
All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey

leasummer's review

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This is a sweet romance full of the Kowalski family. It was a quick read with a few steamy scenes. Some set up for future books - I just want to devour them all!

tadams_sg's review

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There were a lot of loose ends that I wish had been tied up better.

car3war's review

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second chance romance with the one who got away

steph01924's review

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I liked the mix-up with Lauren having a kid and the backstory between her and Ryan. I've been reading these too close together and they're all blending into one long Kowalski novel, but I have no major complaints. The drama at the end was a bit manufactured feeling and kind of lame, but thankfully it wasn't dragged out for much more than a few pages.

nitzanschwarz's review

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Let me start this review by saying thank you and I'm sorry to Netgalley and Carina Press for giving me an e-arc copy of the book... almost two years ago. I don't really have much of an excuse, aside for saying I got it right after reading - and loving - the first in the series.

And then, I read the second and loved it. It was the third where things got bad... because I stopped half way through. I didn't connect to the characters or situation, and I hate reading books out of order, so somehow this book just kept getting pushed... until now.

Which is how ALL HE EVER DESIRED became the first book I knowingly and willingly read out of order. And while I did feel a bit left out regarding the characters from the book I missed, I don't feel it hampered my enjoyment of the book. Speaking of the book, it did a wonderful job of making me interested in the next stories - such as Liz's, or Josh and Katie's. Can't wait to get my hands on them!

If you're looking for a sweet, second-chance type of romance, you should definitely pick up ALL HE EVER DESIRED. It's a fast, one-sitting kind of read, with likable two main characters who has a sizzling chemistry and a wonderful cast of supporting characters (though, I admit they might get a tiny bit confusing if you haven't read the first 4 in the series).

However, there were a few things that did in fact bother me, and made this book only a 3.5 kind of read.

First of all, I wasn't a real fan of how fast things went down. True, this couple has some past history together, but that doesn't mean you need to fall in love and
move in together and freakin' get engaged
in a month. It was just a tiny bit too quickly for my liking.

Then there was the "climax". I know these types of stories usually need some form of obstacle that will threaten the couple and bring them to the brink of breaking up, but did this story really need this? or more accurately, really need such a stupid incarnation of that? Talk about an overreaction... First of all, I found it completely unnecessary, and second, it got solved in like... 5 pages! I admit I like it better solved this quickly, otherwise I might've been tempted to throttle Lauren, but really - what's the point?..

In general, this book really kind of lacked drama, mostly cause everything was solved really quickly. I'm not a fan of too much drama, so this didn't bother me much, except that I wanted to understand why things were solved so quickly. Like in Dean, Lauren's ex-husband's case. One minute he's a major asshole, the next he has woken up and becomes really an okay guy. What made the change happen?

Another thing that was personally disappointing to me was the
no kids deal
. I loved Ryan and I felt really bad about this whole thing. I understand Lauren, but c'mon!
little pretty babies! Please!
Seriously, though, that's just me and my freaky head. Pay it no attention. 

jbarr5's review

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All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey
This book follows Ryan Kowalski, his family owns and runs the local ski lodge and he helps when he can.
Lauren Carpenter is divorced and has a son and works at the local insurance agent. She ran into Ryan at the diner where Paige is waitressing.
They don't have a past history but her ex was his best friend...
He will help Josh who's broken his leg and is recuperating and doing some repairs to the Lodge
Her parents run the hardware store and Pat is heavily into knitting. Love the chatter about the yarn.
After they get the lodge fixed up Josh and the rest of the family can then sell it and each can go their own way. That's the plan but as the previous book I read I know that's not what happens...
Her son Nick is giving her a hard time with his school work and now his father is busy on the weekend he was to go with him...
Ryan just can't stop thinking about Lauren while he's trying to get some work done to the lodge..
Paige and Mitch are to be married and the librarian Hailey will give Lauren a ladies treat of the salon and get her a dress for the wedding. It's only a few weeks away but her son gets in trouble and
she has to concentrate on that. At the lodge Rose will be sure Nick does his homework then do chores for Nick and the crew to pay back for the damages...
Tensions heat up with Ryan and Dean over Lauren and Nick...
Love catching up with the whole family as they have come home for the wedding... Love this series!
Hot steamy sex scenes just add to this book...
Excerpts from 3 other books by others are included

bookloverchelle's review against another edition

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Another wonderful Kowalski story from Shannon Stacey. Ryan has spent years avoiding his home town of Whitford, Maine because he’s trying to avoid the woman he loved and lost, Lauren. But Ryan can’t avoid his childhood home any longer when he has to spend some time helping to renovate the family lodge. Finding a teenage vandal on the property pulls him in even more when it turns out it’s Lauren’s son. Years before Lauren thought she said goodbye to Ryan but now divorced and a single mom she’s faced with her ever returning what if. Can these two find a HEA while battling exes, kids, and the day that Ryan’s renovation project ends? I’m so excited for the next book in this series. Ms. Stacey has woven together such wonderful love stories that I can’t wait for everyone to receive their HEA.

caraheard's review against another edition

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erinnejc's review

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Each new book in the Kowalski series makes me smile, and this is no exception. I have been eagerly anticipating the new book, and as it was about Ryan I was even more anxious to start reading his story. I was not left disappointed. Fantastic.

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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I love second chance stories and this one was fantastic. Ryan is back in Whitford to help his family repair the family lodge. He's left his successful construction business back in Massachusetts for the month he figures it's going to take. On his brief visits before he's managed to avoid Lauren, remembering the way she shot him down when he asked her to leave with him. When he catches Lauren's sixteen year old son vandalizing the lodge he offers to let the boy work off the damages, which also gives him a reason to see her frequently.

Lauren remembers when Ryan offered to take her and Nick with him, but she'd been married at the time, even if the marriage wasn't the greatest. Since her divorce she's spent a fair amount of time thinking about "what if". But she has enough on her plate dealing with Nick's issues, her ex's bitterness, and trying to make ends meet. She really doesn't need the complications that Ryan will bring to her life.

One of the things I love about the Kowalski books is that the people seems so completely real. They deal with the same kind of issues that the rest of us have. Ryan feels guilty about the way he neglected the family business and is trying to make up for it. He and his siblings are close, but they each have their own lives. I really enjoyed the way that they give each other a hard time, but they also provide support when it's needed.

The beginning of the books spends a lot of time showing us who Ryan and Lauren are. Ryan is furious at the vandal, but when he learns who the boy is he finds a solution that will work for everyone. I liked his matter of fact way of dealing with Nick, not letting him get away with anything but also not being too hard on him. He spends a lot of time teaching Nick and being a good role model for him. He also takes the time to talk to Lauren and settle their past so that they can move on to the present. He also discovers that his attraction to Lauren is as strong as ever, but doing anything about it is probably not a good idea. As for Lauren, she is a single mother working to support her son in a small town without a lot going for it. Her marriage ended when she caught her husband cheating, but she still shares custody of their son with him. Knowing that Ryan is back in town adds another layer of stress to her life that only increases when she finds out about the vandalism. I loved the fact that she was on board with Nick having to work off his debt to Ryan. Her biggest problem with it is that it throws her and Ryan together more often than she really wants, especially with the attraction she feels for him.

The heat between them continues to build until the day of Ryan's brother's wedding. With Nick at his father's for the weekend, the chemistry between Ryan and Lauren finally hits its flashpoint and they have an awesome night together. Things get awkward when Nick arrives home early and finds them together. Overall, they dealt with it quite well, with realistic attitude from Nick and some honest conversation from Ryan. This begins a relationship between Ryan and Lauren that neither is quite sure has a future. Ryan has his business and home four plus hours away, and trying to run his business and have a relationship with Lauren is physically and mentally exhausting. Lauren knows Ryan has to go back to Massachusetts, but her life and job are in Maine, as is Nick and his life.

Ryan has a tendency to avoid serious conversations by wanting to just see how things go and let them work out on their own. When he finally realizes that isn't going to work he goes and has the first serious conversation with the wrong person, setting up a big argument with Lauren because she feels disrespected. All Lauren can think about is how much she loves Ryan, but the thought of moving away and starting a new life scares her to death. Ryan's errors just give her an excuse to break things off and try to protect herself. The pain they caused each other had me going through several tissues. I loved the realism of the argument that was then followed by the family and friend support, which then leads to the couple seeing where they made their mistakes and finding a way to fix them.

There are some great scenes with various members of the family poking their noses into Ryan's business. They do it with love, but there is also a fair amount chain jerking going on at the same time. The Kowalski's surrogate mother Rose also plays a large part in keeping everything running smoothly by dispensing food and advice whenever needed. I love this line of hers: "I don’t harass you kids. I persistently guide you in the right direction."