
Skinny Bitch in Love by Kim Barnouin

mrsbsbooks's review

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**Provided by Netgalley and Gallery Books for an honest review**

I must say that I was disappointed by this book. The book title and the book blurb held such promise.

I felt completely preached to about vegan ways and the was far too much info regarding the foods and recipes used. It definitely felt more like a half assed book talking just about food with a few other story details twisted into with a romance that seemed to fall more or less flat rather than sizzle like you would have hoped.

I would recommend that you borrow this book from the library rather than buy it.

livelaughtoasterbath's review against another edition

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I got the chance to read Skinny Bitch in Love before its release thanks to the great folks of GoodReads and Gallery Reads.

Skinny Bitch in Love is a fantastic world wind real life romance. Within 10 pages we meet 3 very different but very sexy men. I was excited to see who a very relatable Clem would fall for. Also her drive and need to be successful was inspiring. Every dish she talked about made my mouth water too. I knew very little of the vegan or restaurant world but really enjoyed this glance into them.

Skinny Bitch in Love is the kind of book you want to take with you on a weekend away. It's a solid 6-8 hour Chick-Lit, Romance, Quick Reads perfect for any vacation or even a weekend end in. It has everything a great book needs, a love triangle, career ambition, a supportive best friend, and a great back story. I just wish it included her recipe for butternut squash ravioli!

I hope to see many more Skinny Bitch novels in the future!

-- please excuse any grammar or spelling issues--

alicebme's review against another edition

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Holy shit, this book is good! I'm trying to figure out which of my amazing girlfriends should borrow it first. Witty, funny, intelligent, and mouthwatering (in more ways than one). Yay, vegan chick lit!

daisymerolling's review against another edition

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*Won through Goodreads giveaway*
I read this in one sitting and it was a pretty good read. I learned a lot about the vegan lifestyle yet I couldn't understand how one can go vegan after tasting an In-N-Out burger! Haha Anyway, it was enjoyable and made me laugh most of the time. I loved the characters, especially Sara, Clem's room-mate and best friend. Some of the characters, like Zach, Clem's love interest, got a bit irritating at times but at the same time is one of those characters that seem a bit irresistible to the reader. I would definitely recommend this book if you're looking for a quick read.

judithdcollins's review against another edition

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I enjoyed Skinny Bitch in love, as read her Skinny Bitch and loved it as well as recommended it to many others. (fun and sassy)!!
A vegan myself (not skinny, nor fat), but eat healthy - liked the humor and always enjoy cooking and chefs, gourmet cooking, as I enjoy eating healthy.

Clementine (chef) gets blacklisted when one of her back stabbing co-workers sets her up and as a survivor, she comes up with ways to make it after her unfortunate loss of work ---looking forward to her own dream restaurant, then along comes Zach, hot rich guy involved trying to open a steak house.

Loved the strong character and she calls it like it is. Enjoyed the book, humor, and romance as well as the vegan content and will continue to read Kim’s books. Look forward to reading some of the other ones I have missed. Be sure and read Skinny Bitch as loved it!

louiser's review against another edition

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I don't have a ton of experience with chick lit beyond Sophie Kinsella, but I was only mildly amused by this story. My main problem is the self-righteousness of the main character. The vegan aspect was only slightly obnoxious (and I didn't know that was the hook of the book when I picked it out). I had more of a problem with the idea the she narrates the story as though she knows all and can give flawless advice to everyone else - all the while making questionable choices in her own life and making rude comments about other people. Not to mention the incessant use of the word "orgasmic" as a descriptive adjective. Overall, just an ok book to listen (audiobook version!) to while engaged in other things.

kdurham2's review against another edition

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Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Have you heard of Skinny Bitch cookbooks and things? Before your read this book, stop and go check them out and then proceed to this fiction outtake on the Skinny Bitch lifestyle. Clementine is a vegan chef who from the beginning finds herself unemployed after an unfortunate kitchen mishap, so she has to find a new path to work towards opening her own restaurant.

katiemk's review against another edition

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I got the chance to read Skinny Bitch in Love before its release thanks to the great folks of GoodReads and Gallery Reads.

Skinny Bitch in Love is a fantastic world wind real life romance. Within 10 pages we meet 3 very different but very sexy men. I was excited to see who a very relatable Clem would fall for. Also her drive and need to be successful was inspiring. Every dish she talked about made my mouth water too. I knew very little of the vegan or restaurant world but really enjoyed this glance into them.

Skinny Bitch in Love is the kind of book you want to take with you on a weekend away. It's a solid 6-8 hour Chick-Lit, Romance, Quick Reads perfect for any vacation or even a weekend end in. It has everything a great book needs, a love triangle, career ambition, a supportive best friend, and a great back story. I just wish it included her recipe for butternut squash ravioli!

I hope to see many more Skinny Bitch novels in the future!

-- please excuse any grammar or spelling issues--

marissax22's review against another edition

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I thought this book was so adorable but hey, I'm biased because I'm a vegan. There is so many vegan references and I was thrilled! Normally if there is any vegan reference in a book it's negative so some positive light was appreciated. It's a easy read about the love life of a vegan chef. Maybe you won't be as thrilled as I am if you don't care about the vegan references but I thought it was quirky and fun.

hollishillis's review against another edition

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Surprisingly good :)