
Born of Treasure by Jordan Elizabeth

alyshadeshae's review

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See my full review here:

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the first book and some for this book!

SpoilerSo the last book ended with Clark and Amethyst foolishly getting married. Yes, I said foolishly. They haven’t even bother to tell Garth and Georgette Treasure that they know they aren’t half-siblings and that Clark knows Eric Grisham is his dad, not Garth. But they get married… DUMB! So dumb. This is easily the most foolish decision they’ve made in both books.

I give this book 3.5 out of 5.0 stars because, again, there are errors that really should have been fixed already, but the book is still easily readable. I don’t know if there’s another book coming because the end of this one did seem a bit final, but if there is a third book then I will definitely be reading it. In spite of the things that are wrong with the book,

There’s also a separate short story called “A Treasure Tale” at the end of this book. It’s from before the first book, so it’s more a prequel than anything, but there is a part that implies maybe it isn’t a prequel when the story references Amethyst’s first kidnapping where she was locked in a shed.

I give the short story 4.0 out of 5.0 stars because it entertained me, but still had an error. It was a pretty easy save for Clark, and that’s okay. I would love to see more of his adventures while he was on the run.

terminalfin's review

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I absolutely adore this series. I listened to this one on Audible thanks to Jordan diving into the format.

Man, I am so glad she did because this series is bloody brilliant. I love the adventures of Amethyst, Clark, and the entire Treasure and Grisham families.

The narration left me severely wanting as it sounded like the narrator was in a cave (massive echo) and she had no emotion to the dialogue.

Either way, the story still gets a 5/5.

canadianbookaddict's review

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I really did enjoy this book. It is well written and kept me reading .

emitchellwrites's review

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Now here we go: (my review will be shorter this time because of life, but I promise, I’ll tell you what you need to know)

I really enjoyed her visuals, the way I could smell, hear, taste, feel everything. As I say in all my reviews of hers: she’s got that down.

This story was book 2 of the Treasure series, and it flowed seamlessly from one to the other. There was just enough recap throughout the book that I never felt lost, but didn’t feel like I was getting a recap at the beginning of a TV show: last week on… So, that was wonderful, and really well done.

I think that there were a few parts that were a little drawn out, unnecessary even. It felt like a few scenes may have been added to make the book longer, or maybe that’s just how I read it.

Another thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was that she seemed to draw from herself. I feel like there were a few scenes from this book that I’d read in Coglings, only with different characters and slightly different results. I know that’s bound to happen, and maybe I only noticed it because I read them so close together, but I’m reviewing this so I’m telling it like I see it.

That all being said, I still enjoyed the hell out of this book. The characters are so alive I feel like I know them. I certainly know what they’d do in certain situations, and that’s always great.

In the end (as I said, short review, and I’m terribly sorry about that, but I wanted to write a longer one, it’s just taken me so long to write this one as it is), I would definitely suggest this book, this series, and this author to anyone who wants a good read and especially anyone who loves steampunk. I can’t wait to read what she’s got next. Seriously, I hope she hurries!

elise68's review

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I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

What a fantastic, adventure filled follow on from Treasure Darkly. I thoroughly enjoyed being taken along on the journey with these great characters. They are all richly developed and unique from each other bringing real colour to this story. Amethyst I simply adore. What a strong, brave and unstoppable woman she has grown to be since we first met her. I highly recommend the Treasure series for a great adventurous read.

marie_thereadingotter's review

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avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Garth Treasure has claimed Clark as his bastard son in order to protect him, but Clark knows who his real father is. Ever since he stole a vial of what he thought was absinthe from an Army officer and drank it, he’s been able to see the dead. Not just see though, he can bring the recently deceased back. Clark hates this ability, but even worse, the Army is after him for the abilities he stole. His true father has appeared to him and beseeched Clark to seek out his inventions that Senator Horan has been using for his own ill-gotten gain and destroy them. Clark and Amethyst are doing just that, but the Senator’s reach is long and now the whole family is in danger because of him. Is there a way out from under a corrupt politician? Or are they all doomed?

Fast-paced and nail biting I couldn’t read this steampunk suspense quickly enough to satisfy and soothe my nerves. And I’m a pretty fast reader! I don’t now how many times I said, “Omg, someone just kill that guy (the Senator, his brother and/or Greenwood at various points in the book) already!” I hated them. They are wonderful villainous asshats. On the other hand, there’s Clark, the other Treasures and Amethyst. I loved Clark in book 1 and I still love him even though he’s sometimes really quick to use his gun to solve his problems. Wowzers. But it’s war. Not actual war, but a personal war of the Army and a corrupt asshole against Clark and the Treasures. The two people who I didn’t really like in book 1, Jeremiah and Amethyst, really grow in this book. They still have a few “we’re rich and therefore entitled” moments, but they’ve pulled their heads almost completely out of their asses and for the most part they are people I’d love to have as friends. This story has a satisfactory conclusion, but I wouldn’t say no to more books in this world.