
Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz

bethg331's review against another edition

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I didn't realize this was a suspense when I starting reading this. I normally don't like suspense because I don't like cringing while reading, however, this one kept my attention and I read it in less than 24 hours.

carlabombarla's review against another edition

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First off, although this review may not be very peachy, I did enjoy the book, it was a good start to the Touch Series. However, this did not do the writer justice, because even though I found the book sucked me in and creeped me out more than I like to admit, déjà vu happened to me all the way through the book.

Picture this: Your stood in the school parking lot and you hear a screeching sound, a noisy horrible sound that reverberates around your mind tinged with danger and fear. Oh no, it’s a car, and guess what? It’s heading right your way. Your about to die, right there on the grubby asphalt on the crummy school parking lot. No wait!! A hot guy turns up and pushes you out of the way. He is gorgeous and stares right into your eyes and touches your belly, gives you a look that’s so hot you almost set on fire. Your mesmerised but he just gets up and walks away like nothing has happened. Is it just me or does this sound vaguely familiar?!?

Camelia is just a regular teenage girl; but weird things start happening when new guy Ben starts at her school. Yeah, got it in one; he’s the guy who saved her from the crazy car incident. Things are even worse; Ben has been accused of killing his late girlfriend. Chaos ensues at the school, but Camelia doesn’t care about the allegations, she wants him to touch her again. Now this is where my problem lies. Why on earth would you want an accused killer to touch you, when you know nothing about him apart from the fact he is a little rude.

Notes and pictures of her start to be delivered to Camelia’s house threatening her, someone is stalking her and leaving these bizarre messages. Who is Camelia to trust and is it Ben who is behind this? Plus, in Chemistry class she has no partner, so they have to pair up. I mean yeah ok, you could get away with either the lab partners or the car crash, but using both is taking it a little too far.

Ben is hiding a secret, which is the reason behind all the mystery and not letting Camelia get too close. This secret could harm Camilla, so Ben is being the good guy and trying to stay away from her; unsuccessfully. Need I say it again?

Also, for you New Moon fans, the ending of Deadly Little Secret is déjà vu from that book too, if you catch my drift. I was quite surprised by my feelings towards this book, I mean the storyline didn’t really float my boat, but it was very very addictive regardless. I was still glued to the pages as there were a lot of plot twists that I never saw coming. Plus, Laurie is a very good writer. I personally feel if some of the Twilight-esque scenes were not in the book, I would have loved this book. Regardless, I am still looking forward to the next book in the series.

Lauries writing style is very strong and is different from other authors out there, even if her plot lines are not. It is one of those books that confuses you when your reading, you don’t want to put it down despite its flaws, which is remarkable as far as I’m concerned.

And here is the big reveal, I am going to read the sequel, so the book isn’t craptastic and neither is it excellent. The sequel, Deadly Little Lies, is out in November and I will most definitely be buying a copy. Have any of you read this book? I would love to hear your comments.

softdisneygal's review against another edition

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A Pretty Intense Novel That Had Me Sitting On The Edge Of My Seat Wondering "What's Gonna Happen Next?" The Charcters Were Very Engaging And The Story Is Very Well Written! A Lot Of People Have Been Commenting That This Book Is A Lot Like Twilight & On Some Level I Do Have To Agree. But This Novel Does Stand On It's Own With An Original Plot And Storyline That Enthalls The Reader.. Be Sure To Give This Book A Shot! I Totally Recommend It To Any And Everyone Who Enjoys Stephenie Meyer And Lois Duncan Novels!

laceanddaggerbooks's review against another edition

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On a second read I actually managed to finish this book.

This book is a pretty creepy thriller with some interesting paranormal stuff. The romance and the characters however were kinda eh. However, what I thought was good was well written enough to reward it three stars.

I'm just not sure it's a series worth continuing.

auddi's review against another edition

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dark mysterious tense medium-paced


vanesavh's review against another edition

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This book gave me some serious déjà vu from twilight and new moon…I don’t know if it’s the writing…the plot…(No vampires though) but it was an easy read….the pages just flow in front of me...and next thing I know...I just finished the book in a day and a half!

The story is really good and the characters are few but good…I’ looking forward to read the next book in Touch series and find out what is going to happen between Camelia and Ben

cornerofmadness's review against another edition

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I picked up this book since the library had three of the series, looking brand new and because it dealt with psychometry, which I enjoy. My fear was that it would be too high school for me. I do enjoy YA books but some don’t make the leap to being enjoyed by all ages as well as others. This wasn’t bad (though if I weren’t scads of years beyond the target age I might have liked it even better).

Camelia (whose real name might actually be chameleon) is a young girl who nearly died one day after school as a car careens towards her. She is saved by a young man who races off immediately afterward but not before he examines her to sure she’s okay. His touch, however, was odd, leaving a lasting impression on her. When the new semester of school starts, Camelia is hanging with her two friends Kimmie (who wants to be a fashion designer and many of her lines revolve around this) and Wes (who never seems to develop beyond ‘quirky’) when she sees the boy who saved her. Ben is new to the school and he comes complete with a newly christened nickname, Ben the Butcher. Rumor has it he had killed his girlfriend but they couldn’t prove it.

Naturally Camelia wants to meet him and at least thank him for saving her life but Ben’s not interested in talking. They end up lab partners but the student body is in no mood to be forgiving of Ben’s rumored past. Parents are calling up to get him thrown out even though he’s done nothing. Much to Kimmie and Wes’s chagrin, Camelia is attracted to Ben.

To make matters worse, someone is leaving pictures, notes and gifts at Camelia’s house. At first she thinks it’s a joke by Wes but as time goes on the notes get more stalkerish. Unknown to Camelia, her stalker is real and getting more unstable as time goes on as evidenced by a journal the reader is privy too. Kimmie tries to get Camelia interested in going out with John, or she’ll make a play for him herself. John seems interested, Camelia is not. Nor is she interested in Matt, a friend she went out with for a couple weeks before downgrading the relationship to just friends again. Matt is still in the picture, though. And it looks like her mentor at Knead, a pottery shop, might have an unhealthy interest in her too. Spencer could just be an adult looking to guide a young pupil or he could be the stalker.

As Camelia goes out a few times with Ben two things happen: the stalker’s notes get more demanding and Ben finally confides in her that he can perform psychometry and that she is in danger. She’s not sure she can believe him and with pressure from friends it’s easy to believe he’s the stalker of her and a girl named Debbie who is also getting notes. But if Ben is right, then her life is in danger.

Over all, it’s an entertaining read. Camelia is a good, smart character. Kimmie isn’t bad. Ben is also well done. Camelia’s parents are well drawn too but it seems too coincidental that her mom is having troubles right now because several plot points just wouldn’t work if she had attentive parents. Being a quick read, I might pick up the new one from the library.

miilaxox's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this book! I have to say it is very similar to twilight in many ways. The thing I loved best about this book was the suspense. The way I thought I knew who the stalker was at so many times in the book, and it turns out to be someone I never even expected. I loved every single moment from start to finish. This was also a very quick read which is why I gave it 5 stars.

otterlyss's review against another edition

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mysterious tense medium-paced


invisibledentists's review against another edition

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I loved this book. Ben is seriously so freaking wonderful.