
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington

jennifervu's review against another edition

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(2.5 stars)
Ok, I liked this yet I didn't. This book was concentrated on the romance and I felt the romance was horrible. Her developed relationship with Phoenix just broke at the end and I felt like I was back to square one but worse.
I hated Violet so much... with a passion! I was frustrated with how she was so angry at Lincoln. It clearly was NOT his decision to keep it from her; he was forced to. Violet wouldn't try to understand though and allowed Phoenix in instead, up to the point where they had... it. It just proved how immature she really was and how her definition of love is not like mine... I also hated how she was a special Grigori. She just didn't deserve it.
Usually, a good book will make me sympathize with the protagonist but this book just made me want to beat her up.
I did like the whole idea behind it, but everything wasn't as developed as I hoped.
Just not my type!

saluki's review against another edition

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Simply did not like the main character in too many ways to be bothered to explain and the plot is bland compared to other angel or exiled angel novels.

lakecake's review

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This is kind of like a more bad-ass Twilight. If you liked that series, you'll like this first book for sure. The heroine, Violet, is more likable than Bella Swan because she's got a Katniss Everdeen feel to her--she's tough, and she's not annoying. I'll check out the second book for sure.

sandyfrancesca's review against another edition

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2.5 stars.

bookwife's review against another edition

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I loved this book the first time I read it.. not so much now. It reads very young YA. I’m just too old

ashreads10k's review against another edition

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This is a difficult book for me to review, because I have such extremely mixed feelings on it. Before I started reading it, I saw so many raving reviews about is and I figured I would love it too, but then I started reading it and the story really just did not meet my expectations.

I'll start off with what I really liked first. The angel mythology was phenomenal, I will give Jessica Shirvington that. She definitely did her research, and it shows because it was very well crafted and executed. Sometimes angels can come off as cheesy or corny, but I really like the theory behind Shirvington's angels. There is no fine line between good and bad, light or dark. The good can do bad, and the bad can certainly do good in Embrace, which made it difficult sometimes to know who was on what side. So, for the angel mythology, Embrace gets some points.

But, I had two major problems with this novel.

First, the main character Violet. I didn't like her, because she was extremely whiny. I understand, when you discover something so major and life changing about yourself, you're going to be freaked out. But she just shoved away all the people that wanted to help her, and started making some stupid decisions concerning who she trusted. I wanted to smack some sense into her quite a few times. And what really got me was towards the end. I saw what was going to happen a mile away, and she barely even knew what was going on. She did have moments where she stepped up and fought for those she loved, but those weren't enough to redeem her in my eyes. I'm don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so I'm trying to be vague here, but she just really disappointed me as a main character.

My biggest problem with this book, however, was the love triangle. At first, I was pretty intrigued by Lincoln because he was sweet and cared for Violet so passionately. And then he just became the world's biggest jerk. If you love someone, you don't treat them that way, ever. I had a really difficult time believing in his feelings toward the end, because he just ran so damn hot and cold! And there's Phoenix. Ah, Phoenix. I have to admit, I actually really liked him. He's one of those bad boys, except he's quite literally the original bad boy. (Trying hard to stay away from spoilers here, but it's difficult with Phoenix!) I knew from the moment he was first introduced that both Violet and I, as the reader, shouldn't trust him as far as we could throw him. But, he's so deliciously charming and seductive that I just couldn't resist! I don't have an actual problem with him, I have a problem with his relationship with Violet. It just happened, out of nowhere. She meets him at a coffee shop one day, and then BAM, they're hanging out. And then BAM again, and they're... dating? When did that happen? Because I sure missed it. Again, I loved him, but I just didn't believe his relationship with Violet.

Still, I want more Phoenix in my life. *sighs dreamily*

I had a few other problems, such as Violet's father, or her best friend, but those are pretty insignificant compared to the 2 others I stated above.

Overall, I give Embrace a shaky 3 stars. Mostly because of the mythology and Phoenix, those were the two redeeming qualities for me. I'll be reading the sequel, only because I really want to know what happens to him.

steffi_au_penguinbooks's review against another edition

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“You are you and you are me. You are the Keshet.”


I don't know if any of you would read this review, since it's about a book you probably never heard of.
The Violet Eden Chapters by Jessica Shirvington is one of the best series If have ever had the pleasure to read and I'm highly recommending these books.

Embrace, the first installment, already starts very promising: romance, danger, different types of angels, plot twists and hurt. Jessica Shirvingtons writing style is very addictive and so so beautiful. It was so easy to connect with the characters, to laugh with them, to feel their pain, their love, to sympathize with them. I couldn't stop reading, the pages went flying.

As for the characters, Violet Eden, the main character, has her flews. She isn't perfect. And yes, she frustrated me a lot. However, she's a very strong character, fighting for her loved ones. She still acted very human and realistic, compared to other YA characters.
Then there are Lincoln and Phoenix. Two very different and mysterious guys. I'm myself rooting for Lincoln, since he's such an understanding and lovely person. Phoenix on the other hand is ... sexy. Ok, they are both sexy, but Phoenix is more alluring. You'll see what I mean.
And then there is Steph, Violet's bestfriend. Gosh, can I have a bestfriend like her?!

For two years now, I'm trying so hard to recommend this series. It has everything a good book needs. If you're still not happy with Embrace, then mabye give Entice another chance. If you're still not happy, then stop reading it. However, I'm highly recomming this series, since it's sometimes even better than overhyped books.

4 stars

emiliebookworld's review against another edition

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Embrace by Jessica Shirvington is one of those books that has been getting a lot of attention and hype. While there are cases where that isn't always good, with Embrace it was completely warranted. It was a fantastic read and I loved absolutely every word Jessica Shirvington wrote in this book.

All her life, Violet Eden has been alone with her dad, her mom having died shortly after she was born. But now weird things are happening, and the one person Violet has always trusted seems to know more that he's willing to let on. But when she finds out the truth, Violet is in for a bit of a shock. When the truth is all laid out for her to see, Violet discovers that she is only half-human...and the other half is angel. And as it turns out, Violet isn't the only half-angel around. Lincoln also happens to be one, and to be her destined partner, which means they can't ever be together romantically much to Violet's dismay. But even before any of that Violet has to decide if she will embrace her angel part. ANd that one decision can change the course of her destiny.

Even thought it is only just now being released in North America, Embrace and its author Jessica Shirvington have already received quite a bit of attention and praise in Australia. For that reason, I really wanted to read Embrace. The other reason I really wanted to read it is because it deals with angels and I love those types of stories. What was great here is that Jessica Shirvington wrote an angel story different from all the other ones I have read in the past. It was fascinating to read about angelic hierarchy and the difference between the Grigori and the fallen angels. The other great thing about Embrace was the action. There was rarely a dull moment, which made it quite hard to put the book down. Embrace was definitely a great read and I look forward to reading more about this world in upcoming books.

Violet was a fantastic heroine. I loved getting to know her throughout the book. One of my favorite thing about Violet was how she didn't accept the whole angel thing right away. So many times I find characters too quick to accept the paranormal part of the story, but it wasn't the case here. The other great thing about Violet was how she struggled with a lot of the decisions she had to make. To me that just made her seem more real. As for the boys in this book, I am kind of torn between Lincoln and Phoenix. Both were great boys, but neither one was exactly perfect. Lincoln should have come clean about the whole angel thing earlier, much like Phoenix should have come clean about who he really was sooner. Maybe future books will help me make up my mind about the two boys.

In Embrace, Jessica Shirvington wrote a fantastic and fascinating angel tale. It was absolutely enthralling, and had me captivated from start to finish. If you are looking for a great angel story, then I strongly recommend Jessica Shirvington and Embrace.

emmyskyee's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced

jlove731's review against another edition

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Embrace is a completely unique angel story. And, I'm sure you haven't read anything like it. When I got Embrace my first thoughts were "Ohh, heavenly!" but honestly Embrace is the completely opposite. It's thrilling and emotional in almost a dark way and I adored it.

Losing your mother the day you're born isn't easy to cope with. Finding out you're half angel and half human, well lets just say Violet is constantly getting curve balls thrown at her. She thought her life with her father, her best friend, and Linc was going as well as it could be. But now the secrets are out. Violet has been lied to, getting a strange tattoo on her wrist, meeting a mysterious stranger who seems to know her and well, she may have no choice to where her destiny lies.

I absolutely adored how each character is presented in Embrace. Violet is the protagonist who definitely doesn't have it easy, especially after discovering the truth about herself. And even though she sometimes is misguided, she's strong. She's completely loyal to those she loves. She fights for what she believes in and I honestly cannot wait to see her kick some butt in the future. With Violet, I also loved her relationship with her father and her best friend, Steph as well. Everyone needs a best friend like Steph!

Then there's the boys that we all love. Let me start off with saying that I am Team Linc, but he's not the only boy in the picture. Phoenix plays a vital role in Embrace. Is Phoenix sexy... heck yes he is! Did I completely understand where he was coming from... of course I did. You can tell that underneath his confidence he has his own demons, but that still didn't make me Team Phoenix. So.... Linc. I think I fell in love with Linc the moment he was introduced. I love his age, his name, his green eyes, his protectiveness of Violet, the way his eyes pierce hers. Even though there's some hurting going on, Linc always has Violet's best interest at heart and you cannot help but fall in love with him! I need me some more Linc!

Jessica takes her story and gives her angels a twist in the dark and powerful direction. Don't get me wrong, there's still light and dark but, there seems to be so much anguish in this story. I honestly love reading books like this. There's adventure, forbidden aspects, temptations, thrills, tons of emotion, more than just kissing (high five Jessica!), an amazing set of characters, and overall an enjoyable story. Cannot wait to read book two, Enticed, and see how Violet's story continues.