
La primavera de los rebeldes by Morgan Rhodes

inwonderland49's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

Holy crap, my friends. This was even better than the first one! It was so intense. Rebel Spring kept me on the edge of my seat from page 1. And by the time that I reached the ending, I understand why so many people dreaded the waiting game for the next book to come out because that wait must have been brutal! I am so happy that I collected these and have them all to binge read right after the other. But at the same time... a part of me wishes I had been on this wagon from the very beginning because, my friends, this series is just so amazing.

Morgan Rhodes is a real storyteller. I love her writing and I love the world building and how I feel transported to the world of Mytica. Morgan Rhodes has become an auto-buy author for me and she should make your list, too!

What I really loved about this sequel was the fact that we delved more into the story. So, book 1 was great.. I absolutely loved it. But it only scratched the surface of the actual story. Book 1 did great in building the world and building the characters. It was great because Rebel Spring was able to thrive from the bones that Falling Kingdoms built. Rebel Spring had me feeling even more for the characters. I was able to get a better read on these characters and I realized that I fell in love with them even more!

Speaking of characters, Cleo and Magnus are my absolute favorites for sure. But I'm also loving all of the other characters. And I really don't want to list them in case you haven't read this book or series. But let me tell you that be cautious with reading this series because Morgan Rhodes is ruthless and is not afraid to kill her darlings. And I do not mean by cutting scenes/editing. I mean literally killing her darling precious characters. When I referred to Falling Kingdoms as the YA version of Game of Thrones, I meant that because of how many characters die. But when you think about it, it makes sense because this series is about a WAR. There is bound to be death.

BUT IT IS SO AMAZING! If you love fantasy, please read this series and talk to me about it!!! I know hardly anyone who has read this series and I need more people to talk to about it!!!!

ashleykwbooks's review against another edition

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Rebel Spring was by far better than Falling Kingdoms and I can tell the story is slowly getting better. However I still found it lacking and very very predictable. But I am more interested in finishing this series now than I was when I started this book.

juliterario's review against another edition

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¿Se acuerdan de cómo les dije que el primer libro no me había gustado tanto? ¿De cómo me había aburrido inmensamente? ¿Y de como, aún asi, le tenía fé a esta saga y decidí continuar leyéndola? Será contradictorio, si, pero hoy vengo a decirles que TIENEN QUE LEER ESTA SAGA !!!!!!
Los personajes son maravillosos y PRECIOSAMENTE CONSTRUIDOS. La bellisima pluma de Morgan Rhodes logra que ames u odies a un personaje, pero ninguno te va a resultar indiferente. Sus descripciones son hermosas y creo que esta saga pronto va a ser de mis favoritas. Sólo voy por el 3er libro así que no sé mucho como para afirmarlo pero, justo como mi autora favorita Sarah J. Maas, Rhodes tiene el poder de cambiarlo todo con una oración. Y es fenomenal.
Tienen que leerla.

shamma93's review against another edition

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Oh my god !! One of the best series I read so far!

marianaarguellogalvez's review

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Puntuación: 3.25

Esta entrega es entretenida, la historia se sitúa luego de que el reino de Limeros invade Paelsia y Auranos y sale vencedor, dejando a Gaius como rey de toda mytica y a Magnus como él príncipe. Por lo tanto se crea un grupo de rebeldes comandado por Jonas para recuperar Paelsia y hacerle frente a Gaius. Mientras la princesa Cleo se mete en los conflictos internos del palacio y a la vez apoya la causa rebelde.

Narrativa 3/5
La narración es desde las diversas perspectivas de cada uno de los personajes, tanto principales como secundarios. se hace muy entretenido pasar de un punto de vista a otro. Mis partes favoritas en esta entrega son las narradas por Magnus y por Cleo hace que la historia sea muy fluida y espere mucho a esta interacción. Sin embargo los narrados por Jonas y lysandra son demasiado pesados y manejan demasiada información que no parece ser muy necesaria.

Uno de los contra que tengo con la narrativa es que la estructura como tal es muy caótica por la cantidad de personajes que hay en el libro, y que la mayor parte de sus personajes piensan de la misma manera.

Argumento 2/5
Esta entrega más que resolver las dudas del libro anterior, crea más complicaciones y más dudas que en su mayoría no se resuelven. Además no se crea una intriga llamativa en la historia, ya que solo van agregando más cosas, más personajes, más historias y los hilos argumentales de los que fallecen quedan sin resolverse y abiertos.

El argumento que motiva la boda entre Magnus y Cleo lo disfrute mucho, la interacción entre ambos tiene mucho potencial como interés amoroso.

Una de las cosas que es muy notable, es que abundan las emociones instantáneas, los personajes no han tenido más que encuentros fortuitos y ya se enamoran u odian, demasiado a la ligera y rápidamente. Siento que esto fuerza de manera negativa el desarrollo de la historia ya que son insustanciales, apenas hay contacto entre los personajes y ya se enamoran.

Mundo 5/5

Con respecto al mundo en esta entrega mejora mucho la construcción, ya que los lugares visitados tienen sus nombres propios y esto permite visualizar mejor el ambiente que rodea a los personajes.

Personajes 3/5
Con respecto a los personajes hay algunos que han tenido una buena evolución como Cleo, Magnus y Jonas. Sin embargo otros me decepcionan demasiado como Lucia, niccolo (no puedo creer que este vaya traicionar a su amiga de la infancia sólo porque lo rechazó). y otros que sencillamente no me generan ningún tipo de interés.

Además una de las cosas que este libro si logro fue hacerme empatizar con tres personajes, eso es por lo menos un poco más que la entrega anterior, siento que hay momentos en que si te hacen sentir sus pérdidas y logros. Sin embargo hay unos que siento muy superficiales porque no noto que aportan actualmente a la historia cuyo ritmo llega a entorpecerse por la salida y entrada de personajes.

La evolución del personaje de Cleo es notable, que ya no ponga sus deseos sobre todo lo demás y que piense antes de actuar. Ya se quitó de encima el peso de su secreto con Aron.

Magnus es muy confuso, el por ahora esta para hacer todo lo que Gaius le ordene.

Jonas se nota más maduro y por lo menos ya superó su odio hacia cleo.

El personaje de Lysandra es introducido en esta entrega y me parece muy fuera de lugar. Es como para suplantar la personalidad feroz e impulsiva de Cleo, más allá de la mitad se nota más madura luego de presenciar la masacre de la gente de la calzada con Jonas y Brión. Y ahora sí piensa antes de hacer las cosas.

Lucia se convirtió en un personaje arrogante y desagradable, es obvio que para el fin en que uses tu poder eso te define, si lo usas para destruir eres malvada lucía, si matas eres malvada si apoyas una causa malvada eres mala!.

*Y ahora Cleo sabe de la magia de Lucia y la va a usar para sus fines

*Además la revelación a Magnus del asesino de su madre y que matará tan fácilmente a Aron no deja la suficiente intriga en la historia.

*El encuentro entre Jonas y Magnus ya lo había estado esperando.

*Pero no sé qué tiene que ver qué lysandra y Gregor su hermano se encontrarán en la mazmorra del Gaius. No se que tanta influencia pueda tener ella.

*Y no se que tenga que ver el príncipe ashir en todo esto.

timsreads's review against another edition

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This is a really short review but oh my god this series is just terrible! Unfortunately, It's as awful as it is interesting and that's why I even bothered continuing with this series. I know I rated 4 stars for the first book but my actual rating was 3.5 stars. This series is filled with insta loves that are terribly written. It feels as if the writer doesn't even want to bother with romance building and just jumps to the big "I love you" which obviously must not be that big of a deal to the author if she thinks it's unnecessary to build up so many relationships. I was seriously in complete awe at how far she jumps ahead!
Spoiler and oh my god the amount of guys who are enamored with Cleo? Ridiculous. The author could have at least tried to make the romance in this book believable

Also there's never been one moment in this book that I was not so annoyed and bothered by a character and that really affected my judgement on this book. Be it Magnus(he was more bearable than the first book but I still don't enjoy his presence) or Lysandra( I loved her in the beginning but she got too strong headed at one point but towards the end I liked her again) or Lucia or anyone else they all pissed me off. There were a lot of new characters in this book and I would be lying if I said that I did not enjoy that. They added more substance to the book and allowed for more plot twists and betrayals which I thought was fun.
What was not so fun however was seeing so many deaths. To be frank, it does not even cause me grief anymore. We saw in the last book that Morgan Rhodes isn't shy when it comes to death and while I thought it was great in the first book, I was not as affected as I was in the last book.
Overall, this book was definitely not as fun as I'd hoped and I will not be continuing with the series no matter how much it interested me.

jazzyjan94's review against another edition

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Rebel Spring is the second book in the Falling Kingdoms series and it was great follow up to the first book. The last few chapters of this book were super intense and I didn't know what to do with myself after I finished it. I can't wait to read Gathering Darkness soon! 4/5 Stars

lizaktzxy's review against another edition

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Zzzz the characters have zero depth, everyone is gorgeous, everyone is stupid but conveniently get things done, the characters show growth but it hardly feels organic. This series is not for me.

nunib28's review against another edition

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This book is incredible. I was kind of ambiguous about continuing the series because I didn't like the first one very much. It was a good book but I didn't feel that involved in it. But the second book! Woohaa.. I enjoyed it very much. It's such a fun and exciting read. I loved Magnus & Cleo banter. I really enjoyed their chapters. Jonas is a fun character that I loved too. I hate Lucia. I hated her from the first book. A lot of things are being revealed and the ending made me anticipate the third book more. I recommend the series. For those of you who read the first book and stopped. Don't. The second book is worth it, trust me.