
Andromeda by Amy Bartelloni

imzadirose's review against another edition

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Boring with flat characters. Just dull. No plans to read more.

Narrator was pretty bad. Mainly how she pronounced "Malachi". If the author wanted her to do it that way, wow, that's HORRIBLE. If not, someone needed to get that fixed!! I used to love the name, it was horrible to hear it butchered so badly. She pronounced it ~ "ma la Key". What?!?! Awful. It should have been "Mal la Kai".

napqueeniereads's review against another edition

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Great start to a series. The characters were explored really well and their intertwining relationships with each other was really neat. I would love to get inside Sera's head and see the world as she does. I hope to learn more about the infection and its back story in the next book. There were a few moment here and there that I didn't quite follow, mostly with Sera and her intuition, but it didn't detract from the storyline enough to be a huge deal.

linzbassett's review against another edition

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I think this book could have been a lot better if it had been longer. It's really hard to get an amazing story out in 250 pages. I generally stay away from anything under than 350 pages for this reason. I thought that there was going to be a lot more astrology-esq stuff with this book. The thought of Zombies + Astrology is what made me decided to pick it up. Unfortunately there just wasn't enough details for my liking in this book. There was really nothing for me to sink my teeth into, and nothing for me to get attached to the characters over. It was very monotonous, and towards the end I just found myself checking how many pages I had left, because I wanted to be done. There were so many avenues in this book, that if taken, would have made it so interesting, but they were just forgotten by the end. For me, this was just a "meh" kind of read.

nixwolfwood's review against another edition

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This book was interesting enough to draw my attention, so I one-clicked it. I have had this book for a while, but was recently asked to review the second book and I figured now was as good a time as any to read the series.

I really tried to like this book, but it was difficult to read. The editing was fine, and it flowed fine for the most part, but there was no connection. The book went by too quickly, skipping through things and losing an emotional connection in the process.

The whole idea of it all was pretty interesting, which is what kept me reading, but the execution needs work. There are parts that make no sense, contradict themselves, and are just filler space. It would have been better if the author went into a little more detail on the relationships and things going on in the story. Everything just seemed too cluttered.

It needs work, but I would be willing to reread if changes are made.

2.5/5 Platypires

paperbacksandpinot's review against another edition

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Andromeda is a book which made me feel at home – I know that sounds weird but when I started blogging it was because of the impact a single book had on me and Andromeda gave me those same feels with an all consuming post apocalyptic world.

It is a fast paced book which covers so much within it’s pages, getting to the end and looking back at where we started was a bit of a “woah” moment I have to say. I loved how we were straight into the action, on the move without a chance to catch our breath. I find that too many books spend time setting the story or just give a massive infodump but with Andromeda this feels like a natural place to start and we are given enough detail to get by with. I loved the parallel timelines in the different POV’s as well, just willing the 2 groups to catch up with each other, but then where would the story be?

There are some really great characters shining through and the relationship dynamics work so well together, Sera’s blind faith against Jades’s utter cynicism is a stand out and President Vise is beyond creepy, he brings to mind images of President Snow from the Hunger Games, utterly ruthless and utterly deluded – a dangerous and as far as bad guys go he gave me the chills.

Sera to me felt like a Luna Lovegood type character, despite floating around in her own “have faith” bubble she was actually one of the most together of all of them. I’m really looking forward to finding out more about her in future books, she has tons more going on I think especially with her almost 6th sense about things.

It’s a really atmospheric book as well, from hiding in an abandoned mall to them being in the belly of the beast, I found myself holding my breath a number of times, reading so quickly to find out what happens next I was scared I would miss something important.

There are so many unanswered questions still though despite everything that we have already learnt, what’s with the house? Why are the giant wolves so giant? Is there significance with the stars? These don’t impact on the enjoyment of the book at all but pull me into wanting to read the rest of the series, which I hope I get an opportunity to do soon.

librarianmorgan's review

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I actually enjoyed this way more than I thought I would! There were pacing issues, where I felt like everything was happening too quickly and out of the blue. Some confusion, but I'll definitely get the second one through the Kindle Lending Library. Fun freebie!

blackash13's review

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Andromeda follows four teens (two girls, two boys) who were "raised" in a government camp that was established following a viral outbreak that turned its victims into crazed zombies. The reader picks up the story at a point where the girls and boys have gotten separated, but they are trying to meet up at another camp in Albany, NY.

This book is definitely geared to the YA audience. I listened to the audiobook (more on that later), and as I went along, I was thinking to myself, "This is OK....I might pick up book 2". It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. The dialogue between the characters wasn't so great, and the characters themselves weren't really fleshed out. It was difficult to tell which character was speaking most of the time. The story itself was decent, but it started to lose me when the villain proclaimed, "Nothing can stop me now!"

It is the first book in a series, so while the story kinda, sorta wraps up, it most certainly ends in such a way that you know there is more to come. for the audiobook narrator. I hate to say it, but she was dreadful...just awful. She was fine in the first chapter. I don't know what happened after that, but she turned into a total robot. Siri has more personality in her voice than this narrator. There was virtually no emotion in her voice. Her emphasis was consistently placed in the wrong portion of each sentence. She pronounced the title of the book an-dro-MEE-da, rather than an-DROM-eda. One of the boys' name was Malachi (mal-UH-kai). She pronounced it mo-LOCK-y. It was absolutely bizarre. Is it possible the author never heard the narration? I wonder if I would've given the book another star had I just READ it.

I may give book 2 a try, but if there's an audiobook, I won;t go anywhere near it.