, joy, excitement, madness, violence, obsession, peace, heartbreak, sacrifice, loss, happiness, betrayal. And hope. Expect to be emotionally exhausted by the time you finish reading any instalment in this series.

Ties that Bind is the amazing conclusion to one of the most amazing UF series ever written:
Truly original world building.
Fantastic writing. Make that mesmerising when it comes to the netherworld.
Amazing characters. Damn I'm going to miss you all so much. This is heartbreaking.

This was The Veil. Read it.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.