
The Fannie Farmer Cookbook by Marion Cunningham

jbarr5's review

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The Fannie Farmer cookbook by Marion Cunninhgam
Always trying to improve on our healthy eating habits so thought I'd listen to this book on tape about the Fannie Farmer cookbook.
So much information about measuring and how different ingredients react to liquid, heat, etc Also entertaining ideas and even beverages are discussed.
More than 30 hours to listen to the whole book. So much information, treasured the vegetable section and how to cook them differently.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

valeehill's review

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An extremely thorough kitchen guide and recipe book for conventional cooks.

dray's review

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Quite a compendium.

blchandler9000's review

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I have mixed feelings about this cookbook.

On the one hand, it is exhaustive and I often reference it when trying to do traditional things like roasting a turkey or baking a pie. On the other hand, it is not my favorite cookbook. It's almost too much to be exciting. My mother's copy is well-worn; I wish mine was, too. I really don't use it too often, and occasionally a recipe just doesn't taste good.

Normally, to consider a cookbook "read" on Goodreads, I follow a rule that I have to have looked at every recipe and tried at least 2 of them. When a cookbook has nearly 2,000 recipes, to have read every single one is a near impossibility. I have definitely cooked more than 2 recipes, though, since I bought the book—oh, how long ago was it? 15 years ago?—but never really felt comfortable with putting a review on here. I guess I finally lost my discomfort, yet still couldn't manage to figure out how I definitively felt about the book. I will leave it unstarred.