
The Lost Codex by Heather Lyons

kspear22's review against another edition

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This is one of those bittersweet moments in the literary world. The moment you've been anticipating and dreading simultaneously. The end of a series. The time when you FINALLY get to know everything. Every question will be answered. But it also means finality. The end. No more of these friends whose world you've been privileged enough to share for a brief time.

For me, The Lost Codex encapsulates all of those feelings. I have been dying to get to this point since i read the first book. And once I had it on my Kindle, I felt ecstatic! I would know who Alice was meant to be with. I would know WHO the Librarian is! But then, I realized that this is it. I'd have those answers, but then no more adventures.

It was worth it all.

Heather Lyons is brilliant. I cannot stress that enough. From the first time I read The Collectors' Society, I knew she had a gift. And this unique story is only part of it. To have classic characters brought back to life is incredible, but putting them in modern times --- GENIUS.

We've followed Alice, Finn, and company to Hell. And now it was a matter of getting everyone out alive. Would it be possible? Honestly, I had no idea. I was anxious to even begin this book. So many things were hanging in the balance. HOW WOULD SHE PULL THIS OFF? In typical Heather Lyons fashion, she delivered. I can't even express just how much I loved this. I can tell you that for almost the entire book my chest was tight. Nothing about this conclusion is dull or boring. It's a helluva ride and worth every hour you spend reading. There is action, adventure, romance, the whole enchilada. Fans of fantasy and the rest of this series should have no complaints. (Well, except that it's over!) I really can't go into detail for fear of spoiling the outcome, but I will say that I found it to be perfection. I do have one question about how one favorite ended up, but maybe another time. For now, I'll relish this story, these characters...

I am still in awe of this entire series. I beg you, if you are undecided or hesitant to just give it a chance.

"Somebody ought to write a story about Alice Liddell and Huckleberry Finn falling in love and spending their lives together. It would be my favorite."

*sigh* Mine, too.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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This is a series review.

This series was recommended to me when I asked for suggestions on Facebook. It took me a while to start them, but once I did I didn't want to put them down.

THE COLLECTORS' SOCIETY was a great introduction to the series. I loved the alternate take on the different fairy tales and the way the author brought them to life.

THE HIDDEN LIBRARY started off a little slow, but kept me guessing. I enjoyed diving more into her character and learning more about her past. I have to admit that I was truly heartbroken to learn all that Alice has had to give up and endure.

THE FORGOTTEN MOUNTAIN wasn't my favorite of the series. A few things got a bit tiresome and boring at times and I didn't feel like there was a lot of progression in book three.

I can't say the series ended like I expected in THE LOST CODEX, but it totally worked. I would love to read more in this world, but it ended well.

I loved all of the characters. Again, I found it so neat the way the author made their stories and characters come to life and the different spins she put on them. The romance was great. I have to admit that once I found out about the White King I was kind of sad that him and Alice had to part and was kinda looking for a way for them to be together again. BUT I really fell in love with Alice and Finn and couldn't imagine either with any other characters.

This is one of those series that I would love to see come to life on the big screen. I would pre-buy my tickets and be in the first showing.

I gave the series 4/5 stars

raciethereader's review against another edition

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I read this slowly as I did not want the series to end. I adore this whole series and this book was no differently. I like the unique twist to the ending.

megs_readstoomuch's review against another edition

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I'm not sure if I'm 100% behind the end just yet (I understand the sacrifice, but all that history, gone?). I think this is just a temporary reaction, so don't doubt me when I say I could not be more pleased with this book. It's everything I needed.
Alice will always be one of my most favorite characters.

arickman's review against another edition

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I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a great job. There were some good twists in this book but the ending wasn't fulfilling to me. I'm not a fan of angst and this series pushed me past what I'm comfortable with as some things I felt weren't relevant to the story and just drug things out.

kelb's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars.

smodis1031's review against another edition

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Words are failing me and I don't even know where to begin to start. The Lost Codex is fast paced, heart wrenching, romantic, and the perfect ending to The Collectors' Society series. Heather Lyons will rip your heart of your chest, break it into a thousand pieces, pick those pieces up and put your heart back together except for maybe one piece because she is an evil genius like that. I'm going to veer away from the plot as it is hard to use quotes or even talk about the plot without possibly ruining the events that unfurl between these pages.

The character development was amazing, even after watching them grow through the previous three books. I didn't think it was possible to love or hate characters even more than what I already did. What was especially delightful was to see some of the secondary characters, such as the AD, at times come into the spotlight and surprise you with just how much their presence adds to the story.

Though it is bittersweet to say goodbye to The Collectors' Society, The Lost Codex was the perfect ending and has quickly become my favorite in the series.

solelylu's review against another edition

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want. want. want.

some finale... review to come on tour stop 11th nov on blog Gaga Over Books..

ravenkiller88's review against another edition

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This is probably one of the best series of books I've ever read in my life. It's my all time favorite as well. Sequels - at least some of the ones I've read, don't live up to the first book and at times it gets worse from one sequel to the next . The Collectors' Society series, however, gets better and better from the first till the last book. On top of that, all the books are so well-written that I remember it vividly without having to re-read the previous books in the series before reading the final book -which I admit I have to do most of the time when it comes to any stories that goes beyond a book and have read about a year before the sequel is published.

When I started The Forgotten Mountain, I honestly thought it's the last book in the series. I mean, books tend to come in trilogies these days. It's not that I wanted the story to end faster or anything like that. It's just that I could not bear waiting one LONG year to know what will happen to both Alice and Finn (I STILL ended up waiting one long year....). Nonetheless, Heather Lyons did not disappoint with the final book. The Lost Codex is mind blowing, spellbinding and breathtaking. At least that's how I would describe it if anyone were to ask me to describe the book without spoiling the story.

If you're reading this review in order to make up your mind whether or not to read this series, please.....JUST READ IT (that is if romance and fantasy are your cup of tea). But since this is the fourth book, you may be reading this review to find out how it ends whilst waiting to get a copy of the book, won't get any spoilers (even though I normally do the whole spoiler shebang). You'll just have to find other reviews for spoilers (*grin*).

P.S. Okay......the Librarian's identity is finally revealed in this book. Wouldn't you like to know who she is? Yes? Okay......she's............................................

malissac's review against another edition

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I do not even know where to begin and I am afraid that, while I want to say so many things about this book, this review will be oddly short for me. It will be short because Heather Lyons has given me a series that has brought me so much wonder and enjoyment; so many heart gripping (even stopping at times), swoon worthy, tear worthy moments these past two years that I am at a significant loss for words. I remember saying in my first review that surely Heather had to have a madness about her because I struggled to fathom how this story came to be, but that her madness called to me and pulled me straight down the rabbit hole she created. This story of two lovers who should never cross paths but when they do they change worlds. This is a story tipping on the edge of insanity, a story whose very breath draws from the madness of Wonderland but is rooted in the simplicity of a small Missouri town. It is a story that comes from a wild dreamers mind and pulls together the beauty of those wild dreamers that came before her. It is the story of stories brought to life and will have you wishing that even through it's madness it was a true possibility.

I went into this last book full of hope and trepidation. I knew exactly how I would want the book to go but I also knew that my brand of madness is not the same as Heather's and her brand would send me on a ride I never saw coming and I was not mistaken. The Lost Codex is a roller coaster of a ride, one that you ride blindfolded so when you get to each twist, turn, and loop you gasp saying 'I never saw that coming'. The fact that this is the 4th book in a series and I can honestly say it took me by surprise is a feat not to be ignored. By now in other books I would have sussed out the path the book is on but this one almost always took me by surprise.

Another surprise would be Heather's characters, you would think after 4 books the character development would be set, that we would no longer be watching her characters grow and develop, but more just watching as they closed out their stories. That is not the case with The Lost Codex and even when it comes to the epilogue and you think they are done being who they are you find out there is still more to discover about them. As far as the characters are concerned I can only say two things I could have wished for 1. more of an ending for Jace...I want his story (hint, hint...I think we all need to fall back down the Rabbit Hole Heather.) and that this wasn't the end. I am happy with where these characters are and the lives that they will continue to lead but I don't want to let them go. I can't ever imagine feeling as though they are ever done. They feel so alive! I haven't just read about these characters, they have breathed life into me as much as Heather breathed it into them.

I won't go into more depth about this story because it is imperative to the readers out there that this story is allowed to unfold in your hands and heart. If I go on about the adventures, the love, the hate, the heartache you won't have what I had which was an experience of a lifetime, yes a book series can give you that, it can give you a world to lose yourself in and words that can change how you see your own.

In the end I will leave you with these two quotes that moved me deep in my soul. This isn't just a story about love, this is a story about life and how we choose to live it and how we choose to love those with in it.

" I am always with you. It is what those who touch lives do, Alice. Hearts are not solid, not really. They are Mosaics, cobbled together from pieces we take from life and others."

"I am not undertaking this sojourn lightly. But to stay in the shadows, when too many suffer..." Her eyes glow in an otherworldly way that leaves me uneasy; the smile she offers is unrecognizable for the face I've known for nearly a year. "We must all take a stand, even if the future is unclear." She pauses. "Even if the devil is both inside and out."