
Nika by D.H. Gibbs

lavendermarch's review

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Good Concept, Poor Execution

I didn’t really like this book. The plot was weak, the sentences were stilted and ended in odd places, and it tried too hard. It was an interesting concept, though.

kaerischel's review

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missjackieoh's review

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Nika was a bit of a surprise. I felt very wishy washy in my feelings for this book, until I reminded myself that this was basically a teaser.

I think what I enjoyed the most about this book was my surprising acceptance of the characters by the end. Although I still feel that too much was packed into such a short story. I was a little confused about some of the back story, and the jumping through time was slightly irksome. There were times when I didn’t feel that some reactions were believable. However, all in all, I think it came together fairly well in the end. I was definitely intrigued by the ending. I can’t help but feel the need to know what is happening to Nika!

Unfortunately, the grammer really made it a little difficult for me to fully immerse myself. I realize that these are supposed to be more modern characters, but I was thrown by the common text abbreviations in sentences said by characters, such as WTF; but this is definitely a personal preference. It is just not something I really understand.

I wasn’t very convinced in the beginning, but it claimed my attention in the end. Very quick read, just a taste of what the author and the story have to offer.

Happy Reading


thebookgirl's review

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You know those books that always leave you guessing? The ones you never can quite figure out? This is that type of book. This book tells the story of Nika who in the beginning of the book is a scared girl that has been held captive for a reason she will so find out. The beginning of this book is so griping. You won't want to put it down.

We so find out that these people are out to protect her? Or are they? She's been an orphan her whole life, can she really trust these people to have good intentions? Trust is hard for a girl like her. She has been running her whole life. She is desperate to figure out who she is, what happened to her family.

This author is relatively unknown but now I am excited to read more of her. I read this book in less than a day. It is a very fast read, with action packed adventure that keeps you turning the page. The characters are well developed and soon you will want to know more about them.

Disclaimer, as always I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and completely unbiased opinion. All opinions are my own. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking to escape into a new world, and wants to read a nice mystery.