
Superman, Cilt 1: Superman'in Oğlu by Peter J. Tomasi

ageorges's review against another edition

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caterpie_reading's review against another edition

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Out of the three Rebirth titles I have read so far, this is definitely the best one. It was such an entertaining read and our older and wiser Superman is something that I thought was just fantastic.
I never really was interested in reading something from Superman, but after I read Superman: Louis and Clark - Road to Rebirth, I changed my mind. This Clark has such a nice and strong character, he is funny and loving and brave and I love him.

The first issue was amazing and the perfect introduction. It was nice seeing how Clark and Lana and in general the whole world and his friends deal with the previous Superman's death. It was quite touching.
It also was a good to introduce this Clark as Superman. We got the see a brief history of him and his death during a fight with Doomsday. This and also how he acted in general showed fairly quickly his distinct personality. And he was so sympathetic.

One thing I enjoyed very much in this volume was the family and their dynamic. That Clark has in fact a functional family that he loves with all his heart and that loves him in return is so refreshing and adorable and gives Superman as a character so much more depth.
Jon is quite the realistic character and his storyline; him, a half human and half Kryptonian, struggling and getting familiar with his new superpowers, is written really relatable, which makes it so interesting to read. And yes, he makes mistakes, but that makes him even more lovable and the unconditional support and love from his parents is just heart warming. As was Jons love and adoration for his father, I loved the father - son relationship that Tomasi wrote.
Jon is such a brave, honest, and open character with his heart in the right place and I can not wait to read more about his adventures in Supersons.
Louis was equally amazing and so supporting of both her men while still having a character of her own. And I loved her strength and braveness, especially in the direst of situations. When she got in Batman's Hellbat costume and kicked ass on the moon, I had the best time reading, it was just so so fun. It was nice to see a female human - sidekick who is not a helpless damsel in distress. I also liked that while she is worried about her son and wants to protect him, she also gives him his freedom and trusts him to handle himself. I found that to be a quality I really liked about Louis.

The dialogue was also amazing and totally fit the atmosphere of the story with it being funny and even powerful at times (especially in the Eradicator and Superman scenes). The story itself was quite fast paced, but it was good this way. The story was flowing and there never was a dull moment. I liked that the battle between Superman and the Eradicator took place at different locations - starting with the Fortress, the bar and lastly, the Moon, which is why I didn't mind that the fight took a lot of space in this volume. It was interesting at all times.
One little element I adored was the bar owner, he was so entertaining and was the incarnation of the admiration the general public has for Superman, which was just cute.

The stunning art supported the story fantastically. I loved each and every panel, especially on the Moon, when one could see the galaxy, the stars and earth. Those beautiful, big panels were worthy of hours of staring.
In general, I loved the cartoon - esque style and the shadows, and the (bright) colors that were chosen were beautiful as well. The way the characters were drawn went very well with me too. The story itself was quite good and interesting, but the art made everything so vivid and brought it to a whole other level and accentuated everything Tomasi wrote. The action scenes were drawn amazing, which was important, since there is so much of them this time.

I personally liked the concept of the Eradicator as a villain. He fit the story and his motives, that he wanted to preserve the purity of the House of El, were fascinating to read about. He gave an interesting touch to the story. And that he absorbed the souls of Krypton was a nice, little twist. I also liked the whole ghost element, that Superman got in contact with them and that they were approving of Krypton's sons - both of them. The scenes were Superman was inhaled and Jon and Louis were fighting were one of my favorite ones.

And Krypto was just adorable. He is the coolest dog.

I also really appreciated that Batman and Wonder Woman were a small part of the story, because they gave the story a bigger scope since they do not know this Clark very well and don't trust him. The whole conversation in the watchtower was just hilarious (and that Batman built a cave on the freaking moon is just so like him). Over all, I really liked the ending, it was a nice and peaceful ending to a story that was so enjoyable.

This volume was pure entertainment from beginning to end, had a very good and interesting story that was easy to get into, follow and get engaged into. The character were amazing, relatable and fun to read about. I am excited what will come next.

jammasterjamie's review against another edition

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Well written, well drawn, and it's nice to see some new story ideas coming out of the Superman universe while borrowing from the classics at the same time. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I've had enough stories of Superman being depowered, powerless, weaker than he's ever been... Now that the Lois and Clark I've known and loved for decades are being brought back into the mainstream of the DC Universe (thank you Rebirth!), and have a son with them to boot, I think that a whole new world of Superstories that maintain what The Man is truly about are about to boom, and this was a really good start to that.

canadianoranges's review against another edition

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A return to form for Superman. Not undoing the changes made in the 'New 52', but embracing them and making it part of the narrative more than any other series post-'Rebirth'. It feels very similar to Tomasi's run on Batman, but does so while nailing the characters that make Superman a worthy read.

shibosan's review against another edition

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То неловкое чувство, когда собираешься заглянуть одним глазком в Rebirth серию Супермена, чтобы прочитать предысторию серии Super Sons, а в итоге залипаешь, пока не прочтешь все с самого начала. При том, что Супермен, как герой мне никогда не был слишком интересен из-за своей имбовости и всемогущества. Но в Rebirth Питер Томази и Патрик Глисон делают удачный ход, цепляющий даже таких мимокродилов, как я.

В концовке серии New 52 Супермен погибает в битве со свихнувшимся Файерштормом, спасая землян и жертвуя собой. Спасти его в последнюю минуту пытается неизвестный бородач, в котором окружающие с удивлением узнают...Супермена. Оказывается, на Земле уже какое-то время скрытно живет Супермен с Новой Земли — основного мира во временном промежутке между «Кризисом на бесконечных землях» и «Флэшпоинтом». Похоже, теперь ему придется стать новым защитником Земли.

Но самое интересное в новом Супермене то, что у него есть семья - жена Лоис Лейн и десятилетний сын Джон, который и делает эту серию такой интересной. Мальчик сочетает в себе гены землянина и криптонца, "находится между двух миров" и ни он сам, ни родители толком не знают, чего ожидать от него в будущем, и какие силы он унаследовал от отца. Тем более, что пробуждаются они в нем весьма хаотичным способом - Джон то стреляет тепловыми лучами из глаз, то разбивает в кровь колени, споткнувшись о камень.

Да и как следует контролировать свои силы мальчик пока тоже не может, что приводит к проблемам. Например, в один из первых дней после переезда супер-семейства на купленную ими ферму, Джон случайно использует тепловое зрение и попадается за этим на глаза соседской девочке. Казалось бы, прощай конспирация, но соседка предпочитает сохранить его секрет. Да и в ней самой есть что-то подозрительное...

Джон не в восторге от того, что ему приходится жить, скрываясь и конспирируясь, он переживает из-за своих нестабильных суперсил и сомневается, достоин ли он своего отца. Так что Супермену приходится быть не героем, а отцом - успокаивать, направлять и воспитывать отпрыска, ходить с ним на сельскую ярмарку и учить стрелять в цель тепловым зрением. Ок, последнее не каждому отцу приходится делать.

Не слишком помогает обрести Джону уверенность в себе и Уничтожитель, криптонский киборг, прилетевший на Землю забрать Супермена для возрождения расы, а заодно уничтожить позорящего Кал Эла сына-полукровку. Dick move, как говорится. Но именно в таких противостояниях и формируется характер будущего Супербоя. Да и Лоис тоже не лыком шита - хотя она и не умеет стрелять лазерами из глаз, но сына в обиду не даст.

Также в первом томе: суперсемейка устраивает лунотрясение и разносит вдребезги Бэт-пещеру. Stay tuned...


twilliamson's review against another edition

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Needlessly complicated backstory aside, Tomasi and company return the pre-Flashpoint Superman back to the present universe and establish for him a new status quo: he's still married to Lois, and now has a son, Jonathan, half-Kryptonian, half-human. Jonathan's just learning how to sort out his powers, and Clark and Lois are doing their best to be supportive parents while Clark juggles being Superman again.

What this volume does so well is bring back an honest, altruistic character in Superman--one who is easily able to balance being a fantastic, wise father to his son, a loving and supportive husband to his wife, and a symbol for hope and good as Superman. It feels like it has been altogether too long since we've been able to see a character as wholesome and as hopeful as this Superman, and the return of the guy I love is so very welcome. Lois, too, is so much more interesting as the confident mother and wife--her wisdom and concern helps to ground the other two characters. Jonathan, too, is exactly the kind of kid I want to read about: he's hopeful, uncertain, eager, and his relationship with Lois and Clark both is warm and honest.

Nevertheless, it wouldn't be a modern comic without some serious narrative issues. The return of Eradicator is almost interesting, but the story arc devolves entirely into yet another six-issue fistfight that attempts to be complex but only engages in very shallow storytelling. There's no weight to any of the Kryptonian subplot, and the punchy action tends to be a distraction from the familial relationships that make Superman's return so much better than the New 52 storylines. I think too many writers think action is what sells books, but Superman, to me, has never been about action--he's about virtue. When a book turns away from putting a character in tough positions to showcase how he can work out how to do the right thing, it loses much of its value. The seeds for great stories are all present in this book, and the course correction feels so much greater than previous efforts; nevertheless, I still want DC to strive for better.

nolo42's review against another edition

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adventurous hopeful inspiring fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


violet_reads's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional hopeful fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


bookishstone's review against another edition

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3.5 out of 5

fistofmoradin's review against another edition

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As I get older and parent my kids. Superman gets more relatable.